IB20P295 ;ISP/TJH - POST-INIT FOR IB*2.0*295; 12/15/2004 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**295**;21-MAR-94 ; PRE ; set up check points for pre/post-init N % S %=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("THRESH","THRESH^IB20P295") S %=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("MCRDED","MCRDED^IB20P295") S %=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("PRIOR","PRIOR^IB20P295") Q ; THRESH ; Pension Threshold N IBA,IBERRM,IBRN,IBTYPE,IBX,DA,DIK S IBTYPE="Pension Threshold" D BMES^XPDUTL("Filing CY 2005 Pension Threshold rates.") S IBX=3031201 F S IBX=$O(^IBE(354.3,"B",IBX)) Q:'IBX D ; remove any records since 12/01/2003 . S IBRN=0 . F S IBRN=$O(^IBE(354.3,"B",IBX,IBRN)) Q:'IBRN D .. S DIK="^IBE(354.3,",DA=IBRN D ^DIK S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.01)=3041201 ; effective date for CY 2005 values S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.02)=1 ; internal value 1 = BASIC PENSION S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.03)=10162 ; base rate for veteran S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.04)=13309 ; 1 dependent S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.05)=15043 ; 2 dependents S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.06)=16777 ; 3 dependents S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.07)=18511 ; 4 dependents S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.08)=20245 ; 5 dependents S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.09)=21979 ; 6 dependents S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.10)=23713 ; 7 dependents S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.11)=25447 ; 8 dependents S IBA(354.3,"+1,",.12)=1734 ; additional dependent amount D UPDATE^DIE("","IBA","","IBERRM") ; file the new record for CY 2005 I $D(IBERRM) D . D BMES^XPDUTL("Unable to file the new rates. The error message is as follows:") . S IBRN=0 . F S IBRN=$O(IBERRM("DIERR",1,"TEXT",IBRN)) Q:IBRN="" D MES^XPDUTL(IBERRM("DIERR",1,"TEXT",IBRN)) . D BMES^XPDUTL("Please check the database and then file the new rates manually.") . D MMSG E D COMPLETE Q ; MCRDED ; Medicare deductible rate for CY 2005 ; check to see if rate already entered. N IBA,IBERRM,IBIEN,IBRN,IBTYPE,DA,DIK S IBTYPE="Medicare Deductible" D BMES^XPDUTL("Filing Medicare Deductible Rate for 01/01/2005") S IBIEN=0 F S IBIEN=$O(^IBE(350.2,"B","MEDICARE DEDUCTIBLE",IBIEN)) Q:'IBIEN D . Q:$P($G(^IBE(350.2,IBIEN,0)),"^",2)'>3040101 . S DIK="^IBE(350.2,",DA=IBIEN D ^DIK S IBA(350.2,"+1,",.01)="MEDICARE DEDUCTIBLE" S IBA(350.2,"+1,",.02)=3050101 S IBA(350.2,"+1,",.03)=$O(^IBE(350.1,"B","MEDICARE DEDUCTIBLE","")) S IBA(350.2,"+1,",.04)=912 D UPDATE^DIE("","IBA","","IBERRM") ; file the new record I $D(IBERRM) D . D BMES^XPDUTL("Unable to file the new rates. The error message is as follows:") . S IBRN=0 . F S IBRN=$O(IBERRM("DIERR",1,"TEXT",IBRN)) Q:IBRN="" D MES^XPDUTL(IBERRM("DIERR",1,"TEXT",IBRN)) . D BMES^XPDUTL("Please check the database and then file the new rates manually.") . D MMSG E D COMPLETE MCRX Q ; PRIOR ;This code sets up the variables and calls the routine to print or print-and-update the ;exemption status. XPDQUES variables set in the pre-install are used. ; Q:'$D(^IBA(354.1,"APRIOR",3031201)) ; quit if the "APRIOR" x-ref is not set for 12/1/03. N %,IBACT,IBBMES,IBPR,IBPRDT,X,ZTDTH,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTSK S IBACT=$G(XPDQUES("POS1")),IBACT=$S(IBACT="U":3,1:2) S ZTIO=$G(XPDQUES("POS2")) D NOW^%DTC S ZTDTH=% ; ; -- check to see if prior year thresholds used ; S IBPR=$P($G(^IBE(354.3,0)),"^",3) I IBPR="" Q S IBPR=$P(^IBE(354.3,IBPR,0),"^") S X=$S($E($P(IBPR,"^"),1,3)>296:1,1:2) S IBPRDT=$O(^IBE(354.3,"AIVDT",X,-($P(IBPR,"^")))) ;threshold prior to the one entered I IBPRDT<0 S IBPRDT=-IBPRDT ; invert negative number ; Queuing job. S IBBMES=$S(IBACT=3:"& UPDATE ",1:"") D BMES^XPDUTL(" >>>Queuing the PRINT "_IBBMES_"job to run NOW") S IO("Q")="",ZTRTN="DQ^IBARXET",ZTDESC="IB PRIOR YEAR THRESHOLD PRINT"_$S(IBACT=3:" AND UPDATE",1:""),ZTSAVE("IB*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD K IO("Q") S IBBMES=$S($D(ZTSK):"This job has been queued for NOW, as task number "_ZTSK_".",1:"This job could not be queued. Please edit the 12/1/04 threshold through the 'Add Income Thresholds' option, which allows you to queue this job.") D BMES^XPDUTL(" >>>"_IBBMES) PRIORQ Q ; end of prior exemptions section ; MMSG ; MailMan message to report update problem to billing groups, patch installer and patch developer N DA,IBC,IBGROUP,IBPARAM,IBTXT,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY S XMSUB="Integrated Billing Annual Rate Update Error" S XMDUZ=DUZ,XMTEXT="IBTXT" S IBPARAM("FROM")="PATCH IB*2.0*295 CY 2004 RATE UPDATE" F IBGROUP="IB EDI SUPERVISOR","IB ERROR","MCCR" D . I $D(^XMB(3.8,"B",IBGROUP)) S IBGROUP="G."_IBGROUP,XMY(IBGROUP)="" S XMY(DUZ)="",XMY("HOLLOWAY.THOMAS_J@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" ; S IBC=0 S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="This message has been sent by patch IB*2.0*295. If you have received this" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="message, it indicates that the patch encountered some difficulty in filing" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="the CY 2005 "_IBTYPE_" rates as outlined in the patch description." S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="Please verify the integrity of files 354.3 - BILLING THRESHOLDS and" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="350.2 - IB ACTION CHARGE and then enter the new rates manually." S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="You can consult the IB*2.0*295 patch description for additional information." S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" " S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="This action only needs to be done by one person. Please verify with the" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="appropriate billing supervisor that the update has been accomplished." D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,.XMY,.IBPARAM,"","") MMSGQ Q ; end of Mail Message subroutine ; COMPLETE ; display message that step has completed successfully D BMES^XPDUTL("Step complete.") Q ;