1 | XPDZSUM ;WV/TOAD-KIDS check Before checksums ;12/01/2005 10:40
2 | ;;8.0;KERNEL;**L34**;Jul 10,1995
3 | ;
4 | ; This routine is the prototype for a new KIDS option that compares the
5 | ; checksums for routines being brought in by a patch to those currently
6 | ; installed on the system. It parses the patch description, extracts
7 | ; the checksums from the table and records them in the Checksum subfile
8 | ; of the Patch Record file (437016). It then uses ^%ZOSF("RSUM") to
9 | ; compare the before values and warn of any potential collisions. It
10 | ; also records the patch list for each routine and records that, too, in
11 | ; the Checksum subfile, and compares it to the current routine's
12 | ; patch list.
13 | ;
14 | ; history
15 | ;
16 | ; 2005 11 29 Rick Marshall wrote outline, then shifted to routine
17 | ; XPDZHFS to explore the algorithm
18 | ; 2005 11 30 Rick Marshall complete algorithm exploration, copied
19 | ; relevant code back to this routine, then worked on the
20 | ; checksum and patch list extract and compare
21 | ; 2005 12 01 Rick Marshall continues refining the extract & compare
22 | ;
23 | ; contents
24 | ;
25 | ; 1. prompt for KIDS text file
26 | ; 2. load description into ^TMP($J)
27 | ; 3. find routine table
28 | ; 4. extract checksums and patch list
29 | ; ; 5. file them in the Checksum subfile
30 | ; ; 6. clear ^TMP($J)
31 | ; 5. compare to current routines
32 | ;
33 | ; XPDZSUM contents
34 | ;
35 | ; FINDSUMS. find checksums & patch lists in a KIDS description file
37 | ; ISHEAD. return whether a line is a routine table header line
38 | ; DRIVEIH. test ISHEAD
39 | ; COLUMNS. extract column values from floating multi-space delimiters
40 | ; DRIVEC. test COLUMNS
41 | ;
42 | ;
43 | FINDSUMS(PATH,FILE) ; find checksums & patch lists in a KIDS description file
44 | ; PATH_FILE = KIDS description file, input to $$FTG^%ZISH in F1
45 | ;
46 | ; called by DRIVEFS (tester), DIRSUMS^XPDZHFS
48 | ;
49 | ; FINDSUMS contents
50 | ;
51 | ; F1. transfer KIDS description file to ^TMP
52 | ; F2. traverse description
53 | ; F3. find routine table in description
54 | ; F4. find end of routine table
55 | ; F5. extract and display columns from the row
56 | ; F6. compare before checksum & patch list to current routine
57 | ;
58 | ; F1. transfer KIDS description file to ^TMP
59 | ;
60 | K ^TMP("XPDZHFS",$J)
61 | D
62 | . N ROOT S ROOT=$NA(^TMP("XPDZHFS",$J,1,0))
63 | . N SUB S SUB=3
65 | . ; Device Handler: transfer a file to a global
66 | ;
67 | ; F2. traverse description
68 | ;
69 | N TABLE S TABLE=0 ; whether line is part of routine table
70 | N ROUTINES ; to routine lines in table
71 | N TYPE S TYPE=0 ; what type of routine table is this? (see ANALYZE)
72 | N NUM S NUM=0 F D Q:'NUM
73 | . S NUM=$O(^TMP("XPDZHFS",$J,NUM)) Q:'NUM
74 | . ; W !,NUM,?5
76 | . N UP S UP=$$UP^XLFSTR(LINE) ; Kernel: XLF library: upper case
77 | . ;
78 | . ; F3. find routine table in description
79 | . ;
80 | . I 'TABLE D Q:'TABLE ; find routine table header line
81 | . . N ISHEAD ; whether it is a table header line
