AUPNLKI ; IHS/CMI/LAB - IHS PATIENT LOOKUP, MAIN ROUTINE INITIALIZATION ;12/26/06 10:45 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**167**;Aug 12, 1996;Build 22 ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;'Modified' MAS Patient Look-up Check Cross-References June 1987 ;patch 5 fm v22 ; START ; INITIALIZATION S AUPQF=0,AUPDIC=DIC K AUPX,AUPDFN ; I '$D(DIC(0)) S AUPQF=1 Q I DIC(0)'["A"&('$D(X)) S AUPQF=1 Q I '$D(^DD("VERSION")) D:DIC(0)["E" EN^DDIOL("Unable to proceed. Fileman version node ^DD(""VERSION"") is undefined.","","!!?3") S AUPQF=1 Q I ^DD("VERSION")<17.2 D:DIC(0)["E" EN^DDIOL("Unable to proceed. Fileman version must be at least 17.2.","","!!?3") S AUPQF=1 Q I '$D(^DPT(0)) D:DIC(0)["E" EN^DDIOL("Unable to proceed. 0th node of ^DPT missing.","","!!?3") S AUPQF=1 Q I '$D(^AUPNPAT(0)) D:DIC(0)["E" EN^DDIOL("Unable to proceed. 0th node of ^AUPNPAT missing.","","!!?3") S AUPQF=1 Q I '$D(DUZ(2)) D:DIC(0)["E" EN^DDIOL("Unable to proceed. DUZ(2) is undefined.","","!!?3") S AUPQF=1 Q I '$G(DUZ(2)) D:DIC(0)["E" EN^DDIOL("Unable to proceed. DUZ(2) is NULL.","","!!?3") S AUPQF=1 Q I DUZ(2),'$D(^DIC(4,DUZ(2))) D:DIC(0)["E" EN^DDIOL("Unable to proceed. DUZ(2) is not a valid Location.","","!!?3") S AUPQF=1 Q ;D:$D(AUPNLK("ALL")) SET^AUPNLKZ ; Undocumented feature (UGH!) ; ; - - - - - CHART # SCREEN - - - - - S:$D(DIC("S"))#2 AUPDICS=DIC("S") NOTALL I '$G(AUPNLK("ALL")) D SETDICS ;**GFT/VW ; - - - - - SETUP DIC("W") - - - - - ; ** AUPNLKW overrides identifiers. Must be set & killed by caller ** K DUOUT,DTOUT S DIC="^DPT(" D DO^DIC1 S DIC("W")=$S($D(DIC("W")):DIC("W"),1:"") S:DIC("W")="W "" "" D ^AUPNLKID"!(DIC("W")="") DIC("W")=$S($D(AUPNLKW):AUPNLKW,1:"D ^AUPNLKID") K AUPNLK("DICW") S:$L(DIC("W"))>110 AUPNLK("DICW")=DIC("W") S DIC("W")="D IHSDUPE^AUPNLKID "_$S($D(AUPNLK("DICW")):"X AUPNLK(""DICW"")",1:DIC("W")) S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_" N DA,X S DA=Y X $P(^DD(2,.081,0),U,5,99) D:$G(X) EN^DDIOL("""","""",""!?10"") W @(""$E(""_DIC_""Y,0),0)"")" ;**GFT/VW S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_" I $D(AUPMAPY) S Y=AUPMAPY K AUPMAPY" S AUPDICW=DIC("W") Q ; SETDICS ;SET DIC("S") NODES ;S DIC("S","IHSORIG")=$S($D(DIC("S")):DIC("S"),1:"I 1") S AUPNORIG=$S($D(DIC("S")):DIC("S"),1:"I 1") ;IHS/ANMC/CLS 09/13/2000 fm v22 ;S DIC("S","IHSLOOK")="I $D(^AUPNPAT(Y,41,DUZ(2),0))"_$S('$D(AUPNLK("INAC")):","_"$P(^(0),U,3)=""""",1:""),DIC("S")="X DIC(""S"",""IHSORIG"") I $T X DIC(""S"",""IHSLOOK"")" S AUPNLOOK="I $D(^AUPNPAT(Y,41,DUZ(2),0))"_$S('$D(AUPNLK("INAC")):","_"$P(^(0),U,3)=""""",1:""),DIC("S")="X AUPNORIG I $T X AUPNLOOK" ;IHS/ANMC/CLS 09/13/2000 fm v22 Q