MAGGTU4 ;WOIFO/GEK - Imaging Client- Version checking routine; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**8,48,63,45,46,59,96**;April 29, 2008;Build 9 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q GETVER(SVRVER,SVRTVER,A) ; ; We Can't compute the Server's current version ; KIDS installs aren't all related to the Delphi Client. ; The Server Version SVRVER needs hardcoded to match the Delphi Client. ; and This Routine must be distributed whenever a new Client is S SVRVER="3.0.96" S SVRTVER="4" ; This is the T version that the server expects ; released Client will have the T version that the server expects S A("3.0.24")=5 ;Sept 2003 S A("3.0.33")=11 ;June 2004 S A("3.0.8")=49 ;Sept 2004 S A("3.0.42")=1 ;n/a S A("3.0.48")=6 ;Mar 2005 S A("3.0.63")=4 ;June 2005 S A("3.0.45")=8 ;Sept 2005 S A("3.0.46")=28 ;Mar 2007 S A("3.0.59")=31 ;Jul 2007 S A("3.0.72")=21 ;Jan 2008 S A("3.0.83")=24 ;Mar 2008 S A("3.0.95")=5 ;Mar 2008 S A("3.0.96")=4 ;Apr 2008 Q ; CHKVER(MAGRY,CLVER) ;RPC [MAG4 VERSION CHECK] ; CLVER is the version of the Delphi Client. ; CLVER format = Major.Minor.Patch.T-version ; example : for Version 3.0 Patch 8 T 21 --> CLVER= ; Ver 2.5P9 ( is first Delphi Ver that makes this call. ; CLVER may have Parameters attached to it in '|' pieces. ; "CLVER|RIV" this is a remote image view client ; "CLVER|CAPTURE" this is a Capture Client ; "CLVER|DISPLAY" this is a Display Client ; 3 possible return codes in 1st '^' piece of MAGRY(0). ; 0^message : The Client will display the message and continue. ; 1^message : The Client will continue without displaying any message. ; 2^message : The Client will display the message and then Abort. (Terminate) ; The message displayed is the 2nd '^' piece of (0) node ; and all text of any other nodes. i.e. MAGRY(1..n) ; S CLVER=$G(CLVER) ; Bug in 42. the Version comes in as 30.5.42.x (42 wasn't released) I $P(CLVER,".",1)="30" S CLVER="3.0."_$P(CLVER,".",3,99) ; N PLC,SV,ST,SVSTAT,CV,CP,CT,OKVER,WARN,I,BETA ; PLC = Entry in 2006.1 ; SV = Server Version -> (3.0.8) from ( Hard coded to Sync with Delphi Clients ; ST = Server T Version -> 43 from full version ( ; CV = Client Version sent from Client 3.0.8 same format as SV ; CT = Client T Version sent from Client i.e. 43 same format as ST ; OKVER = Array of Supported Versions, and Released T Version OKVER(3.0.48)=6 ; WARN = 1|0 Boolean value determines if client needs EKG Warning. ; S PLC=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI($G(DUZ(2))) ; Quit if we don't have a valid DUZ(2) or valid PLACE: ^MAG(2006.1,PLC) I 'PLC D BADPLC^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) Q ; ; Set up local variables. D GETVER(.SV,.ST,.OKVER) F I=2:1:$L(CLVER,"|") I $P(CLVER,"|",I)]"" S MAGJOB($P(CLVER,"|",I))=1 S CLVER=$P(CLVER,"|",1) S CV=$P(CLVER,".",1,3),CP=$P(CLVER,".",3),CT=$P(CLVER,".",4) I CT="" S $P(CLVER,".",4)=0,CT=0 ; set WARN to indicate if Warning is needed or not. ; D NEEDWARN(.WARN) ; Quit if site has VERSION CHECKING=0 (OFF) in Imaging Site Params File. I '$$VERCHKON(PLC) D Q . S MAGRY(0)="1^Version Checking is OFF. Allowing All Versions" . ; But, need to Display the warning, even if Version Checking is OFF . I WARN S MAGRY(0)="0^ =========== WARNING ===============" D WARNING . Q ; If Remote Connection , allow it. I $D(MAGJOB("RIV")) S MAGRY(0)="1^Allowing Remote Image Connection" Q ; Is this Server Version Alpha/Beta or Released. D VERSTAT(.SVSTAT,SV) I 'SVSTAT S MAGRY(0)="2^"_$P(SVSTAT,"^",2) Q ; There is not record of a KIDS for this Server. ; Set Alpha Beta