[613] | 1 | IBCOPP1 ;ALB/NLR - LIST INS. PLANS BY CO. (DRIVER 1) ; 15-SEP-94
| 2 | ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**28**; 21-MAR-94
| 3 | ;
| 4 | SELR() ; Prompt user to select report type
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ; IBV1=0 -- list insurance plans by company
| 7 | ; IBV1=1 -- list insurance plans by company with subscriber information
| 8 | ;
| 9 | N IBV1
| 10 | S DIR(0)="SA^1:1. List Insurance Plans by Company;2:2. List Insurance Plans by Company With Subscriber Information"
| 11 | S DIR("A")=" SELECT REPORT (1 OR 2): "
| 12 | S DIR("A",1)="1. List Insurance Plans by Company"
| 13 | S DIR("A",2)="2. List Insurance Plans by Company With Subscriber Information"
| 14 | D ^DIR K DIR I Y<0!$D(DIRUT) S IBV1=-1 G SELRQ
| 15 | S IBV1=(+Y=2) K Y
| 16 | SELRQ Q IBV1
| 17 | ;
| 18 | SELI() ; Prompt user to select all or subset of insurance companies
| 19 | ; Count ins. companies with plans
| 20 | ;
| 21 | ; IBV2=0 -- user selects insurance companies
| 22 | ; IBV2=1 -- run report for all insurance companies with plans
| 23 | ;
| 24 | N A,B,IBV2
| 25 | S (A,B)=0 F S A=$O(^IBA(355.3,"B",A)) Q:'A S B=B+1
| 26 | S DIR(0)="SA^1:1. List All "_B_" Ins. Companies;2:2. List Only Ins. Companies That You Select"
| 27 | W !!," There are "_B_" insurance companies associated with plans.",!
| 28 | S DIR("A",1)="1. List All "_B_" Ins. Companies"
| 29 | S DIR("A",2)="2. List Only Ins. Companies That You Select"
| 30 | S DIR("A")=" SELECT 1 or 2: "
| 31 | S DIR("?",1)="Enter a code from the list: 1 or 2. Only insurance"
| 32 | S DIR("?")="companies with one or more plans can be selected."
| 33 | D ^DIR K DIR I Y<0!$D(DIRUT) S IBV2=-1 G SELIQ
| 34 | S IBV2=(+Y=1) K Y
| 35 | SELIQ Q IBV2
| 36 | ;
| 37 | SELP() ; Prompt user to select all or subset of plans
| 38 | ;
| 39 | ; IBV3=0 -- whether some or all ins. co's., user selects plans (may be
| 40 | ; all for certain companies, some for other companies
| 41 | ; IBV3=1 -- whether some or all ins. co's., run report for all plans
| 42 | ; associated with those co's.
| 43 | ;
| 44 | N IBV3
| 45 | S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="There are "_$P(^IBA(355.3,0),"^",4)_" plans. List all plans for each company",DIR("B")="No"
| 46 | S DIR("?",1)="If you say yes, the report will list all of the plans for each company."
| 47 | S DIR("?",2)="If you selected 2. List Insurance Plans by Company With Subscriber"
| 48 | S DIR("?",3)="Information and 1. List All "_$P(^IBA(355.3,0),"^",4)_" Ins. Companies,"
| 49 | S DIR("?",4)="this will result in the most complete report possible. However, it"
| 50 | S DIR("?",5)="may take awhile to run. If you say no, you must make plan selections"
| 51 | S DIR("?")="for each individual company (anywhere from one plan to all)."
| 52 | W ! D ^DIR W ! K DIR I Y<0!$D(DIRUT) S IBV3=-1 G SELPQ
| 53 | S IBV3=+Y K Y
| 54 | SELPQ Q IBV3