XUSNPIX1 ;OAK_BP/CMW - NPI EXTRACT REPORT ;01-OCT-06 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**438,452,453**; Jul 10, 1995;Build 36 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; NPI Extract Report ; ; Input parameter: N/A ; ; Other relevant variables: ; XUSRTN="XUSNPIX1" (current routine name, used for ^XTMP and ^TMP ; storage subscript) ; Storage Global: ; ^XTMP("XUSNPIX1",0) = Piece 1^Piece 2^Piece 3^Piece 4^Piece 5^Piece 6 ; where: ; Piece 1 => Purge Date - 1 year in future ; Piece 2 => Create Date - Today ; Piece 3 => Description ; Piece 4 => Last Date Compiled ; Piece 5 => $H last run start time ; Piece 6 => $H last run completion time ; ; ^XTMP("XUSNPIX1",1) = DATA ; ; XUSNPI => Unique NPI of entry ; LDT => Last Date Run, VA Fileman Format ; ; Entry Point - TASKMAN => Run report in background using TASKMAN ; Q ; TASKMAN ;TASKMAN ENTRY POINT ; Process Report N XUSRTN,DTTM ; Check for required variables I $G(U)=""!($G(DT)="") G EXIT S XUSRTN="XUSNPIX1" S DTTM=$$HTE^XLFDT($H,"2") ; Check to see if report is in use L +^XTMP(XUSRTN):5 I '$T G EXIT ; D INIT(XUSRTN) ; Pull Station(Institution) data D INST(XUSRTN) ; D PROC1(XUSRTN) ; Send the message D EMAIL^XUSNPIX5(XUSRTN) D VMAIL^XUSNPIX5(XUSRTN) ; ; Process Institution File D ENT^XUSNPIX2 ; ; Process Non VA File D ENT^XUSNPIX3 ; ; Send summary message D SMAIL^XUSNPIX5("XUSNPIXT") ; ;Standard EXIT point EXIT ; K XUSEOL,DTTM,MAXSIZE,XUSVER,XUSHDR,XUSPROD K MSGCNT,TOTREC,COUNT K ^TMP("XUSNPIXU",$J) ; Log Run Completion Time S $P(^XTMP(XUSRTN,0),U,6)=$H L -^XTMP(XUSRTN) ; Q ; INIT(XUSRTN) ; check/init variables N XUSDESC ; Set to NEXT release version from NPM S XUSVER="453.16" ; Get production/test account flag S XUSPROD=$S($$PROD^XUPROD(1):"PROD",1:"TEST") ; Set end of line character S XUSEOL="~~" ; Set to 300000 for live S MAXSIZE=300000 ; Reset Temporary Scratch Global D INIT^XUSNPIXU K ^TMP(XUSRTN) S XUSDESC="NPI EXTRACT TYPE 1 - Do Not Delete" S ^XTMP(XUSRTN,0)=(DT+10000)_U_DT_U_XUSDESC_U_DT_U_$H ; Generate TMP BCBS Array D BCBSID^XUSNPIXU ; Q ; INST(XUSRTN) ;Pull station and Institution info N INST,SINFO,DIC4 ; Pull site info S SINFO=$$SITE^VASITE ; Station Number S SITE=$P(SINFO,U,3) ; Institution S INST=$P(SINFO,U) ; ; Get institution mailing address I INST D . S DIC4=$G(^DIC(4,INST,4)) . S XUSNP(7)=$P(DIC4,U) . S XUSNP(8)=$P(DIC4,U,2) . S XUSNP(9)=$P(DIC4,U,3) . S