[623] | 1 | IVMZ07C ;BAJ - HL7 Z07 CONSISTENCY CHECKER -- DRIVER ROUTINE ; 9/27/2006
| 2 | ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**105**;JUL 8,1996;Build 2
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ;
| 5 | ; This routine calls various checking subroutines and manages arrays and data filing
| 6 | ; for inconsistency checking prior to building a Z07 HL7 record. This routine returns
| 7 | ; a value and must be called as an API:
| 8 | ;
| 9 | ; I '$$EN^IVMZ07C(DFN) Q
| 10 | ;
| 11 | ; Values returned:
| 12 | ; 0 = Fail: inconsistencies found, do not build Z07 record
| 13 | ; 1 = Pass: No inconsistencies found, Ok to build Z07 record
| 14 | ;
| 15 | ; Must be called from entry point
| 16 | Q
| 17 | ;
| 18 | EN(DFN) ; entry point. Patient DFN is sent from calling routine.
| 19 | ; initialize working variables
| 21 | S U="^"
| 22 | ;
| 23 | ; Input: DFN = ^DPT(DFN) of record to check
| 24 | ; BATCH = 1 batch/background job records should be counted
| 25 | ; = 0 single job, do not count records
| 26 | ; structure:
| 27 | ; 1. delete existing Z07 inconsistencies
| 28 | ; 2. load data arrays
| 29 | ; 3. call subroutines
| 30 | ; 4. check for Pass/Fail
| 31 | ; 5. update file 38.5 if necessary
| 32 | ; 6. return Pass/Fail
| 33 | ;
| 34 | ; Set flag
| 35 | S PASS=0
| 36 | I '$D(^DPT(DFN)) Q PASS
| 37 | S PASS=1
| 38 | ;
| 39 | ; Load Patient and Spouse/dependent data
| 41 | ;
| 42 | ; Do checks and file inconsistencies
| 44 | ;
| 45 | ; Delete old Inconsistency info
| 46 | D DELETE(DFN)
| 47 | ;
| 48 | ; File new inconsistencies if necessary
| 49 | I $$FILE(DFN) S PASS=0
| 50 | ;
| 51 | ; update counters
| 52 | D COUNT(PASS)
| 53 | ;
| 54 | ; return pass/fail flag
| 55 | Q PASS
| 56 | ;
| 57 | COUNT(PASS) ; counter for batch run
| 58 | N I
| 59 | ; Set it up the first time through
| 60 | I '$D(^TMP($J,"CC")) D
| 61 | . F I=0,1 S ^TMP($J,"CC",I)=0
| 62 | ;
| 63 | ; Increment Batch counter
| 64 | S ^TMP($J,"CC",PASS)=^TMP($J,"CC",PASS)+1
| 65 | Q
| 66 | ;
| 67 | LOADPT(DFN,DGP) ; load patient data into arrays
| 69 | ; we need to load data from the following files
| 70 | ; Patient File 2
| 71 | ; Name Components 20
| 72 | ; Patient Enrollment 27.11
| 73 | ; Means test file 408.31
| 74 | ; MST History file 29.11
| 75 | ; Note: we also need Catastrophic data info, but that subroutine loads its own data array.
