LRAPDA ;DALOI/REG/WTY/KLL/CKA - ANATOMIC PATH DATA ENTRY;11/02/01 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**72,73,91,121,248,259,295,317,365**;Sep 27, 1994;Build 9 ; ;Reference to ^%DT supported by IA #10003 ;Reference to ^DIE supported by IA #10018 ;Reference to ^VA(200 supported by IA #10060 ;Reference to EN^DDIOL supported by IA #10142 ; W !?20,LRO(68)," (",LRABV,")",! S:'$D(LRSOP) LRSOP=1 S:'$D(LRD(1)) LRD(1)="0" S:'$D(^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2,0)) ^(0)="^69.23A^0^0" SEL K LR(1) I $D(LR(2)) D G:%<1 END S:%=1 LR(1)=1 .W !!,"Enter Etiology, Function, Procedure & Disease " .S %=2 D YN^LRU AK ;from LRAPD1 N CORRECT S:'$D(LRSFLG) LRSFLG="" W !!,"Data entry for ",LRH(0)," " S %=1 D YN^LRU G:%<1 END I %=2 D G:Y<1 END S LRAD=$E(Y,1,3)_"0000",LRH(0)=$E(Y,1,3)+1700 .S %DT="AE",%DT(0)="-N",%DT("A")="Enter YEAR: " D ^%DT K %DT I '$O(^LRO(68,LRAA,1,LRAD,1,0)) D Q .W $C(7),!!,"NO ",LRO(68)," ACCESSIONS IN FILE FOR ",LRH(0),!! W K X,Y,LR("CK") R !!,"Select Accession Number/Pt name: ",LRAN:DTIME G:LRAN=""!(LRAN[U) END I LRAN["?" D G W .W !!,"Enter the year ",LRH(0)," ",LRO(68)," accession number to be " .W "updated" .W !,"or locate the accession by entering the patient name." I LRAN'?1N.N D PNAME G:LRAN<1 W D OE1^LR7OB63D,REST,OERR^LR7OB63D G W D OE1^LR7OB63D,REST S:$D(DR(1))#2 DR=DR(1) D OERR^LR7OB63D G W REST ; N LRXSTOP,LRX,LRX1 W " for ",LRH(0) I '$D(^LRO(68,LRAA,1,LRAD,1,LRAN,0)) D Q .W $C(7),!!,"Accession # ",LRAN," for ",LRH(0)," not in ",LRO(68),!! S X=^LRO(68,LRAA,1,LRAD,1,LRAN,0),LRLLOC=$P(X,"^",7),LRDFN=+X Q:'$D(^LR(LRDFN,0)) S X=^(0) D ^LRUP W !,LRP," ID: ",SSN S LRI=+$P($G(^LRO(68,LRAA,1,LRAD,1,LRAN,3)),"^",5) I LRSS'="AU",'$D(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,0)) D Q .W $C(7),!,"Inverse date missing or incorrect in Accession Area file " .W "for",!,LRO(68)," Year: ",$E(LRAD,2,3)," Accession: ",LRAN I "SPCYEM"[LRSS,$O(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,.1,0)) D .W !,"Specimen(s):" .S X=0 F S X=$O(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,.1,X)) Q:'X D ..W !,$P($G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,.1,X,0)),"^") ; ;Don't allow supp. report to be added to a released report if ; modifications are being added via MM option S LRXSTOP=0,(LRX,LRX1)="" I LRSS'="AU",LRD(1)="S" D .S LRX=$P($G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,0)),"^",11) ;release date/time .S LRX1=$P($G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,0)),"^",15) ;orig rel date/time I LRSS="AU",LRSOP="R" D .S LRX=$P($G(^LR(LRDFN,"AU")),"^",15) ;release date/time .S LRX1=$P($G(^LR(LRDFN,"AU")),"^",3) ;date report completed I 'LRX,LRX1 D .W $C(7),!!,"This "_$G(LRAA(1))_" report is currently being" .W !,"modified; it must first be released before Supplementary" .W !,"report can be added.",! .S LRXSTOP=1 Q:LRXSTOP ; DIE ;Edit I LRSS="AU" D AUE Q N LRRDT1,LRRDT2,LRIENS,LREL,LRQUIT,LRSNO,LRCPT,LRESCPT S (LREL,LRESCPT,LRQUIT,LRSNO,LRCPT)=0,LRIENS=LRI_","_LRDFN_"," S LRRDT1=$$GET1^DIQ(LRSF,LRIENS,.11,"I") S LRRDT2=$$GET1^DIQ(LRSF,LRIENS,.15,"I") S:LRRDT1!LRRDT2 LREL=1 ;Determine if CPT activated I $T(ES^LRCAPES)'="" S LRESCPT=$$ES^LRCAPES() I LRSOP="G",LREL D Q .W $C(7),!!,"Report verified. Cannot edit with this option." I LRSOP'="","ABM"[LRSOP,LREL D Q:LRQUIT .;Allow SNOMED and CPT coding even after release. .W $C(7),!!,"Report has been verified. " .I 