[613] | 1 | XQT3 ;SEA/MJM Create menu templates (cont.);11/20/89 11:12 AM ;01/09/2001 13:33
| 2 | ;;8.0;KERNEL;**46,37,155**;Jul 10, 1995
| 3 | STORE ;See if this is what the User wants and if so store it
| 4 | W @IOF,!,"You have chosen the following options in this order:",!!
| 5 | S XQN="" F XQI=0:0 S XQN=$O(XQLIST(XQN)) Q:XQN="" W !,$P(XQLIST(XQN),U,4)," (",$P(XQLIST(XQN),U,3),")"
| 6 | W !!,"Are we in agreement so far? [Y/N] Y// " R %:DTIME S:%="" %="Y" S:'$T %=U G:%=U OUT I %["?"!("YyNn"'[%) W !!,"Please answer 'Y' or 'N'",*7 H 10 G STORE
| 7 | I "Nn"[% W !!,"OK, lets take it from the top...." D O1 H 10 G EN^XQT2
| 8 | W @IOF,!!,"Fine. Since all menu-type options will be processed in the background",!," you will only be asked to respond to the following:",!!
| 9 | S XQN=0 F XQI=0:0 S XQN=$O(XQLIST(XQN)) Q:XQN="" I "MQ"'[$P(XQLIST(XQN),U,6) W !,$P(XQLIST(XQN),U,4)," (",$P(XQLIST(XQN),U,3),")"
| 10 | W !!,"Are these the functions you want when you invoke this template? [Y/N] Y// " R %:DTIME S:'$T %=U G:%=U OUT S:%="" %="Y" I %["?"!("YyNn"'[%) W !!,*7,"Please answer 'Y' or 'N'" H 10 G STORE
| 11 | I "Nn"[% W !!,"OK, lets take it from the top...." D O1 H 10 G EN^XQT2
| 12 | ;
| 13 | NAM ;Get a legitimate name for this template and file it.
| 14 | W !!,"Enter a name (6 characters or less in UPPER CASE)",!?5,"for this template or '^' to quit: " R XQUR:DTIME S:'$T XQUR=U G:XQUR=U OUT
| 16 | I XQUR[U W !!,"A menu template name may not contain the '^' character.",!,"Are you telling me you want to quit? [Y/N] N// " R XQUR:DTIME S:'$T XQUR=U G:XQUR=U OUT S:XQUR="" XQUR="N" I "Nn"[XQUR G NAM
| 17 | I XQUR="" W *7," ??" G NAM
| 18 | I $L(XQUR)>6 W *7,!!,"Six (6) characters or less, please." G NAM
| 19 | I XQUR["?" W !!,"A six character (or less) name like 'LAB', or 'E1',",!," something you will remember." S XQUR="" G NAM
| 20 | S XQUP=XQUR I XQUR'?.PUN S XQUP=$$UP^XLFSTR(XQUP) ;F XQI=1:1 Q:XQUP?.NUP S %=$A(XQUP,XQI) I %<123,%>96 S XQUP=$E(XQUP,1,XQI-1)_$C(%-32)_$E(XQUP,XQI+1,255)
| 21 | S XQUR=XQUP
| 22 | W !!,"'",XQUR,"' it is. In the future you will start this template by typing '[",XQUR,"'"
| 23 | ;
| 24 | RPT ;Set the default for repeating the template
| 25 | W !!,"After you have finished using '",XQUR,"' will you want it to repeat? [Y/N] N// " R %:DTIME S:'$T %=U G:%=U OUT S:%="" %="N"
| 26 | I %["?" W !!,?5,"Please answer Yes or No."
| 27 | I %["??" S XQH="XQTREPEAT" D EN^XQH G RPT
| 28 | S XQTRPT=0 I "Yy"[% S XQTRPT=1
| 29 | ;
| 30 | ;Create the 'DR' strings to load the template into ^VA(200,DUZ,19.8)
| 31 | ;
| 32 | S XQJ=0,XQDR(0)="1///"_XQTRPT_U
| 33 | F XQI=1:1:XQOPN-1 S:$L(XQDR(XQJ))>200 XQJ=XQJ+1,XQDR(XQJ)="1///+" S XQDR(XQJ)=XQDR(XQJ)_$P(XQLIST(XQI),U,1)_","_$P(XQLIST(XQI),U,2)_","_$S($D(XQLIST(XQI,0)):"E",1:"")_$S($D(XQLIST(XQI,1)):"X",1:"")_"^"
| 34 | ;
| 35 | FIL ;File this template in the New Person File
| 36 | K DIC,DIE,DR,DA
| 37 | S X=XQUR,DA=0,U="^",DA(1)=DUZ,DIC="^VA(200,"_DA(1)_",19.8,",DIC(0)="NFL"
| 38 | I '$D(^VA(200,DUZ,19.8,0)) S ^(0)="^200.198^^"
| 39 | I $D(^VA(200,DUZ,19.8,"B",X)) W !,"You already have a template called ",X,". Do you want to replace it? N// " R %:30 S:%="" %="N" S:'$T %=U G:%=U OUT G:"Yy"'[% NAM S DA=$O(^(X,0)),DIK=DIC D ^DIK S X=XQUR
| 40 | I '$D(^VA(200,DUZ,19.8,"B",X)) D FILE^DICN
| 41 | S DA=$O(^VA(200,DUZ,19.8,"B",X,0))
| 42 | S DIE=DIC
| 43 | F XQI=0:1:XQJ S DR=XQDR(XQI) D ^DIE
| 44 | ;
| 45 | OUT ;Clean up, restore XQY and quit
| 46 | ;S XQY=+XQTSV,XQDIC=$P(XQTSV,U,2),XQY0=$P(XQTSV,U,3,99)
| 48 | I '$D(XQTSV) S XQY=^(^XUTL("XQ",$J,"T")),XQDIC=$P($P(XQY,U),+XQY,2),XQY0=$P(XQY,U,2,99),XQY=+XQY
| 49 | K XQTSV
| 50 | ;
| 51 | ;Come to O1 if we're restarting from "Are We In Agreement" Store+4, +9
| 54 | Q