PRCVLIC ;WOIFO/BMM - update message for 2237 line item cancel; 2/11/05 ; 3/24/05 2:50pm V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**81**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; EN ;code to send update to DM notifying of canceled line item ;in 2237 ;DA, DA(1) are defined since this code is called from a MUMPS ;cross-reference ; ;do not process if 2237 # not cross-referenced in DynaMed IFCAP ;Audit file #414.02 ; ;FIELDS RETRIEVED: ;.01 - transaction number ;.5 - station number ;5 - Dt requested ;12 - vendor number ; ;OTHER DATA RETRIEVED: ;DUZ - PRCVDZ ;PRCVLN, PRCVFN - last name, first name from New Person (#200) ; Q:$$GET^XPAR("SYS","PRCV COTS INVENTORY",1,"Q")'=1 N PRCVA,PRCVFH,PRCVNM ;create PRCVA array of header fields in 410 S PRCVFH=".01;.5;5;12" D GETS^DIQ(410,DA(1)_",",PRCVFH,"I","PRCVA") ;quit if 2237# not in 414.02 Q:'$D(^PRCV(414.02,"D",PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",",.01,"I"))) D:'$D(DT) DT^DICRW ;add other data to PRCVA S PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",","DT")=$$NOW^XLFDT S PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",","DT7")=$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,7,"","","") S PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",","DUZ")=DUZ,PRCVNM=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ_",",.01) S PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",","LN")=$P(PRCVNM,",") S PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",","FN")=$P(PRCVNM,",",2) S PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",","DA1")=DA(1) ;add PRCVA to data in job M X1(9999)=PRCVA(410,DA(1)_",") ;call Kernel API, job off rest D OPKG^XUHUI("","PRCV 410 2237 LINE ITEM CANCEL","K","AH") K X1(9999) ; Q ; CREATEM ;use data from 410 and 441 to create ^XTMP structure for sending ;message to DynaMed ; ;XUHUIX1 ARRAY SHOULD BE: ;XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I") - transaction number (file 410, field .01) ;XUHUIX1(9999,.5,"I") - station number (410, 0.5) ;XUHUIX1(9999,5,"I") - date requested (410, 5) ;XUHUIX1(9999,12,"I") - vendor number (410, 12) ;XUHUIX1(9999,"DT") - FM date now ;XUHUIX1(9999,"DT7") - FM date 7 days from now ;XUHUIX1(9999,"DUZ") - user DUZ ;XUHUIX1(9999,"FN") - user first name ;XUHUIX1(9999,"LN") - user last name ;XUHUIX1(9999,"DA1") - DA(1), IEN of 2237 in 410 ;XUHUIX1(1) - LINE ITEM NUMBER (410.02,.01) ;XUHUIX1(2) - QUANTITY (410.02,2) ;XUHUIX1(3) - UNIT OF PURCHASE (410.02,3) ;XUHUIX1(4) - BOC (410.02,4) ;XUHUIX1(5) - ITEM MASTER FILE NO. (410.02,5) ;XUHUIX1(6) - STOCK NUMBER (410.02,6) ;XUHUIX1(7) - EST. ITEM (UNIT) COST (410.02,7) ;XUHUIX1(8) - DM DOC ID (410.02,17) ;XUHUIX1(9) - DATE NEEDED BY (410.02,18) ; ;other variables/data: ;PRCVST - station number ;PRCVNIF - NIF # ;PRCVPM - packaging multiple ;PRCVFV - FMS Vendor # ;PRCV2237 - ^XTMP message id ;PRCVNR - number of records (always 1) ; N PRCV2237,PRCVCT,PRCVDTD,PRCVDZ,PRCVFV,PRCVH,PRCVLI,PRCVND N PRCVNR,PRCVOCC,PRCVUP,PRCVPM,PRCVST,PRCVUM S PRCVH=$H,PRCVOCC="CA",PRCVNR=1,(PRCVUP,PRCVND,PRCVUM)="" S (PRCVPM,PRCVFV)=0 S PRCVST=$$GET1^DIQ(4,$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST")_",",99) ;S