2 | ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**267,260,286,361**;21-MAR-94;Build 9
3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
4 | ;
5 | ; Documents the calls to the routine IBBAPI.
6 | ;
8 | ; Function to return patient insurance information
9 | ; --Input:
10 | ; DFN = patient
11 | ; IBDT = date insured (optional - default is today's date)
12 | ; IBSTAT = Insurance Status filter (combinable based on groups below)
13 | ; Group 1
14 | ; A = Inactive included (Default is active only)
15 | ; Group 2
16 | ; R = Not reimbursable included (Default is reimbursable only)
17 | ; B = Indemnity included (Default is not included)
18 | ; Group 3
19 | ; P = Prescription coverage required (Default is all coverages)
20 | ; O = Outpatient coverage required (Default is all coverages)
21 | ; I = Inpatient coverage only (Default is all coverages)
22 | ;
23 | ; IBR = Array to return insurance information - passed by reference
24 | ; IBFLDS = List of fields to return (1-22) in a comma separated list or "*" for all
25 | ;
26 | ; --Output:
27 | ; -1 = error occurred (error message passed back in
28 | ; IBR("IBBAPI","INSUR","ERROR",x) where x is error number
29 | ; between 101 & 111
30 | ; 0 = No insurance found based on parameters
31 | ; 1 = Insurance found
32 | ;
33 | ;
34 | CIDC ; (DFN)
35 | ; Input: DFN for the patient in question.
36 | ; Output: 1 = Ask CIDC questions for the specified patient
37 | ; 0 = Don't ask CIDC questions for the specified patient
38 | ;
39 | ; The API will evaluate both a CIDC switch and the patient's insurance
40 | ; to determine if the CIDC questions should be asked.
41 | ;
42 | ; The switch will have three internal values:
43 | ; 0 = Don't ask any patients
44 | ; 1 = Ask for patients only with active billable insurance
45 | ; 2 = Ask for all patients
46 | ;
47 | ;
48 | SWSTAT ; ()
49 | ; Returns the current status of the PFSS On/Off Switch
50 | ;
51 | ; Output: <switch_status>^<status_date/time>
52 | ;
53 | ; <switch_status> will be one of the following:
54 | ; 0 = OFF
55 | ; 1 = ON
56 | ;
58 | ; Pass data to IBB for account/visit (ADT) messaging.
59 | ;
60 | ; Input:
61 | ; IBBDFN = Patient; IEN to file #2 [required]
62 | ; IBBARFN = Account Reference;
63 | ; IEN to file #375 or null [required]
64 | ; IBBEVENT = HL7 Event Code; e.g., "A04" [required]
65 | ; IBBAPLR = Calling Application;
66 | ; <routine> or <tag>_;_<routine>
67 | ; IBBPV1 = array for PV1 segment data [required]
68 | ; IBBPV1(2) - Patient Class (O=Outpatient;I=Inpatient)
69 | ; IBBPV1(3) - IEN to file #44, or "FEE BASIS"
70 | ; IBBPV1(4) - Appointment Type; IEN to file #409.1
71 | ; IBBPV1(7) - Attending Physician; IEN to file #200
72 | ; IBBVP1(9) - Consulting Physician; IEN to file #200
73 | ; IBBPV1(10) - Purpose of Visit;
74 | ; (Scheduling: 1=C&P;2=10-10;3=SV;4=UV)