'LRESCPT,LRSOP'="B" D Q ..W "Cannot edit with this option." ..S LRQUIT=1 .W "Only " .I LRESCPT W "CPT " W:LRSOP="B" "and " .W:LRSOP="B" "SNOMED " .W "coding permitted.",! .I LRSOP="B" D ..K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Enter SNOMED coding",DIR("B")="NO" ..D ^DIR W ! ..S LRSNO=+Y .Q:'LRESCPT .K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Enter CPT coding",DIR("B")="NO" .D ^DIR W ! .S LRCPT=+Y .I "AM"[LRSOP,'LRCPT S LRQUIT=1 Q .I LRSOP="B",'LRCPT,'LRSNO S LRQUIT=1 RESET ;Reset DR string if altered by prior accession/patient ;Reset DR to orig value in LRAPD1 I LRSOP'="","AMBS"[LRSOP,$G(LRD)'="" D @LRD I LRSFLG="S",$G(LRD)'="" D @LRD ;For CY,EM Supp entry S:LRSNO DR=10 ;Modify DR string if only SNOMED coding permitted I 'LRSNO,LRCPT S DR="" ;Set DR string to null in only CPT coding ;If adding supp rpt to released rpt, remove date rpt completed from DR I LRRDT1,LRSOP="S"!(LRSFLG="S") S DR=".09///^S X=LRWHO;10" EDIT ;Call to ^DIE W ! S LRA=^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,0),LRRC=$P(LRA,"^",10) I LRCAPA,"SPCYEM"[LRSS D C^LRAPSWK S DIE="^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,",DA=LRI,DA(1)=LRDFN D CK^LRU Q:$D(LR("CK")) I LRSS="SP",LRSOP="B",$O(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,1.3,0)) D .W $C(7),!!,"This accession has a FROZEN SECTION report." .W !,"Be sure 'FROZEN SECTION' is entered as a SNOMED code in the " .W "PROCEDURE field" .W !,"for the appropriate organ or tissue.",!! ;Code S LRELSD is in DR string setup in LRAPR N LRELSD S LRELSD=0 D ^DIE S LRAC=$P(LRA,U,6) I LRELSD D MAIN^LRAPRES1(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,LRSF,LRP,LRAC) D UPDATE^LRPXRM(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI) D:LRSFLG="S"&('$D(Y)) ^LRAPDSR D FRE^LRU I LRSOP'="","ABM"[LRSOP D CPTCOD WKLD ;Capture Workload I LRSOP="Z","CYSP"[LRSS,LRCAPA D S^LRAPR Q I LRCAPA,"SPCYEM"[LRSS,LRD(1)'="","MBA"[LRD(1) D C1^LRAPSWK I LRCAPA,"SPCYEM"[LRSS,LRSOP="G" D C1^LRAPSWK QUEUES ;Update Queues S X=$P(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,0),"^",4) I X,$D(^VA(200,X,0)) S LR("TR")=$P(^(0),"^") I "CYEMSP"[LRSS,$D(LR(6)),LRSOP="G" Q:$D(^LRO(69.2,LRAA,1,LRAN,0)) D Q .L +^LRO(69.2,LRAA,1):5 I '$T D Q ..S MSG(1)="The preliminary reports queue is in use by another person." ..S MSG(1,"F")="!!" ..S MSG(2)=" You will need to add this accession to the queue later." ..D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG .S ^LRO(69.2,LRAA,1,LRAN,0)=LRDFN_"^"_LRI_"^"_LRH(0) .S X=^LRO(69.2,LRAA,1,0),^(0)=$P(X,"^",1,2)_"^"_LRAN_"^"_($P(X,"^",4)+1) .L -^LRO(69.2,LRAA,1) I "CYEMSP"[LRSS,$D(LR(7)),'$D(^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2,LRAN,0)),LRD(1)'="S" D .L +^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2):5 I '$T D Q ..S MSG(1)="The final reports queue is in use by another person. " ..S MSG(1,"F")="!!" ..S MSG(2)="You will need to add this accession to the queue later." ..D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG .S ^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2,LRAN,0)=LRDFN_"^"_LRI_"^"_LRH(0) .S X=^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2,0),^(0)=$P(X,"^",1,2)_"^"_LRAN_"^"_($P(X,"^",4)+1) .L -^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2) D:LRSOP="M"!(LRSOP="B") EN^LRSPGD Q NM ; I X'["@"!