AUPNDWXR ;IHS/SD/SDR - Routine to populate DW Audit file - [ 04/15/2004 9:49 AM ] ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**167**;Aug 12, 1996;Build 22 ; ; This routine will be used to populate the DW Audit file ; (^AUPNDWAF) for exporting edited patients to the Data ; Warehouse. The patients are actually exported using code for ; the DW (BDW namespace). Entries are purged once an export has been ; done and the process starts over. ; ; The fields are divided into 5 categories with the following fields ; in each category: ; ; BASE: ; Date of Birth ; Date of Death ; Underlying Cause of Death ; Sex ; SSN ; SSN Verification Status ; Father's Full Name ; Mother's Maiden Name ; DEMOGRAPHIC: ; Patient's Full Name ; Mailing Address Street ; Mailing Address City ; Mailing Address State ; Mailing Address Zip ; Community of Residence ; Date Moved to Community ; Eligibility for Services Code ; Veteran Eligible ; Classification Code ; Tribe Code ; Blood Quantum ; Reg Record Status Code ; ALIAS: ; Alias Full Name ; CHART: ; Chart Facility Code ; Chart Number (HRN) ; Chart Status Code ; INSURANCE ELIGIBILITY: ; Coverage Type (Medicare/Railroad/Medicaid/PI) ; Eligibility Begin Date (Medicare/Railroad/Medicaid/PI) ; Policy Number (Medicaid/PI) ; Medicaid State of Eligibility ; Medicaid Plan Name ; Insurer Name (Medicare/Railroad/Medicaid/PI) ; Eligibility End Date (Medicare/Railroad/Medicaid/PI) ; Prefix/Suffix (Medicare/Railroad/Medicaid) ; Policy Holder Name (PI) ; Relationship to Insured (Medicaid/PI) ; Date of Last Update (Medicaid) ; SET(AUPNDFN,CAT) ; EP I $G(DUZ("AG"))="E" Q ;Line added DAOU/JLG 2/9/05 VistaOffice does not use this. S CAT=$S(CAT="BASE":2,CAT="DEMO":4,CAT="ALIAS":6,CAT="CHART":8,CAT="ELIG":11) S $P(^AUPNDWAF(AUPNDFN,0),"^",1)=AUPNDFN S ^AUPNDWAF("B",AUPNDFN,AUPNDFN)="" ;IHS/CMI/LAB added b index to fileman file S $P(^AUPNDWAF(AUPNDFN,0),"^",CAT)=DT Q KILL(AUPNDFN,CAT) ; EP D SET(AUPNDFN,CAT) Q ;