IBCEST1 ;ALB/ESG - IB 837 EDI Status Message Processing Cont ;18-JUL-2005 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**320,397**;21-MAR-94;Build 3 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; CHKSUM(IBARRAY) ; Incoming 277STAT status message checksum calculation ; This function calculates the checksum of the raw 277stat data from ; the data in array IBARRAY. This is done to prevent duplicates. ; Input parameter IBARRAY is the array reference where the data exists ; at @IBARRAY@(n,0) where n is a sequential # ; For file 364.2, IBARRAY = "^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,2)" where IBTDA = the ien ; of the entry in file 364.2 being evaluated ; NEW Y,LN,DATA,IBREC,POS,STSFLG S Y=0,STSFLG=0 S LN=0 F S LN=$O(@IBARRAY@(LN)) Q:'LN D . S DATA=$$EXT($G(@IBARRAY@(LN,0))) Q:DATA="" . S IBREC=$P(DATA,U,1) . I IBREC="277STAT" S STSFLG=1 Q ; set the STS flag . I IBREC<1 Q ; rec# too low . I IBREC'<99 Q ; rec# too high . F POS=1:1:$L(DATA) S Y=Y+($A(DATA,POS)*POS) . Q ; I 'STSFLG S Y=0 ; if this array is not a 277stat message Q Y ; EXT(DATA) ; Extracts from the text in DATA if the text contains ; "##RAW DATA: " Q $S(DATA["##RAW DATA: ":$P(DATA,"##RAW DATA: ",2,99),1:DATA) ; SCODE(Z0) ; status code for message N IBFD,IBI,IBRD S IBFD=0 F IBI=1:1 S IBRD=$P($T(CODE+IBI),";;",2,999) Q:IBRD=""!IBFD D . I IBRD[Z0 S IBFD=1 Q IBFD ; CODE ; *397 ;;A3^AC^A7^A8^AA^2P^10^11 ;;19^20^21^30^40^221^960^1AE^1AF^1AG^1AI^1AJ^1AK^1AL^1AS^1BS^1BV^1BY ;;2B^2D^2H^2M^2U^3A^3C^3E^3F^3G^3I^3K^3L^3N^3P^3S ;;4B^4C^4D^4E^4H^4I^4J^4P^4S^4T^4U^4X^4Y^7A^7D^7I^7U^7V ;;A0^A9^ACCEPT^ACCEPTED^AE^AP^APPROVE^C01^CI^CP^CTRL!99001^INQUIRY ;;OA7^OAH^OAI^OAK^OAT^OAV^OAY^OAZ^OB9^OBX^OCU^PG^PN5 ;;TE^W!00000117^Z3^ZAI^ZAN ;