1 | IVMLSU3 ;ALB/MLI/KCL - IVM Functions from List Manager Application ; 7 Jan 94
2 | ;;Version 2.0 ; INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ;; 21-OCT-94
3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
4 | ;
5 | ;
6 | ;
7 | SSNUP ; - upload selected SSNs, reset data in array/file
8 | N X
10 | S X=$O(^DPT("SSN",IVMVSSN,0)),X=$$PT^IVMUFNC4(+X)
11 | I X]"" W !!,*7,"Social Security Number: "_$P(X,"^",2)_" is currently on file!" W !,"This SSN is in use by patient: ",$P(X,"^",1) D PAUSE^VALM1 G SPOUSE
12 | S DA=DFN,DIE="^DPT(",DR=".09///^S X=IVMVSSN" D ^DIE
13 | W !!?3,"...patient Social Security Number (SSN) has been updated.",!
14 | S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue" D ^DIR K DIR
15 | ;
16 | ; - delete ssa/ssn for patient in the list man array
18 | ;
19 | ;
20 | SPOUSE ; - spouse ssn update (falls through)
21 | ;
23 | S X=$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,IVMSIEN,0)),"^",3)
24 | S DA=+X,DIE="^"_$P(X,";",2),DR=".09///"_IVMSSSN D ^DIE
25 | W !!?3,"...spouse's Social Security Number (SSN) has been updated.",!
26 | S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue" D ^DIR K DIR
27 | ;
28 | ; - delete spouse fields from list man array
29 | S $P(^TMP("IVMUP",$J,IVMNM,IVMSSN,IVMI,IVMJ),"^",7)="",$P(^(IVMJ),"^",8)="",$P(^(IVMJ),"^",9)=""
30 | ;
31 | ;
32 | SSNUPQ ; - if no ssa/ssn for the patient and spouse - delete entry from list
34 | I '$P(X,"^",6),'$P(X,"^",9) D DELENT
35 | K DA,DIE,DR,Y
36 | Q
37 | ;
38 | ;
39 | DELENT ; - once entry is purged or uploaded - delete entry from (#301.5)
40 | ; file and delete from list man array
41 | ;
42 | ; Input: IVMND -- as pt name^pt ssn^dfn^sp ien^date of death^da(1)^da
43 | ;
44 | N X,Y
46 | S DA(1)=IVMI,DA=IVMJ,DIK="^IVM(301.5,"_DA(1)_",""IN"","
47 | D ^DIK
49 | Q
50 | ;
51 | ;
52 | RUSURE ; - Are you sure about UP-upload or PU-purge actions?
53 | ;
54 | ; Input - IVMWHERE = "PU" if from purge, "UP" if from update
55 | ; Output - IVMOUT = 1 for '^', 2 for time-out, 0 otherwise
56 | ; IVMSURE = 1 for yes, 0 for no
57 | ;
58 | N X,Y
59 | ;
60 | ; - set screen to full scrolling region
62 | W !
63 | S IVMACT=$S(IVMWHERE="PU":"purge",1:"update")
64 | S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to "_IVMACT_" this entry",DIR(0)="Y"
65 | ;
66 | ; - purge help
67 | I IVMACT="purge" D
68 | .S DIR("?",1)="Entering 'YES' at this prompt will cause the entire entry to"
69 | .S DIR("?",2)="be removed from the list. Purging an entry will delete the"
70 | .S DIR("?",3)="SSA/SSN's that have been received from the IVM Center, for"
71 | .S DIR("?",4)="both the patient and his or her spouse."
72 | .S DIR("?",5)=" "
73 | .S DIR("?",6)="Entering 'NO' at this prompt will cause the entry to remain on"
74 | .S DIR("?",7)="the list. The entry will remain on the list until either an"
75 | .S DIR("?")="'UPDATE' or 'PURGE' action has been taken"
76 | ;
77 | ; - update help
78 | I IVMACT="update" D
79 | .S DIR("?",1)="Entering 'YES' will update the SSN for "_$S(IVMUP="S":"the spouse.",IVMUP="VS":"both the patient and the spouse.",1:"the patient.")
80 | .S DIR("?",2)=" "
81 | .S DIR("?",3)="Entering 'NO' will cause the SSN for "_$S(IVMUP="S":"the spouse.",IVMUP="VS":"both the patient and the spouse.",1:"the patient.")
82 | .S DIR("?",4)="to remain on the list."
83 | .S DIR("?",5)=" "
84 | .S DIR("?",6)="Once an SSN has been updated, the entry will be removed from the"
85 | .S DIR("?",7)="list and the patient record will be updated with the SSA/SSN that"
86 | .S DIR("?")="was received from the IVM Center."
87 | S DIR("B")="NO"
88 | D ^DIR
89 | S IVMSURE=$G(Y)
90 | S IVMOUT=$S($D(DTOUT):2,$D(DUOUT):1,$D(DIROUT):1,1:0)
92 | Q