| 76 | ;
| 77 | ; ***************************
| 78 | ; DGP("PAT") Patient file
| 79 | F I=0,.3,.15,.29,.31,.32,.321,.322,.35,.36,.361,.38,.52,"SSN","TYPE","VET" S DGP("PAT",I)=$G(^DPT(DFN,I))
| 80 | S NAME=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^",1),NAMCOM=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"NAME")),"^",1)'=""
| 81 | ;
| 82 | ; ***************************
| 83 | ; DGP("NAME") Name Components
| 84 | I NAMCOM S NIEN=$P(^DPT(DFN,"NAME"),U,1) I '$D(^VA(20,NIEN,1)) S NAMCOM=0
| 85 | S DGP("NAME",1)=$S(NAMCOM:$G(^VA(20,NIEN,1)),1:$P(NAME,",")_"^"_$P($P(NAME,",",2)," ",1)_"^"_$P($P(NAME,",",2)," ",2))
| 86 | ;
| 87 | ; ***************************
| 88 | ;
| 89 | ; DGP("ENR") Patient Enrollment
| 90 | S NIEN="",NIEN=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"ENR")),U,1)
| 91 | I NIEN]"",$D(^DGEN(27.11,NIEN)) M DGP("ENR")=^DGEN(27.11,NIEN)
| 92 | ;
| 93 | ; ***************************
| 94 | ; DGP("MEANS") Means Test
| 95 | S NIEN=+$$LST^DGMTU(DFN) I NIEN,$D(^DGMT(408.31,NIEN,0)) S DGP("MEANS",0)=^DGMT(408.31,NIEN,0)
| 96 | ;
| 97 | ; ***************************
| 98 | ; DGP("MST") MST History
| 99 | S (DTTM,NIEN)=""
| 100 | S DTTM=$O(^DGMS(29.11,"APDT",DFN,""),-1)
| 101 | I DTTM'="" D
| 102 | . S DTTM=$O(^DGMS(29.11,"APDT",DFN,""))
| 103 | . S NIEN=$O(^DGMS(29.11,"APDT",DFN,DTTM,""))
| 104 | . I $D(^DGMS(29.11,NIEN,0)) S DGP("MST",0)=^DGMS(29.11,NIEN,0)
| 105 | ;
| 106 | ; ***************************
| 107 | Q
| 108 | ;
| 109 | WORK(DFN,DGP,DGSD) ;
| 110 | ; call subroutines to run rules and file any inconsistencies
| 111 | ;
| 112 | ; Demographics rules
| 114 | ;
| 115 | ; Enrollment/Eligibility rules
| 116 | D EN^IVMZ7CE(DFN,.DGP)
| 117 | ;
| 118 | ; Service rules
| 119 | D EN^IVMZ7CS(DFN,.DGP)
| 120 | ;
| 121 | ; Catastrophic Disability rules
| 122 | D EN^IVMZ7CCD(DFN)
| 123 | ;
| 124 | ; Registration Inconsistencies
| 126 | ;
| 127 | Q
| 128 | ;
| 129 | DELETE(DFN) ; delete all Z07 inconsistencies from INCONSISTENT DATA file (#38.5). Since we're not sure which rules
| 130 | ; will block a Z07 record, we need to loop through the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS file (#38.6) and grab only
| 131 | ; those rules which are marked to prevent building a Z07 record:
| 132 | ;
| 133 | ;
| 135 | ;
| 136 | ; create an array of rules which prevent Z07 records
| 137 | S RULE=0 F S RULE=$O(^DGIN(38.6,RULE)) Q:RULE="" Q:$A(RULE)>$A(9) D
| 138 | . I '$P(^DGIN(38.6,RULE,0),U,5),$P(^DGIN(38.6,RULE,0),U,6) S DELARRY(RULE)=""
| 139 | ;
| 140 | ; Now we have to check the patient INCONSISTENT DATA file (#38.5) and delete any records which have to be rechecked.
| 141 | ;
| 142 | S DIK="^DGIN(38.5,"_DFN_","_"""I"""_","
| 143 | ;
| 144 | S DA="" F S DA=$O(DELARRY(DA)) Q:DA="" D ^DIK
| 145 | Q
| 146 | ;
| 147 | FILE(DFN) ;
| 149 | S FILE=38.5,CCS=0
| 150 | ; if no inconsistencies, return 0
| 151 | I '$D(^TMP($J,DFN)) D Q CCS
| 152 | . ; clean up INCONSISTENT DATA file if no inconsistencies exist
| 153 | . I '$P($G(^DGIN(38.5,DFN,"I",0)),"^",4) D
| 154 | . . S DIK="^DGIN(38.5,",DA=DFN
| 155 | . . D ^DIK
| 156 | ;
| 157 | ; else process inconsistencies and return PASS=0
| 158 | S CCS=1
| 159 | ; if a new entry, create a stub
| 160 | S DATA(.01)=DFN
| 161 | I '$D(^DGIN(FILE,"B",DFN)) D
| 162 | . S DATA(2)=$$DT^XLFDT,DATA(3)=.5
| 164 | ;
| 165 | ; update file header with data and user info.
| 166 | ; Last Updated field (#4) = Today's date
| 167 | ; Last Updated by field (#5) = Postmaster
| 168 | S DGENDA=DFN,DATA(4)=$$DT^XLFDT,DATA(5)=.5
| 170 | ;
| 171 | ; add inconsistencies to file
| 172 | K DATA
| 173 | S SUBFILE=38.51,DGENDA(1)=DFN
| 174 | S I="" F S I=$O(^TMP($J,DFN,I)) Q:I="" D
| 175 | . S (DATA(.01),DATA(.001),DGENDA)=I
| 177 | ;
| 178 | ; kill temp file before exit
| 179 | K ^TMP($J,DFN)
| 180 | ;
| 181 | Q CCS
| 182 | ;