IBY155PO ;ALB/DSM - IB*2*155 POST INIT ROUTINE ;25-MAR-2003 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**155**; 21-MAR-94 ; POST ; Set up check points for post-init S %=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("ADDUSR","ADDUSR^IBY155PO") ; ; default a No in the automatic MRA process parameter if undefined I $P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,8)),U,11)="" D . NEW D,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y . S DIE=350.9,DA=1,DR="8.11////0" D ^DIE . Q ; ; default a Yes in the allow MRA processing parameter if undefined I $P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,8)),U,12)="" D . NEW D,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y . S DIE=350.9,DA=1,DR="8.12////1" D ^DIE . Q ; ; Add new Claims Tracking non-billable reasons (File 356.8) D . NEW DA,DIC,DO,X,Y . F X="MRA REC'D. NO SEC RESP EXISTS","MRA REC'D. SEC NOT BILLED" D .. I $D(^IBE(356.8,"B",X)) Q ; already on file .. S DIC="^IBE(356.8,",DIC(0)="F" .. D FILE^DICN .. Q . Q ; ; Add a new Bill Form Type for MRA reports D BFT^IBY155PR ; ; Modify the Medicare entries in the IB PROVIDER ID # TYPE file (355.97) D . NEW P,NAME,CODE,DA,DIE,DR . F P="A","B" D .. S NAME="MEDICARE PART "_P .. I P="A" S CODE=670899 .. I P="B" S CODE="VA0"_+$$SITE^VASITE() .. S DA=$O(^IBE(355.97,"B",NAME,"")) Q:'DA .. S DIE=355.97,DR=".03///1C;.04///"_CODE .. D ^DIE .. Q . Q ; ; Update Short Description field for IEN #964 in File 364.6 N IBDESC,DA,DIE,DR D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating Short Description field for IEN #964 in the IB FORM SKELETON DEFINITION FILE") S IBDESC="COB COVERED DAYS" S DA=964,DIE="^IBA(364.6,",DR=".1///^S X=IBDESC" D ^DIE D COMPLETE ; ; Delete 3 action protocols from the CSA screen menu protocol D BMES^XPDUTL("Removing actions from the CSA screen") D CSA D COMPLETE ; ; Build the new "AMRA" index for file 361.1 D BMES^XPDUTL("A new index will now be created for file 361.1.") D AMRA,COMPLETE ; ; Delete old remark codes fields D BMES^XPDUTL("Deleting old line item remarks code fields from EOB file 361.1") S DIK="^DD(361.115,",DA(1)=361.115,DA=3.01 D ^DIK S DIK="^DD(361.115,",DA(1)=361.115,DA=3.02 D ^DIK D COMPLETE ; ; Check the insurance company file for fake Medicare WNR entries D BMES^XPDUTL("Scanning Insurance Company File for Medicare WNR Entries ...") D INSCHK^IBCEMU3,COMPLETE ; ; Q ; IBY155PO ; ; ; ; ADDUSR ; Add the Bill Authorizer for acceptable MRA secondary claims ; to the New Person file (#200) ; N DIC,X,Y,DO,DD,DLAYGO S DIC(0)="",DIC="^VA(200,",X="AUTHORIZER,IB MRA" D ^DIC I Y>0 D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL("User, AUTHORIZER,IB MRA, already exists in the NEW PERSON file - not added") . D COMPLETE D BMES^XPDUTL("Adding new user, AUTHORIZER,IB MRA, to the NEW PERSON file") S DLAYGO=200,DIC(0)="L",DIC="^VA(200,",DIC("DR")="1////MRA",X="AUTHORIZER,IB MRA" D FILE^DICN K DIC,DO,DD,DLAYGO I Y'>0 D . D BMES^XPDUTL("A problem was encountered trying to add user, AUTHORIZER,IB MRA") . D BMES^XPDUTL("The entry must be