[613] | 1 | IBECEAU1 ;ALB/CPM - Cancel/Edit/Add... Clock Utilities ; 12-MAR-93
| 2 | ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**57**; 21-MAR-94
| 3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | CLSTR(DFN,DATE) ; Find the billing clock in effect on DATE.
| 6 | ; Input: DFN -- Pointer to the patient in file #2
| 7 | ; DATE -- The date which is covered by the clock
| 8 | ; Output: IBCLDA -- Pointer to the clock in file #351
| 9 | ; (or null if there is none)
| 10 | ; IBCLST -- Zeroth node of clock pointed to by
| 12 | N X,Y
| 14 | I '$G(DATE)!'$G(DFN) G CLSTRQ
| 15 | S X="" F S X=$O(^IBE(351,"AIVDT",DFN,X)) Q:'X S IBCLDA=0 F S IBCLDA=$O(^IBE(351,"AIVDT",DFN,X,IBCLDA)) Q:'IBCLDA S Y=$G(^IBE(351,IBCLDA,0)) I Y,$P(Y,"^",4)'=3,$P(Y,"^",3)'>DATE S IBCLST=Y G CLSTRQ
| 16 | CLSTRQ Q
| 17 | ;
| 18 | CLDSP(X,NAM) ; Display Billing Clock data for NAM.
| 19 | ; Input: X -- Zeroth node of clock in file #351
| 20 | ; NAM -- Patient name^short id^long id
| 21 | I '$G(X)!($G(NAM)="") G CLDSPQ
| 22 | W !!,"Means Test Billing Clock information for ",$P(NAM,"^")," (",$P(NAM,"^",3),")"
| 23 | W !,$TR($J("",80)," ","-")
| 24 | W !?2,"Clock Start Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(X,"^",3)),?42,"Clock End Date: ",$S($P(X,"^",10):$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(X,"^",10)),1:"N/A")
| 25 | W !?6,"Clock Status: ",$S($P(X,"^",4)=1:"CURRENT",$P(X,"^",4)=2:"CLOSED",1:"UNKNOWN"),?42,"Inpatient Days: ",+$P(X,"^",9)
| 26 | W !!?2,"Medicare Deductible Co-payments:"
| 27 | W !?15,"1st 90 days: $",+$P(X,"^",5),?45,"3rd 90 days: $",+$P(X,"^",7)
| 28 | W !?15,"2nd 90 days: $",+$P(X,"^",6),?45,"4th 90 days: $",+$P(X,"^",8)
| 29 | W !,$TR($J("",80)," ","-")
| 30 | CLDSPQ Q
| 31 | ;
| 32 | CLINP(BEG,DIF,IBCLDA) ; Update Billing Clock Inpatient Days
| 33 | ; Input: BEG -- Existing number of inpatient days
| 34 | ; DIF -- Days to add to clock (could be negative)
| 35 | ; IBCLDA -- Pointer to clock in file #351
| 37 | I $G(BEG)=""!'$G(DIF)!'$G(IBCLDA) G CLINPQ1
| 39 | I DAYS<0!(DAYS>365) W !!,"Can't update the clock to reflect ",DAYS," inpatient days.",!,"Please review this patient's clock and use the Clock Maintenance option",!,"to make any changes, if necessary." G CLINPQ1
| 40 | W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to update the clock, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to stop.",DIR("A")="Update the number of inpatient days from "_BEG_" to "_DAYS D ^DIR
| 41 | I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) W !,"The billing clock has not been updated." G CLINPQ
| 42 | S DIE="^IBE(351,",DA=IBCLDA,DR=".09////"_DAYS_";13////"_DUZ_";14///NOW" D ^DIE
| 43 | W !,"The clock has been updated."
| 44 | CLINPQ S IBF=0 F I=90,180,270 I BEG'>I,DAYS>I S IBF=1 Q
| 45 | I IBF W !!,*7," ** Please review to see if this patient requires a new copay charge. **"
| 46 | CLINPQ1 Q
| 47 | ;
| 48 | CLAMT(STR,AMT,IBCLDA) ; Update Billing Clock Medicare Deductible co-payments
| 49 | ; Input: STR -- Zeroth node of clock in file #351
| 50 | ; AMT -- Dollar Amt to add to clock (could be negative)
| 51 | ; IBCLDA -- Pointer to clock in file #351
| 53 | I $G(STR)=""!'$G(AMT)!'$G(IBCLDA) G CLAMTQ
| 54 | S DAYS=+$P(STR,"^",9),PTR=$S(DAYS<91:5,DAYS<181:6,DAYS<271:7,1:8)
| 55 | S IBCLDT=+$P(STR,"^",3) D DED^IBAUTL3
| 56 | S NEWAMT=+$P(STR,"^",PTR)+AMT
| 57 | I NEWAMT<0 W !!,"Can't update the clock to reflect a copayment of -$",-NEWAMT,".",!,"Please review this patient's clock and use the Clock Maintenance option",!,"to make any changes, if necessary." G CLAMTQ
| 58 | I NEWAMT>IBMED W !!,"Note that the effective Medicare Deductible for this billing clock is $",IBMED,".",!,"Please note that $",NEWAMT," is beyond this limit."
| 59 | W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to update the clock, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to stop.",DIR("A")="Update the "_$$INPT^IBECEAU(DAYS)_" 90 days copayment from $"_+$P(STR,"^",PTR)_" to $"_NEWAMT D ^DIR
| 60 | I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) W !,"The billing clock has not been updated." G CLAMTQ
| 61 | S DIE="^IBE(351,",DA=IBCLDA,DR=".0"_PTR_"////"_NEWAMT_";13////"_DUZ_";14///NOW" D ^DIE
| 62 | W !,"The clock has been updated."
| 63 | CLAMTQ Q