IBCNSMR8 ;ALB/TJK - MRA EXTRACT ;3/8/01 7:51 AM ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**146**;21-MAR-94 OPEN ;open .dat file and write data to file D OPEN^%ZISH("MRAEXTRACT",PATH,FILENM,"W") I POP D EMSG G END U IO S I=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("IBCNSMR7",$J,"DATA",I)) Q:'I W ^(I),! CLOSE ;close .dat file and send completion message to user D CLOSE^%ZISH("MRAEXTRACT") MSG ;ENTER CODE FOR MESSAGE N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,MSG,XMDUZ S XMSUB="Completion of MRA Extract" S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMDUZ="IB PACKAGE" S XMTEXT="MSG(" S MSG(1)="The MRA Extract has been completed and data stored in file:" S MSG(2)=" "_FILENM S MSG(3)=" " S MSG(4)="This file must be sent via FTP to the following address:" S MSG(5)="" S MSG(6)=" Username: MCCF" S MSG(7)=" Password: MCCFEXT" D ^XMD END Q EMSG ;send error message to user if file not opened N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,MSG S XMSUB="MRA EXTRACT OPEN ERROR" S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMTEXT="MSG(" S MSG(1)="The file for the MRA extract could not be opened." S MSG(2)="The job will need to be requeued" D ^XMD Q