LR331 ;DALOI/JMC - LR*5.2*331 PATCH ENVIRONMENT CHECK ROUTINE ; Feb 25, 2005 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**331**;Sep 27, 1994;Build 7 EN ; Does not prevent loading of the transport global. ; Environment check is done only during the install. ; N XQA,XQAMSG ; I '$G(XPDENV) D Q . S XQAMSG="Transport global for patch "_$G(XPDNM,"Unknown patch")_" loaded on "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H) . S XQA("G.LMI")="" . D SETUP^XQALERT . D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("Sending transport global loaded alert to mail group G.LMI",80)) ; S XQAMSG="Installation of patch "_$G(XPDNM,"Unknown patch")_" started on "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H) S XQA("G.LMI")="" D SETUP^XQALERT D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI",80)) ; D CHECK D EXIT Q ; CHECK ; Perform environment check I $S('$G(IOM):1,'$G(IOSL):1,$G(U)'="^":1,1:0) D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("Terminal Device is not defined",80)) . S XPDQUIT=2 I $S('$G(DUZ):1,$D(DUZ)[0:1,$D(DUZ(0))[0:1,1:0) D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("Please log in to set local DUZ... variables",80)) . S XPDQUIT=2 I $P($$ACTIVE^XUSER(DUZ),"^")'=1 D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("You are not a valid user on this system",80)) . S XPDQUIT=2 S XPDIQ("XPZ1","B")="NO" Q ; EXIT ; I $G(XPDQUIT) D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("--- Install Environment Check FAILED ---",80)) I '$G(XPDQUIT) D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("--- Environment Check is Ok ---",80)) Q ; PRE ; KIDS Pre install ; N DA,DIK D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("*** Pre install started ***",80)) ; D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("Deleting Field #15 in file #68, ACCESSION",80)) S DIK="^DD(68.02,",DA=15,DA(1)=68 D ^DIK D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("Field will be installed as part of KIDS installation",80)) ; D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("*** Pre install completed ***",80)) Q ; POST ; KIDS Post install N XQA,XQAMSG D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("*** Post install started ***",80)) D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("*** No action required ***",80)) D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("*** Post install completed ***",80)) D BMES^XPDUTL($$CJ^XLFSTR("Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI",80)) S XQAMSG="Installation of patch "_$G(XPDNM,"Unknown patch")_" completed on "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H) S XQA("G.LMI")="" D SETUP^XQALERT S XQAMSG="LIM: Review description for "_$G(XPDNM,"Unknown patch")_" use KIDS:Utilities:Build File Print" S XQA("G.LMI")="" D SETUP^XQALERT Q