Flag S BETA=(+SVSTAT=2) ; If Client isn't one of the Supported Clients. I (CV'=SV),'$D(OKVER(CV)) D Q . I BETA D NOTOKB^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) Q . D NOTOK^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) Q . Q ; ; Client is Supported. Only Warn if we are Not In ALPHA/BETA Testing. I (CV'=SV) D Q . I CT<$G(OKVER(CV)) D Q . . I BETA DO OKBADTB^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) Q . . DO OKBADT^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) Q . . Q . I BETA D OKB^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) . E D OK^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) . I WARN D WARNING . Q ; ; At this point, Versions are the Same: If T versions are not, warn the Client. I CT,(CT'=ST) D Q . I BETA D TNOTOKB^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) Q . D TNOTOK^MAGGTU41(.MAGRY) Q . Q ; Client and Server Versions are the same, to the T. (Ha, get it) S MAGRY(0)="1^Version Check OK. Server: "_SV_" Client: "_CV Q Q ; VERCHKON(PLC) ; Is Version checking on for the site (Place) Q +$P(^MAG(2006.1,PLC,"KEYS"),"^",5) ; NEEDWARN(WARN) ; This call determines if Client needs the warning. S WARN=0 Q ; we don't need warning anymore. I $P($G(^MAG(2006.1,PLC,"USERPREF")),U,2)="" S WARN=0 Q ; Not a MUSE Site. I $D(MAGJOB("CAPTURE")) S WARN=0 Q ;Not needed for Capture Clients I CV="3.0.59" S WARN=0 Q ; Client 59 has 63. I CV="3.0.45" S WARN=0 Q ; Client 45 has 63. I CV="3.0.41" S WARN=0 Q ; It is fixed in 41 I CV="3.0.63" S WARN=0 Q ; It is fixed in 63 I $P(CV,".",1)=2 S WARN=0 Q ;Older Clients don't have the EKG Problem. I '$D(OKVER(CV)) S WARN=0 Q ; Patch 3.0.7, 3.0.2 don't have EKG problem. S WARN=1 ; This means to Show the EKG Warning. Q ; WARNING ; This is hard coded for the EKG Warning. ; Put Warning at the End of any Return Message. S MAGRY(1000)=" " S MAGRY(1010)="!*************************************************!" S MAGRY(1015)=" " S MAGRY(1020)=" PATIENT SAFETY NOTIFICATION" S MAGRY(1025)=" " S MAGRY(1030)=" Under certain circumstances, the EKG window will not" S MAGRY(1040)="refresh properly when you select a new patient in CPRS; " S MAGRY(1050)="instead of showing the new patient, the EKG window will " S MAGRY(1060)="continue to show the previous patient. " S MAGRY(1065)=" " S MAGRY(1070)="To prevent this problem:" S MAGRY(1075)=" " S MAGRY(1080)=" Verify that the 'Show MUSE EKGs' option under" S MAGRY(1085)=" Options > View Preferences is checked;" S MAGRY(1090)=" OR" S MAGRY(1100)=" Do not minimize the Imaging Display window while viewing EKGs." S MAGRY(1110)=" " S MAGRY(1115)="This problem will be corrected shortly by Imaging Patch 63." S MAGRY(1120)="!*************************************************!" Q VERSTAT(MAGRY,MAGVER) ;RPC - [MAG4 VERSION STATUS] ; Returns the status of an Imaging Version ; Input : ; MAGVER - Version number ; in the format MAG*3.0*59 ; or the format 3.0.59 ; Return: ; MAGRY = 0^There is No KIDs Install record ; 1^Unknown Release Status ; 2^Alpha/Beta Version ; 3^Released Version ; N VERI,TVER,MAGERR I +MAGVER S MAGVER="MAG*"_$P(MAGVER,".",1,2)_"*"_$P(MAGVER,".",3) S VERI=$$FIND1^DIC(9.6,"","MO",MAGVER,"","","MAGERR") I 'VERI S MAGRY="0^There is No KIDs Install record for """_MAGVER_"""." Q S TVER=$$GET1^DIQ(9.6,VERI_",","ALPHA/BETA TESTING") I TVER="YES" S MAGRY="2^Alpha/Beta Version." Q I TVER="NO" S MAGRY="3^Released Version." Q S MAGRY="1^Unknown Release Status." Q ABSJB(MAGRY,MAGIN) ;RPC [MAG ABSJB] SET ABSTRACT AND/OR JUKEBOX QUEUES D ABSJB^MAGGTU71(.MAGRY,.MAGIN) Q