PRCHFPD3 ;WASH-CIOFO/SC-FPDS INPUT TRANSFORM FROM FILE 420.6 ;7/24/00 23:06 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;This routine is only excutable at an entry point. Q EN1 ;Input Transform of Field #5 in File #420.6 N I,PRCLNGTH,PRCHBUS,ARR,J,PRCHTYP K:$L(X)<1!($L(X)>30) X Q:'$D(X) S PRCLNGTH=$L(X) F I=1:1:PRCLNGTH D . S PRCHBUS=$E(X,I) . I PRCHBUS=+PRCHBUS,1234[PRCHBUS D . . S ARR(PRCHBUS)="" . . Q . Q ; ;Restore the proper values for Business Type and comma as a delimiter ;for more than one Applicable Bus. Type for specific Socio. Group ; S J="" S J=$O(ARR(J)) Q:J=""!(J'=+J) S X=J F S J=$O(ARR(J)) Q:J="" D . S X=X_","_J . Q Q