PRCIREC ;WISC/SWS-PRCIREC continued ;9/7/06 14:22 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**113**;Oct 20, 2000;Build 4 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;This routine serves as the input transform for the field Final Charge in File ^PRCH(440.6 Q START S MYIEN=$P($G(^PRCH(440.6,DA,1)),U,1) I '$G(MYIEN) Q S VALUE2=$P($P($G(^PRC(442,MYIEN,0)),U,1),"-",2),VALUE3=0,BFLAG=0 F S VALUE3=$O(^PRCH(440.6,"C",VALUE2,VALUE3)) Q:'VALUE3!(BFLAG=1) D .I VALUE3'=DA D ..I $P($G(^PRCH(440.6,VALUE3,1)),U,4)="Y" D ...S BFLAG=1 ...K MSG ...S MSG(1)="Sorry, there is already a final charge for this PC Order." ...S MSG(2)="You need to remove the first final charge to continue." ...S MSG(2,"F")="!" ...S MSG(3)="" ...S MSG(3,"F")="!" ...D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) ...K MSG,X ...S BFLAG=1 K BFLAG Q