PRCVST=XUHUIX1(9999,.5,"I") ;now- line items in PRCVLI, rest in XUHUIX1 ;get NIF#, pkging multiple from 441 S PRCVITM=XUHUIX1(5),PRCVVN=XUHUIX1(9999,12,"I") S PRCVNIF=$$GET1^DIQ(441,PRCVITM_",",51) S PRCVPM=$$GET1^DIQ(441.01,PRCVVN_","_PRCVITM_",",1.6) S PRCVFV=$$GET1^DIQ(440,PRCVVN_",",34) S PRCVUP=$P($G(^PRCD(420.5,XUHUIX1(3),0)),U) ;now- build ^XTMP S PRCV2237="PRCVUP*"_XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I") ;0 node S PRCVND=XUHUIX1(9999,"DT7")_"^"_XUHUIX1(9999,"DT") K ^XTMP(PRCV2237,PRCVH) S PRCVUM="^Transmit message to DynaMed for updates" S ^XTMP(PRCV2237,0)=PRCVND_PRCVUM S ^XTMP(PRCV2237,PRCVH,0)=PRCVND_"^Line item cancel message to DynaMed" ;1 node S PRCVND=PRCVNR_"^"_PRCVST_"^"_XUHUIX1(9999,"DUZ") S PRCVND=PRCVND_"^"_XUHUIX1(9999,"LN")_"^"_XUHUIX1(9999,"FN") S PRCVND=PRCVND_"^"_XUHUIX1(9999,"DA1") S ^XTMP(PRCV2237,PRCVH,1)=PRCVND ;2 node S PRCVND=PRCVOCC_"^"_XUHUIX1(5)_"^"_XUHUIX1(2) S PRCVND=PRCVND_"^"_XUHUIX1(9999,12,"I")_"^"_PRCVFV S PRCVND=PRCVND_"^"_XUHUIX1(7)_"^"_XUHUIX1(8)_"^"_XUHUIX1(9) S PRCVND=PRCVND_"^"_PRCVUP_"^"_XUHUIX1(6)_"^"_PRCVPM S PRCVND=PRCVND_"^"_$P(XUHUIX1(4)," ")_"^"_PRCVNIF S ^XTMP(PRCV2237,PRCVH,2,1)=PRCVND ; ;call Vic's code to process the data you put in ^XTMP D BEGIN^PRCVEE1(PRCV2237,PRCVH) ; ;update Audit file D UPDAUD ; Q ; UPDAUD ;update the Audit file entry for this DM Doc ID ;XUHUIX1(8) is DM Doc ID ;adding 2237# (414.02 #7), Date/Time Removed From IFCAP ;(414.02, 8), and Who Deleted (414.02, 9) ; ;note: the error of DM Doc ID being null won't happen here because ;this code isn't called unless the protocol "PRCV 410 2237 LINE ITEM ;CANCEL" fires, and that won't fire unless the cross reference on the ;410.02 Line Item field fires, and that won't happen if the DM Doc ID ;field of the 2237 line item being canceled is NULL. ; N PRCVAIEN,PRCVMSG,PRCVADR S PRCVAIEN=$O(^PRCV(414.02,"B",XUHUIX1(8),0)) ;if no entry found in Audit file, send bulletin I PRCVAIEN="" D Q . S XMB(1)="canceling a line item during edit of 2237 #" . S XMB(1)=XMB(1)_XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I") . S XMB(2)=XUHUIX1(8) . S XMB(3)="the item is missing from the DynaMed Audit file (#414.02)" . K ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC") S PRCVTMP="PRCVLIC" . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",1,0)="" . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",2,0)="2237 #: "_XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I") . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",3,0)="Date/time deleted: "_XUHUIX1(9999,"DT") . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",4,0)="Who deleted: "_XUHUIX1(9999,"LN")_","_XUHUIX1(9999,"FN")_" ("_XUHUIX1(9999,"DUZ")_")" . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",5,0)="Item #: "_XUHUIX1(5) . S PRCVFCP=$P(XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I"),"-",4) . S PRCVST=XUHUIX1(9999,.5,"I") . D DMERXMB(PRCVTMP,PRCVST,PRCVFCP) ; N PRCVA S PRCVA(414.02,PRCVAIEN_",",7)=XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I") S PRCVA(414.02,PRCVAIEN_",",8)=XUHUIX1(9999,"DT") S PRCVA(414.02,PRCVAIEN_",",9)=XUHUIX1(9999,"DUZ") D FILE^DIE("","PRCVA") ; I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) D Q . S XMB(1)="canceling a line item during edit of 2237 #" . S XMB(1)=XMB(1)_XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I") . S XMB(2)=XUHUIX1(8) . S XMB(3)="error while updating DynaMed Audit file (#414.02)" . K ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC") S PRCVTMP="PRCVLIC" . