XQOR4 ; SLC/KCM - Process "^^" jump ;1/23/07 15:36 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**56,62,437**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 23 ; Modified from FOIA VISTA, ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA DJMP ;From: STAK^XQOR1 Q:'$D(^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"ITM",^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"ITM"),"IN")) I $D(VALMCC) N XQORLMGR S XQORLMGR="" D FULL^VALM1 ; List Mgr Running? S X=^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"ITM",^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"ITM"),"IN") I '$L($P(X,"^",3)) W !!,"For entry ""^^",$P(X,"^",4),""" -" S X=$P(X,"^",4,99) D EAT^XQORM1 ;Q:$E(X,1,2)'="^^" S X=$P(X,"=",1),D="K.ORWARD",DIC="^ORD(101,",DIC(0)="SE" D IX^DIC K DIC,D I Y<0!('$D(^ORD(101,+Y,0))) W:(X'["^")&(X'["?") !!,">>> ",X," not found or selected. No action taken." D:(X'["^")&(X'["?") READ S X="" G DJMPX S ORNSV=+Y K X F I=1:1:XQORS I $P(^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"VPT"),";",2)="ORD(101,",$D(^ORD(101,+^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"VPT"),21)) D DJMP1 S X="" F I=0:0 S X=$O(X(X)) Q:X="" N @X S X=ORNSV_";ORD(101," K ORNSV D EN^XQOR DJMPX I $D(XQORLMGR) S VALMBCK="R" ; Refresh List Mgr Q DJMP1 F J=0:0 S J=$O(^ORD(101,+^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"VPT"),21,J)) Q:J'>0 I $D(^ORD(101,+^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"VPT"),21,J,0)) S X=^(0) I X?1A.ANP!(X?1"%".ANP) S X(X)="" Q SHDR ;Display sub-header Q:'$D(@(^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"REF")_"0)")) S X=$P(^(0),"^",2) W:X'?1." " !!?(36-($L(X)\2)),"--- "_X_" ---" Q ;VWSD LOCAL MOD STARTED HERE, XQ SILENT MODE . VARIABLE XQORMUTE READ I '$D(XQORMUTE) W !,"Press RETURN to continue: " R X:$S($D(DTIME):DTIME,1:300) ;READ W !,"Press RETURN to continue: " R X:$S($D(DTIME):DTIME,1:300) ;END LOCAL MOD Q C19 N X0 S X0=@(^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"REF")_"0)"),X=$P(X0,"^",6) I $L(X),'$D(^XUSEC(X,DUZ)) W !!,"This option "_$P(X0,"^")_" is locked.",! D READ S Y=-1 Q S ORNSV=$P(X0,"^",9),X="NOW",%DT="T" D ^%DT S X=$P(Y,".",2) I X>$P(ORNSV,"-"),X<$P(ORNSV,"-",2) W !!,"Not Available: ",ORNSV,! K ORNSV D READ S Y=-1 Q K ORNSV I "QMOXALDT"'[$P(^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"FLG"),"^") W !!,"This option type not supported by 'unwinder' routines.",! D READ S Y=-1 Q S Y=1 Q