XUSNP(10)=$P(DIC4,U,4) . I XUSNP(10) S XUSNP(10)=$P($G(^DIC(5,XUSNP(10),0)),U,2) . S XUSNP(11)=$P(DIC4,U,5) . S INSMAIL=XUSNP(7)_U_XUSNP(8)_U_XUSNP(9)_U_XUSNP(10)_U_XUSNP(11) S XUSHDR="Station: "_SITE_U_XUSNP(9)_U_XUSNP(10)_U_XUSNP(11)_U_"TYPE 1"_U_XUSVER ; Q ; PROC1(XUSRTN) ;Process all New Person records N XUSNPI,XUSDT,XUSNEW,XUSI,XUSDATA,XUSVA0,XUSVA0,XUSVA1,XUSNAME,XUSDOB,XUSDIV,XUSSTL,XUSSTLN,XUSOPN N XUSPER,XUSSPC,XUSTAX,XUSTAXID,XUSIZE,NPIEN,DIC4,SPDIV,VA12,VA13 ; set counter S COUNT=1,(TOTREC,MSGCNT,XUSIZE)=0 ; Loop through NEW PERSON NPI records NPI cross ref S XUSNPI=0 F S XUSNPI=$O(^VA(200,"ANPI",XUSNPI)) Q:'XUSNPI D . S NPIEN=$O(^VA(200,"ANPI",XUSNPI,"")) . ; . ; Init columns . F XUSI=1:1:29 S XUSNP(XUSI)="" . S XUSNP(1)=XUSNPI S XUSDATA1=XUSNP(1) . ; . S XUSVA0=$G(^VA(200,NPIEN,0)) . S XUSVA1=$G(^VA(200,NPIEN,1)) . S XUSNAME=$P(XUSVA0,U) . ; BREAK NAME INTO COMPONENTS . I XUSNAME'="" D . . S XLFNC=XUSNAME D FORMAT^XLFNAME7(.XLFNC,,,,0) . . S XUSNP(2)=XLFNC("GIVEN"),XUSNP(3)=XLFNC("MIDDLE"),XUSNP(4)=XLFNC("FAMILY") . . I XLFNC("SUFFIX")'="" S XUSNP(4)=XUSNP(4)_" "_XLFNC("SUFFIX") . . K XLFNC . S XUSDATA1=XUSDATA1_U_XUSNP(2)_U_XUSNP(3)_U_XUSNP(4) . S XUSNP(5)=1 ;TYPE . S XUSDOB=$P(XUSVA1,U,3) . ; dob formatted as mm/dd/yyyy . I XUSDOB D . . S XUSNP(6)=$$FMTE^XLFDT(XUSDOB,5) . S XUSDATA1=XUSDATA1_U_XUSNP(5)_U_XUSNP(6) . ; . ; Pay to Provider Address Use primary institution mailing address NP7-11 . S XUSDATA1=XUSDATA1_U_INSMAIL . ; . ; Servicing Provider Address . S (XUSDIV)=0 . ; Loop through Division multiple . F S XUSDIV=$O(^VA(200,NPIEN,2,XUSDIV)) Q:'XUSDIV D . . S DIC4=$G(^DIC(4,XUSDIV,4)) . . S XUSNP(12)=$P(DIC4,U) . . S XUSNP(13)=$P(DIC4,U,2) . . S XUSNP(14)=$P(DIC4,U,3) . . S XUSNP(15)=$P(DIC4,U,4) . . I XUSNP(15) S XUSNP(15)=$P($G(^DIC(5,XUSNP(15),0)),U,2) . . S XUSNP(16)=$P(DIC4,U,5) . . S XUSSTA(XUSDIV)=$P($G(^DIC(4,XUSDIV,99)),U) . . S SPADR(XUSDIV)=XUSNP(12)_U_XUSNP(13)_U_XUSNP(14)_U_XUSNP(15)_U_XUSNP(16) . ; If no divisions found . I '$D(SPADR) D . . S XUSSTA(9999)="N/A",SPADR(9999)=XUSNP(12)_U_XUSNP(13)_U_XUSNP(14)_U_XUSNP(15)_U_XUSNP(16) . ; . ; Office Phone number . S XUSOPN=$P($G(^VA(200,NPIEN,.13)),U,2) . I XUSOPN'="" S XUSNP(17)=XUSOPN . ; . ; Degree . S XUSNP(18)=$P($G(^VA(200,NPIEN,3.1)),U,6) . ; Degree Code (place holder) . S XUSNP(19)="" . ; . ; get taxonomy and specialty . S XUSPER=0 . F S