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",1,0)="" . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",2,0)="2237 #: "_XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I") . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",3,0)="Item #: "_XUHUIX1(5) . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",4,0)="Date/time deleted: "_XUHUIX1(9999,"DT") . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",5,0)="Who deleted: "_XUHUIX1(9999,"LN")_","_XUHUIX1(9999,"FN")_" ("_XUHUIX1(9999,"DUZ")_")" . S ^TMP($J,"PRCVLIC",6,0)="Error text: "_$G(^TMP("DIERR",$J,1,"TEXT",1)) . S PRCVFCP=$P(XUHUIX1(9999,.01,"I"),"-",4) . S PRCVST=XUHUIX1(9999,.5,"I") . D DMERXMB(PRCVTMP,PRCVST,PRCVFCP) Q ; DMERXMB(PRCVTMP,PRCVST,PRCVFCP) ;create a bulletin to send to FCP users ;notifying of line item missing a DM Doc ID value or error ;updating the Audit file. ; ;the bulletin has these variable components: ;XMB - bulletin name (PRCV_AUDIT_FILE_ERROR) ;XMB(1) - action/event/identifier ex. "line item cancel during edit ; of 2237 #516-05-2-076-0445" ;XMB(2) - DM Doc ID value ;XMB(3) - error reason, either "an error updating the Audit file" or ; "the item was missing its DynaMed Doc ID value" ;XMTEXT - overflow global in ^TMP, contains values that would've ; been added to Audit file had error not occurred ;XMSUB - set in Bulletin file, "ERROR UPDATING DYNAMED AUDIT FILE" ;XMY - array of FCP users to receive bulletin, built in GETFCPU ;XMDUZ - new value ensures bulletin is seen by user as new mail ; ;input parameters ;PRCVTMP - suscript for ^TMP array in bulletin ;PRCVFCP - fund control point ;PRCVST - station number ; N XMY,XMDUZ I $G(PRCVTMP)'="" S XMTEXT="^TMP($J,"""_PRCVTMP_"""," S XMB="PRCV_AUDIT_FILE_ERROR" S XMDUZ="DOCUMENT PROCESSOR" ;D GETFCPU(.XMY,PRCVST,PRCVFCP) ;send to special mail group S XMY("G.PRCV Audit File Alerts")="" D ^XMB Q ; GETFCPU(PRCVXMY,PRCVST,PRCVFCP) ;retrieve all the FCP users who are Control ;Point Officials or Control Point Clerks and are enabled to ;receive the bulletin ;PRCVFCP is fund control point ;PRCVST is station number ; N A,I,PRCVX K PRCVXMY S PRCVX="",PRCVFCP=+PRCVFCP F I=0:0 S PRCVX=$O(^PRC(420,PRCVST,1,PRCVFCP,1,PRCVX)) Q:PRCVX="" D . S A=$G(^(PRCVX,0)) . I $P(A,U,3)="Y",($P(A,U,2)=1!($P(A,U,2)=2)) S PRCVXMY(PRCVX)="" ;S (PRCVXMY(36002),PRCVXMY(35994),PRCVXMY(35993))="" Q ; CHKDM(PRCVSUB) ;function that checks if the given value in PRCVSUB ;is in the Audit file index passed in PRCVIND. ;1=yes, 0=no ; N PRCVP2,PRCVPC,PRCVPI,PRCVVAL S (PRCVPI,PRCVP2,PRCVVAL)=0 D1 I $D(^PRCV(414.02,"D",PRCVSUB)) S PRCVVAL=1 G EX ;not there, check for child S PRCVPI=$O(^PRCS(410,"B",PRCVSUB,0)) I +PRCVPI=0 G EX S PRCVPC=$P($G(^PRCS(410,PRCVPI,10)),U,2) I +PRCVPC=0 G EX S PRCVSUB=PRCVPC G D1 EX Q PRCVVAL ;