added manually to the NEW PERSON file") E D .D BMES^XPDUTL("User, AUTHORIZER,IB MRA, was successfully added to the NEW PERSON file") D COMPLETE Q ; INCLUDE(Y) ; Code executed by build to determine which entries from file 364.7 should be included NEW IBOUT,LINE S IBOUT=0 F LINE=2:1:5 I $P($T(ENT7+LINE),";;",2)[(U_+Y_U) S IBOUT=1 Q INCX ; Q IBOUT ; ENT7 ; changed and new entries for file 364.7 to be included in build ; ;;^115^176^181^182^188^268^270^275^293^296^297^305^306^308^309^310^322^344^346^353^493^503^504^ ;;^623^630^631^633^635^717^728^729^736^809^814^815^816^822^823^824^832^839^842^846^851^ ;;^852^853^854^855^856^857^858^859^860^861^862^864^865^870^871^872^875^876^882^883^886^890^947^951^956^957^ ;;^958^959^960^961^962^963^964^965^966^967^975^978^980^982^983^985^1013^1014^ Q ENT6 ; new entry for file 364.6 ;;^716^964^ Q ; CSA ; Remove 3 actions from the CSA screen menu protocol NEW AP,MPI,DA,DIK,API,APNM S AP("IBCEM CSA EDIT BILL")="" S AP("IBCEM CSA COB MANAGEMENT")="" S AP("IBCEM CSA VIEW EOB")="" S MPI=$O(^ORD(101,"B","IBCEM CSA MSG MENU","")) ; menu protocol ien I 'MPI G CSAX S DA(1)=MPI S DIK="^ORD(101,"_MPI_",10," S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^ORD(101,MPI,10,DA)) Q:'DA D . S API=+$G(^ORD(101,MPI,10,DA,0)) . S APNM=$P($G(^ORD(101,API,0)),U,1) . I APNM="" Q . I '$D(AP(APNM)) Q . D ^DIK . Q CSAX ; Q ; AMRA ; Build the new index N MRAXR,MRARES,MRAOUT S MRAXR("FILE")=361.1 S MRAXR("NAME")="AMRA" S MRAXR("TYPE")="R" S MRAXR("USE")="S" S MRAXR("EXECUTION")="R" S MRAXR("ACTIVITY")="IR" S MRAXR("SHORT DESCR")="Index by EOB type and Review Status" S MRAXR("VAL",1)=.04 S MRAXR("VAL",1,"SUBSCRIPT")=1 S MRAXR("VAL",1,"COLLATION")="F" S MRAXR("VAL",2)=.16 S MRAXR("VAL",2,"SUBSCRIPT")=2 S MRAXR("VAL",2,"COLLATION")="F" D CREIXN^DDMOD(.MRAXR,"SW",.MRARES,"MRAOUT") I +$G(MRARES) D MES^XPDUTL("Index successfully created!") G AMRAX ; ; Index file failure. Not created for some reason ; D MES^XPDUTL("A PROBLEM WAS ENCOUNTERED. INDEX FILE NOT CREATED!!!") D MES^XPDUTL("SENDING MAILMAN MESSAGE...") D MES^XPDUTL("PLACING THE MRA MANAGEMENT SCREEN OUT-OF-ORDER.") NEW XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,MSG,XMTO,DA,DIE,DR S XMDUZ=DUZ,XMSUBJ="IB*2*155 Error: AMRA index not built",XMBODY="MSG" S MSG(1)="The new ""AMRA"" index for file 361.1 was not created at" S MSG(2)=" " S MSG(3)=" "_$$SITE^VASITE S MSG(4)=" " S MSG(5)="The MRA management worklist has been placed out of order." ; ; recipients of message S XMTO(DUZ)="" S XMTO("eric.gustafson@daou.com")="" S XMTO("michael.f.pida@us.pwc.com")="" S XMTO("Janet.Harris2@med.va.gov")="" S XMTO("Loretta.Gulley2@med.va.gov")="" S XMTO("G.PATCHES")="" S XMTO("G.IB EDI")="" S XMTO("G.IB EDI SUPERVISOR")="" ; D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,.XMTO) ; ; place MRA management worklist screen out of order S DA=$O(^DIC(19,"B","IBCE MRA MANAGEMENT","")) I DA S DIE=19,DR="2////IB Patch 155 Installation Failure" D ^DIE ; AMRAX ; Q ; COMPLETE ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Step complete.") Q ;