[613] | 1 | PSGSH ;BIR/CML3-SCHEDULE HELP TEXT ;07 OCT 97 / 9:17 AM
| 2 | ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**111**;16 DEC 97
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ; Reference to ^PS(55 is supported by DBIA 2191.
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ENSH3 ; from ^DD(53.1,26,4)
| 7 | S:'$D(PSGST) PSGST=$P($G(^PS(53.1,DA,0)),"^",7),PSGDDFLG=1 G ENSH
| 8 | ;
| 9 | ENSH5 ; from ^DD(55.06,26,4)
| 10 | S:'$D(PSGST) PSGST=$P($G(^PS(55,DA(1),5,DA,0)),"^",7),PSGDDFLG=1 G ENSH
| 11 | ;
| 12 | ENQ ;
| 13 | ;W:$D(^DD(53.1,26,3)) !?3,^(3)
| 14 | D FIELD^DID(53.1,26,"N","HELP-PROMPT","PSJFDESC")
| 16 | ;
| 17 | ENSH ;
| 18 | N D,DA,DIC,DIE,DZ,Y
| 19 | I X?1"???".E F Q=1:1 Q:$P($T(HT+Q),";",3)="" W !?5,$P($T(HT+Q),";",3)
| 20 | I X?1"???".E R !,"(Press RETURN to continue.) ",Q:DTIME W:'$T $C(7) S:'$T Q="^" I Q="^" K:$D(PSGDDFLG) PSGDDFLG,PSGST Q
| 21 | K DIC S DIC="^PS(51.1,",DIC(0)="E",D="APPSJ",DIC("W")="W "" ""," I $D(PSJPWD),PSJPWD S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_"$S($D(^PS(51.1,+Y,1,PSJPWD,0)):$P(^(0),""^"",2),1:$P(^PS(51.1,+Y,0),""^"",2))"
| 22 | E S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_"$P(^(0),""^"",2)"
| 23 | I $D(PSGST) S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),""^"",5)"_$E("'",PSGST'="O")_"=""O"""
| 25 | ;
| 26 | ;
| 27 | HT ;
| 28 | ;; This is the frequency (ONLY) with which the doses are to be administered.
| 29 | ;;Several forms of entry are acceptable, such as Q6H, 09-12-15, STAT, QOD,
| 30 | ;;and MO-WE-FR@AD (where MO-WE-FR are days of the week, and AD is the admin
| 31 | ;;times). The schedule will show on the MAR, labels, etc. No more than ONE
| 32 | ;;space (Q3H 4 or Q4H PRN) in the schedule is acceptable. If the letters PRN
| 33 | ;;are found as part of the schedule, no admin times will print on the MAR or
| 34 | ;;labels, and the PICK LIST will always show a count of zero (0).
| 35 | ;;Avoid using notation such as W/F (with food) or WM (with meals) in the
| 36 | ;;schedule as it may cause erroneous calculations. That information should
| 37 | ;;be entered into the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.
| 38 | ;; When using the MO-WE-FR@AD schedule, please remember that this type of
| 39 | ;;schedule will not work properly without the "@" character and at least one
| 40 | ;;admin time, and that at least the first two letters of each weekday entered
| 41 | ;;is needed.