82 | . . D ANALYZE(LINE,.ISHEAD,.TYPE) ; analyse the line
83 | . . Q:'ISHEAD ; skip each line until we find the table
84 | . . S TABLE=1 ; we have entered the routine table
85 | . . S ROUTINES=-1 ; we have not yet seen the first routine lines
86 | . I $TR(UP," -_=")'="" S ROUTINES=ROUTINES+1 ; count non-null table lines
87 | . ; header line does not count (moves from -1 to 0)
88 | . Q:'ROUTINES ; the rest of the loop only applies to routine lines
89 | . ;
90 | . ; F4. find end of routine table
91 | . ;
92 | . S TABLE=0 D Q:'TABLE ; assume it's the end, pass screens to continue
93 | . . ; after first non-null routine line, next blank line is end:
94 | . . Q:$TR(UP," -_=")="" ; I am concerned about whether this is too tight
96 | . . Q:UP["NO ROUTINE"
98 | . . Q:UP["NOTE: "!(UP["NOTE ")
100 | . . S TABLE=1
101 | . ;
102 | . ; F5. extract and display columns from the row
103 | . ;
104 | . N COLUMNS S COLUMNS=$$COLUMNS(LINE) ; extract the columns
105 | . ;
106 | . N R S R=$P(COLUMNS,U) ; all four types start with routine
107 | . W !?3,R ; routine
108 | . ;
109 | . N B,A,P S (B,P)="" ; order varies on the other 3 fields
110 | . ;
111 | . I TYPE>2 D ; for types 3 and 4, the before comes next
112 | . . S B=$P(COLUMNS,U,2)
113 | . . S A=$P(COLUMNS,U,3)
114 | . . I TYPE=4 S P=$P(COLUMNS,U,4)
115 | . E D ; for types 1 and 2, no before, after comes next
116 | . . S A=$P(COLUMNS,U,2)
117 | . . I TYPE=1 S P=$P(COLUMNS,U,3)
118 | . ;
119 | . W ?13,B,?28,A,?43,P ; sum before, sum after, patch list
120 | . ;
121 | . ; F6. compare before checksum & patch list to current routine
122 | . ;
123 | ;
124 | QUIT ; end of FINDSUMS
125 | ;
126 | ;
128 | ;
129 | D FINDSUMS("c:\voe\patches\XU\","XU-8_SEQ-120_PAT-135.TXT")
130 | QUIT ; end of DRIVEFS
131 | ;
132 | ;
133 | ANALYZE(LINE,ISHEAD,TYPE,DEBUG) ; analyze a line from a KIDS description
134 | ;
135 | ; .ISHEAD = 1 if it is the routine table header line, else 0
136 | ; .TYPE = set of codes: which type of routine table is it:
137 | ; 1 = routine checksum after patch list
138 | ; 2 = routine checksum after
139 | ; 3 = routine checksum before checksum after
140 | ; 4 = routine checksum before checksum after patch list
141 | ;
142 | ; and not yet handled:
143 | ; 5 = routine sum & patches before sum & patches after
144 | ; 6 = none (may have routines; consider how to handle later)
145 | ; 7 = none (informational)
146 | ; DEBUG (optional) = 1 to make ANALYZE write debugging info
147 | ;
148 | ; I1. quickly screen out poor candidates
149 | ;
150 | S ISHEAD=0 ; assume it is not a header line
151 | I LINE'[" " Q ; unless there are columns, it's not a header line
152 | S LINE=$$UP^XLFSTR(LINE) ; convert to upper case
153 | ; better be checksums:
155 | I LINE["(V)" Q ; associated patches lines contain "BEFORE"
156 | I LINE["CHECK^XTSUMBLD" Q ; extra header line contains "CHECKSUM"
158 | ;
159 | ; I2. extract columns
160 | ;
161 | N COLUMNS S COLUMNS=$$COLUMNS(LINE) ; extract columns
162 | N LENGTH S LENGTH=$L(COLUMNS,U) ; how many columns?