(X["@"&(Y(Z)="")) D Q .W $C(7),!?4,"ENTER WHOLE NUMBERS ONLY",! K X I Y(Z)'="" W $C(7),?40,"OK TO DELETE" S %=2 D YN^LRU I %'=1 K X Q S Y(Z)="" Q ; AUE ;Autopsy Data Entry W ! N LREL,LRQUIT,LRSNO,LRESCPT,LRCPT S (LREL,LRQUIT,LRSNO,LRCPT)=0 S LREL=+$$GET1^DIQ(63,LRDFN_",",14.7,"I") ;Determine if CPT activated I $T(ES^LRCAPES)'="" S LRESCPT=$$ES^LRCAPES() ; Allow supp report to be added on verified AU I LRSOP'="","AFIP"[LRSOP,LREL D Q:LRQUIT .Q:LRESCPT&("AP"[LRSOP) .W $C(7),!!,"Report verified. Cannot edit with this option!" .S LRQUIT=1 I LRSOP'="","ABP"[LRSOP,LREL D Q:LRQUIT .W $C(7),!!,"Report has been verified. " .W "Only " .I LRESCPT W "CPT " W:LRSOP="B" "and " .W:LRSOP="B" "SNOMED " .W "coding permitted.",! .I LRSOP="B" D ..K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Enter SNOMED coding",DIR("B")="NO" ..D ^DIR W ! ..S LRSNO=+Y .Q:'LRESCPT .K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Enter CPT coding",DIR("B")="NO" .D ^DIR W ! .S LRCPT=+Y .I "AP"[LRSOP,'LRCPT S LRQUIT=1 Q .I LRSOP="B",'LRCPT,'LRSNO S LRQUIT=1 AURESET ;Reset DR to orig value in LRAUDA I LRSOP'="","AP"[LRSOP D @(LRSOP_"DR^LRAUDA") I LRSOP="B" D BDR^LRAUDA S:LRSNO DR=32 ;Modify DR string if only SNOMED coding permitted I 'LRSNO,LRCPT S DR="" ;Set DR string to null inf only CPT coding ; ; ;Not all of the autopsy fields are within the AU subscript. ;Therefore, we must lock the entire LRDFN. L +^LR(LRDFN):5 I '$T D Q .S MSG="This record is locked by another user. " .S MSG=MSG_"Please wait and try again." .D EN^DDIOL(MSG,"","!!") K MSG I LRSFLG'="S" D .N LRELSD S LRELSD=0 .S DIE="^LR(",DA=LRDFN .D ^DIE .S LRA=^LR(LRDFN,"AU") .S LRI=$P(LRA,U) .S LRAC=$P(LRA,U,6) .I LRELSD D MAIN^LRAPRES1(LRDFN,LRSS,LRI,LRSF,LRP,LRAC) D:LRSFLG="S" ^LRAPDSR D UPDATE^LRPXRM(LRDFN,"AU") L -^LR(LRDFN) D:"BAP"[LRSOP AU D:LRSOP="R" R I LRSOP'="","ABP"[LRSOP D CPTCOD Q AU I '$D(^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2,LRAN,0)) D .L +^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2):5 I '$T D Q ..S MSG(1)="The final reports queue is in use by another person. " ..S MSG(1,"F")="!!" ..S MSG(2)="You will need to add this accession to the queue later." ..D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG .S ^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2,LRAN,0)=LRDFN .S X=^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2,0),^(0)=$P(X,"^",1,2)_"^"_LRAN_"^"_($P(X,"^",4)+1) .L -^LRO(69.2,LRAA,2) D AU^LRSPGD Q R I '$D(^LRO(69.2,LRAA,3,LRAN,0)) D .L +^LRO(69.2,LRAA,3):5 I '$T D Q ..S MSG(1)="The interim reports queue is in use by another person. " ..S MSG(1,"F")="!!" ..S MSG(2)="You will need to add this accession to the queue later." ..D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG .S ^LRO(69.2,LRAA,3,LRAN,0)=LRDFN .S X=^LRO(69.2,LRAA,3,0),^(0)=$P(X,"^",1,2)_"^"_LRAN_"^"_($P(X,"^",4)+1) .L -^LRO(69.2,LRAA,3) Q PNAME ;Patient Name Lookup N LRPFLG ;LRPFLG tells LRUPS to limit accessions to S X=LRAN,LRPFLG=1 ;the chosen year. K LRAN,DIC,VADM,VAIN,VA S DFN=-1,DIC(0)="EQM",(LRX,LRDPF)="" D:'$D(LRLABKY) LABKEY^LRPARAM D DPA1^LRDPA I DFN=-1 S LRAN=-1 Q D I^LRUPS Q CPTCOD ;CPT Coding N LRPRO Q:$T(CPT^LRCAPES)="" Q:LREL&('LRCPT) I 'LREL D .K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Enter CPT coding",DIR("B")="NO" .D ^DIR W ! .S LRCPT=+Y Q:'LRCPT ;SET PROVIDER TO CURRENT USER, ALLOW UPDATES S LRPRO=DUZ D PROVIDR^LRAPUTL Q:LRQUIT D CPT^LRCAPES(LRAA,LRAD,LRAN,LRPRO) Q END K LRSFLG D:$T(CLEAN^LRCAPES)'="" CLEAN^LRCAPES D V^LRU Q