75 | ; IBBPV1(17) - Admitting Physician or Surgeon;
76 | ; IEN to file #200
77 | ; IBBPV1(18) - Primary Stop Code; IEN to file #40.7
78 | ; IBBPV1(25) - Check-In Date/Time (Scheduling)
79 | ; IBBPV1(41) - Credit Stop Code; IEN to file #40.7
80 | ; IBBPV1(44) - Admit Date/Time
81 | ; IBBPV1(45) - Check-Out Date/Time (Scheduling)
82 | ; IBBPV1(50) - Prescription #; IEN to file #52 (Pharmacy)
83 | ; IBBPV1(52) - Other Provider; IEN to file #200
84 | ; IBBPV2 = array for PV2 segment data
85 | ; IBBPV2(7) - Eligibility of Visit; IEN to file #8.1
86 | ; IBBPV2(8) - Expected Admit/Visit Date/Time
87 | ; IBBPV2(24) - Appointment Status;
88 | ; (Scheduling:
89 | ; R=Scheduled/Kept;I=Inpatient;
90 | ; NS=No-Show;NSR=No-Show, Rescheduled;
91 | ; CP=Cancelled by Patient;
92 | ; CPR=Cancelled by Patient, Rescheduled;
93 | ; CC=Cancelled by Clinic;
94 | ; CCR=Cancelled by Clinic, Rescheduled;
95 | ; NT=No Action Taken)
96 | ; IBBPV2(46) - Date Appointment Made (Scheduling)
97 | ; IBBPR1 = array for PR1 segment data
98 | ; IBBPR1(3) - Procedure; IEN to file #81
99 | ; IBBPR1(4) - Procedure; free text
100 | ; IBBPR1(5) - Procedure Date/Time
101 | ; IBBPR1(6) - Functional Type;
102 | ; (Prosthetics:
103 | ; O=Home Oxygen;P=Purchasing;
104 | ; I=Stock Issue)
105 | ; (Radiology:
106 | ; ANI=Angio/Neuro/Interventional;
107 | ; CARD=Cardiology Studies;CT=CT Scan;
108 | ; RAD=General Radiology;
109 | ; MRI=Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
110 | ; MAM=Mammography;NM=Nuclear Medicine;
111 | ; US=Ultrasound;VAS=Vascular Lab)
112 | ; IBBPR1(11) - Surgeon; IEN to file #200
113 | ; IBBPR1(16) - <modifier>;<modifier>;<modifier>;...
114 | ; where each <modifier> is an IEN to file #81.3
115 | ; IBBDG1 = array for DG1 segment data
116 | ; IBBDG1(n,3) - Diagnosis; IEN to file #80
117 | ; IBBDG1(1,4) - Diagnosis; free text; only one allowed
118 | ; IBBDG1(n,6) - Diagnosis Type; (A=Admitting;
119 | ; W=Working;
120 | ; D=Discharge;
121 | ; F=Final)
122 | ; IBBZCL = array for ZCL segment data
123 | ; IBBZCL(n,2) - Classification Type;
124 | ; (1=AO;2=IR;3=SC;4=EC;5=MST;6=HNC;
125 | ; 7=CV;8=SHAD)
126 | ; IBBZCL(n,3) - Classification Value; (1=YES;0=NO)
127 | ; IBBDIV = IEN to file #40.8
128 | ; IBBRAIEN = IEN to file #75.1
129 | ; IBBSURG = array for special Surgery data
130 | ; IBBSURG(1) - Surgical Case #; IEN to file #130
131 | ; IBBSURG(2) - Surgical Specialty; IEN to file #45.3
132 | ;
133 | ; Returns the pointer to the PFSS ACCOUNT file (#375) where
134 | ; all application input data is stored.
135 | ;
136 | ; Output: IEN to file #375, or 0, if unsuccessful
137 | ;
138 | GETCHGID ; ()
139 | ; Returns a Unique Charge ID.
140 | ;
141 | ; Output: 1 + current value of field #2 of file #372.
142 | ;
144 | ; Pass data to IBB for charge (DFT) messaging.