163 | I $G(DEBUG) W !,LENGTH ; for debugging
164 | I LENGTH<2!(LENGTH>4) Q ; unless there are 2-4 columns, it's not
165 | S TYPE=6 ; assume the routine table requires special handling
166 | ;
167 | S COLUMNS=$TR(COLUMNS," AEIOUC") ; condense: extract spaces, vowels, C
168 | ; C because of all the variations of CHCKSUM/CHKSUM
169 | ;
170 | N R S R=$P(COLUMNS,U) ; routine name
171 | N B S B=$P(COLUMNS,U,2) ; checksum before patch
172 | N A S A=$P(COLUMNS,U,3) ; checksum after patch
173 | N P S P=$P(COLUMNS,U,4) ; patch list after patch
174 | ;
175 | I LENGTH=2 D ; if only two columns, it's name and checksum after
176 | . S A=B,B="" ; set checksum after and clear before
177 | . S TYPE=2
178 | E I LENGTH=3 D ; two different types have three columns
179 | . S TYPE=3 ; assume it is name, before, and after
180 | . I "^PTHLST^2NDLN^NDTR^LST^^"'[(U_A_U) D ; if patch list, it's type 1
181 | . . S P=A,A=B,B="" ; set after & patches, clear before
182 | . . S TYPE=1
183 | E S TYPE=4 ; the preferred type, all four columns
184 | ;
185 | I $G(DEBUG) W !?3,R,?13,B,?28,A,?43,P ; for debugging
186 | ;
187 | ; I3. decide whether they look like routine table header columns
188 | ;
189 | D ; change that to no unless a pattern is met
190 | . ;
191 | . I "^NM^RTN^RTNNM^RNT^NM^RNTNM^PRGRM^"'[(U_R_U) D Q ; routine name
192 | . . I $G(DEBUG) W "R: [",R,"] ",$L(R)
194 | . . I $G(DEBUG) W "B: [",B,"] ",$L(B)
196 | . . I $G(DEBUG) W "A: ",A,"[ ",$L(A)
197 | . I "^PTHLST^2NDLN^NDTR^LST^^"'[(U_P_U) D Q ; patch list after patch
198 | . . I $G(DEBUG) W "P: ",P,"[ ",$L(P)
199 | . ;
200 | . S ISHEAD=1
201 | Q:'ISHEAD
202 | ;
203 | ; I4. display canonical header
204 | ;
205 | W !,TYPE
206 | W ?3,"routine"
207 | I TYPE>2 W ?13,"sum before"
208 | W ?28,"sum after"
209 | I TYPE=1!(TYPE=4) W ?48,"patch list"
210 | ;
211 | QUIT ; end of ANALYZE
212 | ;
213 | ;
214 | DRIVEA ; test ANALYZE
215 | ;
216 | N LINE S LINE=" Routine ChkSum 2nd Line"
217 | N ISHEAD
219 | W !!,ISHEAD
220 | QUIT ; end of DRIVEIH
221 | ;
222 | ;
223 | COLUMNS(LINE) ; extract column values from floating multi-space delimiters
224 | ; given a free text line containing floating columns of data
225 | ; delimited by multiple spaces (2 or more), extract the columns and
226 | ; return them ^-delimited. This could later be extended to choose the
227 | ; delimiters (instead of spaces and ^s).
228 | ;
229 | ; we need to extend this tool to handle empty columns
230 | ;
231 | N COLUMNS S COLUMNS="" ; return value
232 | S LINE=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(LINE,"LR") ; trim leading & trailing spaces
233 | N COUNT ; count columns extracted
234 | F COUNT=1:1 Q:LINE="" D ; continue until LINE reduced to empty
235 | . N COLUMN S COLUMN=$P(LINE," ") ; copy first column
236 | . S $P(COLUMNS,U,COUNT)=COLUMN ; place it into the return value
237 | . S $P(LINE," ")="" ; remove it from LINE
238 | . S LINE=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(LINE,"L") ; remove leading spaces from LINE
239 | ;
240 | QUIT COLUMNS ; end of COLUMNS, return extracted column values
241 | ;
242 | ;
243 | DRIVEC ; test COLUMNS
244 | ;
245 | N LINE S LINE=" Routine Old New 2nd Line "
246 | W !,"Before: ",LINE
247 | W !!,"After: ",$$COLUMNS(LINE)
248 | QUIT ; end of DRIVEC
249 | ;
250 | ;
251 | QUIT ; end of routine XPDZSUM