XUSPER=$O(^VA(200,NPIEN,"USC1","B",XUSPER)) Q:'XUSPER D . . S XUSSPC=$P($G(^USC(8932.1,XUSPER,0)),U,9) . . S XUSTAX=$P($G(^USC(8932.1,XUSPER,0)),U,7) . . I XUSSPC'="" D . . . I XUSNP(20)="" S XUSNP(20)=XUSSPC Q . . . S XUSNP(20)=XUSNP(20)_";"_XUSSPC . . I XUSTAX'="" D . . . I XUSNP(21)="" S XUSNP(21)=XUSTAX Q . . . S XUSNP(21)=XUSNP(21)_";"_XUSTAX . ; . ; Tax ID . S XUSTAXID=$P($G(^VA(200,NPIEN,"TPB")),U,2) . I XUSTAXID="" S XUSTAXID=$P($G(^VA(200,NPIEN,1)),U,9) . S XUSNP(22)=XUSTAXID . ; . S XUSDATA2=XUSNP(17)_U_XUSNP(18)_U_XUSNP(19)_U_XUSNP(20)_U_XUSNP(21)_U_XUSNP(22) . ; . ; Medicare Part A/B . S XUSNP(23)=670899 . S XUSNP(24)="VA"_$E(SITE+10000,2,5) . ; . ; State License . S XUSSTL=0 . F S XUSSTL=$O(^VA(200,NPIEN,"PS1",XUSSTL)) Q:'XUSSTL D . . S XUSSTLN=$P($G(^VA(200,NPIEN,"PS1",XUSSTL,0)),U,2) . . I XUSSTLN'="" D . . . I XUSNP(25)="" S XUSNP(25)=XUSSTLN Q . . . S XUSNP(25)=XUSNP(25)_";"_XUSSTLN . ; DEA # . S XUSNP(26)=$P($G(^VA(200,NPIEN,"PS")),U,2) . ; . S XUSDATA2=XUSDATA2_U_XUSNP(23)_U_XUSNP(24)_U_XUSNP(25)_U_XUSNP(26) . ; . ; Station # . S XUSNP(27)="" . ; . ; Get BCBS Payer ID Array . K XUSBXID . D PRACID^XUSNPIXU(NPIEN,.XUSBXID) . ; . ; Save entry to ^TMP and update count . N XUSB . S XUSDIV=0 . F S XUSDIV=$O(SPADR(XUSDIV)) Q:'XUSDIV D . . S COUNT=COUNT+1,TOTREC=TOTREC+1 . . S ^TMP(XUSRTN,$J,COUNT)=XUSDATA1_U_SPADR(XUSDIV)_U_XUSDATA2_U_XUSSTA(XUSDIV)_U_XUSEOL . . S XUSIZE=XUSIZE+$L(^TMP(XUSRTN,$J,COUNT)) . . ; Check BCBS Id array . . I $D(XUSBXID) D . . . S XUSB="" . . . F S XUSB=$O(XUSBXID(XUSB)) Q:XUSB="" D . . . . S COUNT=COUNT+1,TOTREC=TOTREC+1 . . . . S ^TMP(XUSRTN,$J,COUNT)=XUSDATA1_U_SPADR(XUSDIV)_U_XUSDATA2_U_XUSSTA(XUSDIV)_U_XUSB_U_XUSEOL . . . . S XUSIZE=XUSIZE+$L(^TMP(XUSRTN,$J,COUNT)) . K XUSNP,XUSDATA1,XUSDATA2,XUSDATA3,SPADR,XUSBXID,CNT,XUSSTA . I XUSIZE>MAXSIZE D . . D EOF(XUSRTN) . . D EMAIL^XUSNPIX5(XUSRTN) . . D VMAIL^XUSNPIX5(XUSRTN) . . S ^TMP(XUSRTN,$J,1)=XUSHDR . . S COUNT=1,XUSIZE=0 D EOF(XUSRTN) ; set summary totals S ^XTMP("XUSNPIXT",0)=(DT+10000)_U_DT_U_"NPI EXTRACT SUMMARY TOTALS"_U_DT_U_$H S ^XTMP("XUSNPIXT","H")=$P(XUSHDR,U,1,4) S ^XTMP("XUSNPIXT",1)=MSGCNT_U_TOTREC_U_DTTM K INSMAIL,SITE Q ; EOF(XUSRTN) ; S MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 S ^TMP(XUSRTN,$J,1)=XUSHDR_U_"Message Number: "_MSGCNT_U_"Line Count: "_COUNT_U_DTTM_U_$G(XUSPROD)_U_XUSEOL S COUNT=COUNT+1 S ^TMP(XUSRTN,$J,COUNT)="END OF FILE"_U_XUSEOL Q