145 | ;
146 | ; Input:
147 | ; IBBDFN = Patient; IEN to file #2 [required]
148 | ; IBBARFN = Account Reference; IEN to file #375 [required]
149 | ; IBBCTYPE = Charge Type; (CG=debit;CD=credit) [required]
150 | ; IBBUCID = Unique Charge ID [required]
151 | ; IBBFT1 = array for FT1 segment data [required]
152 | ; IBBFT1(4) - Transaction Date/Time
153 | ; IBBFT1(7) - Pharmacy Service Code
154 | ; IBBFT1(10) - Transaction Quantity
155 | ; IBBFT1(13) - Department Code
156 | ; IBBFT1(16) - Patient Location; IEN to file #44
157 | ; IBBFT1(18) - Patient Status; (Pharmacy: 1=Rx Copay Exempt;
158 | ; 0=Not Exempt)
159 | ; IBBFT1(20) - Rendering Provider; IEN to file #200
160 | ; IBBFT1(21) - Ordering Provider; IEN to file #200
161 | ; IBBFT1(22) - Unit Cost
162 | ; IBBFT1(29) - <NDC>;<generic_name>
163 | ; IBBFT1(31) - Transaction Type;
164 | ; (Pharmacy: 1=PSO NSC Rx Copay;
165 | ; 2=PSO SC Rx Copay;
166 | ; 3=PSO NSC Rx Copay Cancel
167 | ; 4=PSO NSC Rx Copay Update
168 | ; 5=PSO SC Rx Copay Cancel
169 | ; 6=PSO SC Rx Copay Update)
170 | ; IBBPR1 = array for PR1 segment data;
171 | ; (required except Pharmacy)
172 | ; IBBPR1(3) - Procedure; IEN to file #81
173 | ; IBBPR1(4) - Procedure; free text
174 | ; IBBPR1(5) - Procedure Date/Time
175 | ; IBBPR1(6) - Functional Type;
176 | ; (Prosthetics: O=Home Oxygen;
177 | ; P=Purchasing;
178 | ; I=Stock Issue)
179 | ; IBBPR1(11,1) - Surgeon; IEN to file #200
180 | ; IBBPR1(11,2) - Attending Surgeon; IEN to file #200
181 | ; IBBPR1(16) - <modifier>;<modifier>;<modifier>;...;
182 | ; each <modifier> is an IEN to file #81.3
183 | ; IBBDG1 = array for DG1 segment data
184 | ; IBBDG1(n,3) - Diagnosis; IEN to file #80
185 | ; IBBDG1(n,6) - Diagnosis Type; (A=Admitting;W=Working;
186 | ; D=Discharge;F=Final)
187 | ; IBBZCL = array for ZCL segment data
188 | ; IBBZCL(n,2) - Classification Type;
189 | ; (1=AO;2=IR;3=SC;4=EC;5=MST;
190 | ; 6=HNC;7=CV;8=SHAD)
191 | ; IBBZCL(n,3) - Classification Value; (1=YES;0=NO)
192 | ; IBBRXE = data for RXE segment data (Pharmacy only)
193 | ; IBBRXE(1) - <quantity>_;_<days_supply>
194 | ; IBBRXE(17) - Refills Dispensed
195 | ; IBBRXE(18) - Release Date/Time
196 | ; IBBRXE(31) - DEA, Special Handling codes
197 | ; IBBPROS = array for special Prosthetics data
198 | ; IBBPROS(1) - Vendor; IEN to file #440
199 | ; IBBPROS(2) - OBL#
200 | ;
201 | ; Returns success indicator.
202 | ;
203 | ; Output: 1, if successful; 0 otherwise
204 | ;
206 | ; Store visit/account # from external billing system in PFSS
207 | ; ACCOUNT record; the file #375 record is found based on data
208 | ; contained in the HL7 message referenced by HLMTIENS.
209 | ; Most of the ADT messages involved originate in VistA and
210 | ; are returned by the external billing system with visit#
211 | ; attached.
212 | ; Some ADT-A01 messages originate in the external billing
213 | ; system; these cause a new record to be created in file #375.
214 | ;
215 | ; Input:
216 | ; IBBDFN = Patient; IEN to file #2 [required]
217 | ; HLMTIENS = HL7 Message (standard VistA HL7 variable);
218 | ; IEN to file #773 [required]
219 | ;
220 | ; Returns PFSS Account Reference.
221 | ;
222 | ; Output: IEN to file #375
223 | ;
225 | ; Obtain the visit/account # of the external billing system
226 | ; that has been associated with the PFSS ACCOUNT file (#375)
227 | ; record.
228 | ;
229 | ; Input:
230 | ; IBBDFN = Patient; IEN to file #2 [required]
231 | ; IBBARFN = Account Reference; IEN to file #375 [required]
232 | ;
233 | ; Returns the value of field #.02 from the file #375 record.
234 | ;
235 | ; Output: external visit/account #, or 0, if unsuccessful
236 | ;