XPDTA2 ;SFISC/RWF - Build Actions for Kernel Files Cont. ;08/09/2001 12:36 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**201**;Jul 10, 1995 Q ;^XTMP("XPDT",XPDA,"KRN",XPDFILE,DA) is the global root ;DA=ien in ^XTMP,XPDNM=package name, XPDA=package ien in ^XPD(9.6, ; PAR1E1 ;PARAMETER file 8989.51: entry post N XP,XP1,XP2,XP3,VP,PN,ROOT S ROOT=$NA(^XTMP("XPDT",XPDA,"KRN")) D PAR51(DA) ;Handle the entry from 8989.51 ;Now find any entrys in 8989.5 to transport, because we point to them S XP=0,XP3=$P(^XPD(9.6,XPDA,0),U,2),VP=XP3_";DIC(9.4,",PN=$$PT^XPDTA("^DIC(9.4)",XP3) Q:'XP3 ;No package file link F S XP=$O(^XTV(8989.5,"AC",DA,VP,XP)),XP1=0 Q:'XP D ;Instance . F S XP1=$O(^XTV(8989.5,"AC",DA,VP,XP,XP1)) Q:'XP1 D ;entry . . M ^XTMP("XPDT",XPDA,"KRN",8989.5,XP1)=^XTV(8989.5,XP1) . . S XP3=^XTV(8989.5,XP1,0) ;param def. . . S $P(@ROOT@(8989.5,XP1,0),U,2)=$$PT^XPDTA("^XTV(8989.51)",$P(XP3,U,2)) . . Q ;Will redo the ENT at other end. Q ; PAR51(DA) ;Fix one 8989.51 entry in transport global ;Called from both PAR1E1 and PAR2E1 N XP,XP1,XP2,XP3,VP,PN,ROOT S ROOT=$NA(^XTMP("XPDT",XPDA,"KRN")) ;Don't bring X-ref K @ROOT@(8989.51,DA,30,"B"),^("AG") S XP=0 ;Entries in the file will be maintained by Toolkit patches. Q ; PAR2E1 ;PARAMETER file 8989.52 entry post N XP1,XP2,XP3,ROOT S ROOT=$NA(^XTMP("XPDT",XPDA,"KRN")) ;Resolve USE INSTANCE OF S XP2=$P(^XTV(8989.52,DA,0),U,4),XP3="" I XP2 S XP3=$$PT^XPDTA($NA(^XTV(8989.51)),XP2) I $L(XP3) S $P(@ROOT@(8989.52,DA,0),U,4)=XP3 ;Resolve PARAMETERS S XP1=0 K ^XTMP("XPDT",XPDA,"KRN",8989.52,DA,10,"B") ;Drop X-ref F S XP1=$O(^XTV(8989.52,DA,10,XP1)),XP3="" Q:'XP1 D . S XP2=$P(^XTV(8989.52,DA,10,XP1,0),U,2) . I XP2 S XP3=$$PT^XPDTA($NA(^XTV(8989.51)),XP2) . I '$L(XP3) K @ROOT@(8989.52,DA,10,XP1) . S $P(^XTMP("XPDT",XPDA,"KRN",8989.52,DA,10,XP1,0),U,2)=XP3 . ;Now to move the entries this points to. . I '$D(@ROOT@(8989.51,XP2)) M @ROOT@(8989.51,XP2)=^XTV(8989.51,XP2) D PAR51(XP2) . Q Q