[613] | 1 | XMGAPI0 ;(WASH ISC)/CAP-Validate/Get Subject APIs ;04/17/2002 08:56
| 2 | ;;8.0;MailMan;;Jun 28, 2002
| 3 | ; Entry points (DBIA 1142):
| 4 | ; $$SUBCHK - Validate a proposed message subject
| 5 | ; $$SUBGET - Retrieve the subject of a message
| 6 | ENT(Y,Z) ;Check Input Subject
| 7 | ;Param1=String
| 8 | ;Param2=Silent Flag
| 9 | N A S A=""
| 10 | I $L(Y)>65 S A=1,%="Entered SUBJECT too long, "_$L($E(Y,66,999))_" characters longer than 65." S Y=$E(Y,1,250) G S:Z Q "3-"_%_U_$E(Y,1,65)
| 11 | ;
| 12 | I Y[U S Y=$$ENCODEUP^XMCU1(Y)
| 13 | ;
| 15 | B I Y?1" ".E S Y=$E(Y,2,99) G B
| 16 | ;
| 18 | E I $E(Y,$L(Y))=" " S Y=$E(Y,1,$L(Y)-1) G E
| 19 | ;
| 20 | G U:Y'?.E1C.E I 'Z Q "5-Subject cannot contain control characters.^"_Y
| 21 | F X=1:1 I $E(Y,X)?1C S Y=$E(Y,1,X-1)_$E(Y,X+1,99) Q:Y'?.E1C.E S X=X-1
| 22 | W $C(7),!,"Control characters removed ("""_Y_""" is Subject accepted).",!
| 23 | ;
| 24 | U I Y="" Q ""
| 25 | I Y="?" S A=1,%="Enter a Message Subject, between 3 & 65 characters long or '^' to exit." G S:Z Q "4-"_%_U_Y
| 26 | I $L(Y)<3 S A=1,%="SUBJECT must be at least 3 characters long." G S:Z Q "1-"_%_U_Y
| 27 | I Y?1"R"2N.N S A=1,%="Subject names of this format (1""R""1.N) are RESERVED" G S:Z Q "2-"_%_U_Y
| 28 | Q Q A_U_Y
| 29 | S W !,$C(7),%,!
| 30 | G Q
| 31 | SUBGET(X) ;Return Subject of a Message (""=Error, Else returns Subject)
| 32 | S X=$P($G(^XMB(3.9,X,0)),U) I X="" Q ""
| 33 | Q $$DECODEUP^XMCU1(X)
| 34 | SUBCHK(X,Z) ;Check Subject (""=Error, Else returns Subject)
| 35 | ;Param1=String
| 36 | ;Param2=Silent Flag (0=Silent, 1=Verbose)
| 37 | N Y S Y=X
| 38 | Q $$ENT(X,Z)