XU8375P ;;BPOIFO/DW - Post-init for XU*8*375 ; 14 April 2004 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**375**; Jul 10, 1995; ; ;Update the DD D UPDATE ; ;Recompile input templates D RECOMP ; ;Update triggered fields D TRIG Q ; UPDATE ;Update DD of the SIGNATURE BLOCK PRINTED NAME field S $P(^DD(200,20.2,0),U,5,999)="K:X[""""""""!($A(X)=45)!($L(X)>40)!($L(X)<2) X I $D(X) K:$$FORMAT^XLFNAME7(X,2,40,,0,,1)'[$P(^VA(200,DA,0),"","") X" Q ; RECOMP ;Recompile input templates D BMES^XPDUTL("Recompiling templates...") ; N XUFLD S XUFLD(200,20.2)="" D DIEZ^DIKCUTL3(200,.XUFLD) ; Q ; TRIG ;Update triggered fields D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating trigger field definitions...") ; N XUFLD,XUOUT S XUFLD(200,20.2)="" D TRIG^DICR(.XUFLD,.XUOUT) ; N XUFL,XUFD S XUFL=0 F S XUFL=$O(XUOUT(XUFL)) Q:'XUFL D . S XUFD=0 F S XUFD=$O(XUOUT(XUFL,XUFD)) Q:'XUFD D .. D MES^XPDUTL(" Field #"_XUFD_" of file #"_XUFL_" updated.") ; Q ;