| 2 | ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
| 3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | LAST(IBTRN,IBTRC) ; -- return last insurance review
| 6 | ; -- Input IBTRN = claims tracking id
| 7 | ; IBTRC = ins. review being edited (option)
| 8 | ; (if hip is defined for ibtrc will use last review
| 9 | ; for that policy)
| 10 | ;
| 12 | S Y="",IBQUIT=0
| 13 | I '$G(IBTRN) G LASTQ
| 14 | S IBHIP=$P($G(^IBT(356.2,+$G(IBTRC),1)),"^",5)
| 15 | S X=-$G(^IBT(356.2,+IBTRC,0)) F S X=$O(^IBT(356.2,"ATIDT",IBTRN,X)) Q:'X!(IBQUIT) D
| 16 | .S Y="" F S Y=$O(^IBT(356.2,"ATIDT",IBTRN,X,Y)) Q:'Y!('IBHIP) D Q:IBQUIT
| 17 | ..I $P($G(^IBT(356.2,+Y,1)),"^",5)=IBHIP S IBQUIT=1 Q
| 18 | LASTQ Q $S(+Y<1:"",Y:Y,1:"")
| 19 | ;
| 20 | HIP(IBTRC) ; -- compute default health insurance policy for claims tracking
| 21 | ; -- called by trigger on patient field (.05) of file 356.2
| 22 | ; -- output pointer to subfile (2.312)^insurnace co name
| 24 | S X=""
| 25 | S DFN=$P($G(^IBT(356.2,+$G(IBTRC),0)),"^",5)
| 26 | G:'DFN HIPQ
| 27 | S IBINDT=$S($P($G(^IBT(356,+$P($G(^IBT(356.2,+IBTRC,0)),U,2),0)),U,6):$P(^(0),U,6),1:DT)
| 29 | I $G(IBDD(0))=1 S X=+$O(IBDD(0))
| 30 | ;
| 31 | ; -- if more than one look for primary
| 32 | I 'X,$G(IBDD(0))>1 D
| 33 | .S IBX=0
| 34 | .F S IBX=$O(IBDD(IBX)) Q:'IBX I $P($G(IBDD(IBX,0)),"^",20)=1 S X=IBX Q
| 35 | I X S X=X_"^"_$P($G(^DIC(36,+$G(IBDD(X,0)),0)),"^")
| 36 | HIPQ Q X
| 37 | ;
| 38 | HIPD(DA,IBTLST) ; -- compute default health insurance policy from last review
| 39 | ; -- called from input templates
| 40 | ; input da = current entry being edited
| 41 | ; ibtlst = last entry for this review as determine by $$LAST
| 42 | ;
| 43 | N X,DFN
| 44 | S X="" I $P($G(^IBT(356.2,DA,1)),"^",5) G HIPDQ
| 45 | G:'$G(IBTLST) HIPDQ
| 46 | S X=$P($G(^IBT(356.2,+IBTLST,1)),"^",5),DFN=$P(^(0),"^",5)
| 47 | HIPDQ Q $S(+X<1:"",1:$P($G(^DIC(36,+$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,0)),0)),"^",1))
| 48 | ;
| 49 | PC(DA,IBTLST) ; -- compute default person contacted from last review
| 50 | ; -- called from input templates
| 51 | ; input da = current entry being edited
| 52 | ; ibtlst = last entry for this review as determine by $$LAST
| 53 | ;
| 54 | Q $P($G(^IBT(356.2,+$G(IBTLST),0)),"^",6)
| 55 | ;
| 56 | MC(DA,IBTLST) ; -- compute default method of contact from last review
| 57 | ; -- called from input templates
| 58 | ; input da = current entry being edited
| 59 | ;
| 60 | ; ibtlst = last entry for this review as determine by $$LAST
| 61 | ;
| 62 | N X
| 63 | S X=$P($G(^IBT(356.2,+$G(IBTLST),0)),"^",17)
| 64 | Q $S(+X>0:$$EXPAND^IBTRE(356.2,.17,X),1:"PHONE")
| 65 | ;
| 66 | CP(DA,IBTLST) ; -- compute default contact phone number from last review
| 67 | ; -- called from input templates
| 68 | ; input da = current entry being edited
| 69 | ; ibtlst = last entry for this review as determine by $$LAST
| 70 | ;
| 71 | Q $P($G(^IBT(356.2,+$G(IBTLST),0)),"^",7)
| 72 | ;
| 73 | AN(DA,IBTLST) ; -- compute default authorization number policy
| 74 | ; -- called from input templates
| 75 | ; input da = current entry being edited
| 76 | ; ibtlst = last entry for this review as determine by $$LAST
| 77 | N X
| 78 | S X=$P(^IBT(356.2,DA,0),"^",9)
| 79 | Q $E($S($L(X):X,1:$P($G(^IBT(356.2,+$G(IBTLST),0)),"^",28)),1,10)
| 80 | ;
| 81 | APPEAL ; -- called from IBTRC, needed more room to compute
| 82 | ; info if an appeal
| 83 | N DAYS S DAYS=""
| 84 | S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1($$EXPAND^IBTRE(356.2,.29,$P(IBTRCD,"^",29)),X,"ACTION")
| 85 | S DAYS=$P(IBTRCD,"^",25) I $P(IBTRCD,"^",29)=1,$P(IBTRCD,"^",10)=3,$O(^IBT(356.2,+IBTRC,14,0)) S DAYS=$$AP^IBTODD1(IBTRC)
| 86 | S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1($J(DAYS,3),X,"DAYS")
| 87 | S X=$$SETFLD^VALM1($$TPE(),X,"TYPE")
| 88 | Q
| 89 | ;
| 90 | TPE() ; -- add appeal type to type of action
| 91 | N X
| 92 | S X=$P(IBETYP,"^",3)
| 93 | I $P(IBTRCD,"^",23) S X=X_"-"_$S($P(IBTRCD,"^",23)=1:"Clin",$P(IBTRCD,"^",23)=2:"Admin",1:"")
| 94 | Q X