[613] | 1 | XLFMSMT ;SLC,SF/MH,RWF - Callable functions for conversions in measurement ;04/09/2002 09:02
| 2 | ;;8.0;KERNEL;**228**;Jul 10, 1995
| 3 | N I,VAL
| 4 | W !!,"Routine: "_$T(+0),! F I=8:1 S VAL=$T(+I) Q:'$L(VAL) I VAL[";;" W !,VAL
| 5 | W !!
| 6 | Q
| 7 | ;;
| 8 | WEIGHT(VAL,FROM,TO) ;;Convert weight between metric and U.S. weights
| 9 | ;; returns equivilent value with units
| 10 | ;; VAL must contain a positive numeric value
| 11 | ;; FROM must contain the units of measure of VAL
| 12 | ;; TO must contain the units of measure to convert VAL to
| 13 | ;; eg. W $$WEIGHT(12,"LB","G") ===> 5448 G
| 14 | ;; Valid units in either lowercase or uppercase are
| 15 | ;; t = metric tons tn = tons
| 16 | ;; kg = kilograms lb = pounds
| 17 | ;; g = grams oz = ounces
| 18 | ;; mg = milligram gr = grain
| 19 | N CKY,CKZ
| 20 | I '$G(VAL) Q 0
| 21 | I '$$VAL(VAL) Q 0_" ILLEGAL NUMBER"
| 22 | S FROM=$$UPCASE(FROM),CKY="^"_FROM_"^",TO=$$UPCASE(TO),CKZ="^"_TO_"^"
| 23 | Q:'$L(FROM)!('$L(TO)) 0
| 24 | I "^T^KG^G^MG^TN^LB^OZ^GR^"'[CKY Q "ERROR"
| 25 | I "^T^KG^G^MG^TN^LB^OZ^GR^"'[CKZ Q "ERROR"
| 26 | ; quit with no conversion
| 27 | G WT^XLFMSMT2
| 28 | LENGTH(VAL,FROM,TO) ;;Convert length between metric and U.S. length
| 29 | ;; returns equivilent value with units
| 30 | ;; VAL must contain a positive numeric value
| 31 | ;; FROM must contain the units of measure of VAL
| 32 | ;; TO must contain the units of measure to convert VAL to
| 33 | ;; eg. W $$LENGTH(12,"IN","CM") ===> 30.480 CM
| 34 | ;; Valid units are in either uppercase or lowercase are:
| 35 | ;; km = kilometers mi = miles
| 36 | ;; m = meters yd = yards
| 37 | ;; cm = centimeters ft = feet
| 38 | ;; mm = millimeters in = inches
| 39 | N CKY,CKZ
| 40 | I '$G(VAL) Q 0
| 41 | I '$$VAL(VAL) Q 0_" ILLEGAL NUMBER"
| 42 | S FROM=$$UPCASE(FROM),CKY="^"_FROM_"^",TO=$$UPCASE(TO),CKZ="^"_TO_"^"
| 43 | Q:'$L(FROM)!('$L(TO)) 0
| 44 | I "^KM^M^CM^MM^MI^YD^FT^IN^"'[CKY Q "ERROR"
| 45 | I "^KM^M^CM^MM^MI^YD^FT^IN^"'[CKZ Q "ERROR"
| 46 | ; quit with no conversion
| 47 | I FROM=TO Q VAL_" "_TO
| 48 | G LN^XLFMSMT2
| 49 | ;;
| 50 | VOLUME(VAL,FROM,TO) ;;Convert volume between metric and U.S. volume
| 51 | ;; Mililiters to cubic inches or quarts or ounces
| 52 | ;; returns equivilent value with units
| 53 | ;; VAL must contain a positive numeric value
| 54 | ;; FROM must contain the units of measure of VAL
| 55 | ;; TO must contain the units of measure to convert VAL to
| 56 | ;; eg. W $$VOLUME(12,"CF","ML") ===> 339800.832 ML
| 57 | ;; Valid units in either uppercase or lowercase are:
| 58 | ;; kl = kiloliter cf = feet
| 59 | ;; hl = hectoliter ci = inch
| 60 | ;; dal = dekaliter gal = gallon
| 61 | ;; l = liters qt = quart
| 62 | ;; dl = deciliter pt = pint
| 63 | ;; cl = centiliter c = cup
| 64 | ;; ml = mililiter oz = ounce
| 65 | ;
| 66 | N CKY,CKZ
| 67 | I '$G(VAL) Q 0
| 68 | I '$$VAL(VAL) Q 0_" ILLEGAL NUMBER"
| 69 | S FROM=$$UPCASE(FROM),CKY="^"_FROM_"^",TO=$$UPCASE(TO),CKZ="^"_TO_"^"
| 70 | Q:'$L(FROM)!('$L(TO)) 0
| 73 | ; quit with no conversion
| 74 | I FROM=TO Q VAL_" "_TO
| 76 | ;;
| 77 | BSA(%HT,%WT) ;;Return Body Surface Area using Dubois formula
| 78 | ;; Dubois formula BSA=.007184*(ht**.725)*(wt**.425)
| 79 | ;; %HT is height in centimeters
| 80 | ;; %WT is weight in Kilograms
| 81 | ;; eg. $$BSA(175,86)=2.02
| 82 | ;; or $$BSA(100,43)=1.00
| 83 | I '$$VAL(%HT) Q 0_"ILLEGAL NUMBER"
| 84 | I '$$VAL(%WT) Q 0_" ILLEGAL NUMBER"
| 85 | ;Q $FN(($$PWR^XLFMTH(%HT,.425)*$$PWR^XLFMTH(%WT,.725)*71.84)/10000,"",2)
| 86 | Q $FN(((%HT**.725)*(%WT**.425)*71.84)/10000,"",2)
| 87 | ;
| 88 | TEMP(VAL,FROM,TO) ;;Convert metric temperature to U.S. temperature
| 89 | ;; F = fahrenheit C = celsius
| 90 | N CKY,CKZ
| 91 | I '$D(VAL) Q 0
| 92 | I '$$VAL(VAL) Q 0_" ILLEGAL NUMBER"
| 93 | S FROM=$$UPCASE(FROM),CKY="^"_FROM_"^",TO=$$UPCASE(TO),CKZ="^"_TO_"^"
| 94 | Q:'$L(FROM)!('$L(TO)) 0
| 95 | I "^F^C^"'[CKY Q "ERROR"
| 96 | I "^F^C^"'[CKZ Q "ERROR"
| 97 | I FROM=TO Q VAL_" "_TO
| 98 | I TO="C" Q $$FORMAT^XLFMSMT2((VAL-32)/1.8)_" "_TO
| 99 | I TO="F" Q $$FORMAT^XLFMSMT2(1.8*VAL+32)_" "_TO
| 100 | Q "ERROR"
| 101 | VAL(X) ;
| 102 | I X[".",$L(X)>19 Q 0
| 103 | I $L(X)>18 Q 0
| 104 | Q 1
| 105 | UPCASE(X) ;
| 106 | Q $TR(X,"zxcvbnmlkjhgfdsaqwertyuiop","ZXCVBNMLKJHGFDSAQWERTYUIOP")
| 107 | ;