[613] | 1 | PRCRIA1 ;TPA/RAK/WASH IRMFO - Date Range ;8/27/96 15:37
| 2 | ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | DATERNG(EARLY,LATE) ;Extrinsic Function - returns start & end dates
| 5 | ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
| 6 | ; DATE - Value returned in four pieces.
| 7 | ;
| 8 | ; fmstartdate^fmenddate^ouputstartdate^outputenddate
| 9 | ;
| 10 | ; Piece one and two are the date ranges in fileman format.
| 11 | ; Piece three and four are the same dates in output format:
| 12 | ; dy-Mon-yr
| 13 | ;
| 14 | ; ********
| 15 | ; * NOTE *
| 16 | ; ********
| 17 | ; - The first piece will always be the earliest date entered.
| 18 | ;
| 19 | ; - The second piece 'ending date' will have .999 concatenated
| 20 | ; to the end of it for fileman sorting purposes. Strip this
| 21 | ; off if not needed. Ex: S $P(DATE,U,2)=$P($P(DATE,U,2),"."
| 22 | ;
| 23 | ; Optional Parameters:
| 24 | ;
| 25 | ; EARLY - If defined, the earliest date that may be selected.
| 26 | ; (must be in fileman format)
| 27 | ;
| 28 | ; LATE - If defined, the latest date that may be selected.
| 29 | ; (must be in fileman format)
| 30 | ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
| 33 | RANGE ;Ask date ranges
| 34 | S DIR(0)="DOA^"_$S(EARLY:EARLY,1:"")_":"_$S(LATE:LATE,1:"")_":E)"
| 35 | S DIR("A")="Start with Date: "
| 36 | S DIR("?")=" "
| 37 | S DIR("?",1)="Enter the starting date.",LINE=2
| 38 | I EARLY S DIR("?",LINE)="Date must not precede "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(EARLY),LINE=LINE+1
| 39 | I LATE S DIR("?",LINE)="Date must not follow "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(LATE)
| 40 | W ! D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q ""
| 41 | S DATE1=Y,DIR("A")=" End with Date: "
| 42 | S DIR("?",1)="Enter the ending date."
| 43 | D ^DIR W:Y="" !!,"You must enter an 'End with Date'" G:Y="" RANGE I Y="^" Q ""
| 44 | S DATE2=Y,Y=1 I DATE1=DATE2 K DIR D
| 45 | .S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Are you asking for just one days data"
| 46 | .S DIR("B")="Y" W ! D ^DIR K DIR
| 47 | I Y="^" Q ""
| 48 | I Y'=1 G RANGE
| 49 | ; Set earliest date into first piece.
| 51 | S $P(DATE,U,3)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(DATE,U))
| 52 | S $P(DATE,U,4)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(DATE,U,2))
| 53 | S $P(DATE,U,2)=$P(DATE,U,2)_.999
| 54 | Q DATE