YSCLSERV ;DALOI/RLM-Clozapine data server ;24 APR 1990 ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**18,22,26,47,61,69,74,90,92**;Dec 30, 1994;Build 7 ; Reference to ^%ZOSF supported by IA #10096 ; Reference to ^DPT supported by IA #10035 ; Reference to ^DD("DD" supported by IA #10017 ; Reference to ^PS(55 supported by IA #787 ; Reference to ^PSDRUG supported by IA #25 ; Reference to ^PSRX supported by IA #780 ; Reference to ^VA(200 supported by IA #10060 ; Reference to $$SITE^VASITE supported by IA #10112 ; Reference to $$FMTE^XLFDT() supported by IA #10103 ; Reference to ^PSDRUG supported by IA #221 ; Reference to ^XMD supported by IA #10070 START ; K ^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA") S YSDEBUG=$P(^YSCL(603.03,1,0),"^",3) S YSCLST=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3) S YSCLSTN=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",2) ;Determine station number S X=XQSUB X ^%ZOSF("UPPERCASE") S YSCLSUB=Y S ^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA",1)=$S(YSDEBUG:"DEBUG ",1:"")_YSCLSUB_" triggered at "_YSCLST_" by "_XMFROM_" on "_XQDATE ;The first line of the message tells who requested the action and when D . S YSACTION=$S(YSCLSUB["REMOVE"!(YSCLSUB["DELETE"):"data deleted",YSCLSUB["REPORT":"report generated",YSCLSUB["REBUILD":"data verified",YSCLSUB["UPDATE":"data updated",YSCLSUB["DATESET":"date set",1:"CONT") . I YSACTION="CONT" S YSACTION=$S(YSCLSUB["DEMOG RESET":"Demographics Flag Reset",YSCLSUB["DEBUG":"Debug Mode set",YSCLSUB["AUTH":"Authorization",YSCLSUB["LOCK":"Lock",1:"Site Lock") . S ^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA",2)="No "_$S(YSDEBUG:"DEBUG ",1:"")_YSACTION_" at "_YSCLST ;The second line tells when the server is activated and no data can be ;gathered from the MailMan message. This line gets replaced if the ;server finds something to do. S YSCLLNT=1 I YSCLSUB["REMOVE"!(YSCLSUB["DELETE") G DELETE ;If the subject contains the word REMOVE or DELETE delete those entries from the list. I YSCLSUB["REPORT" G REPORT ;If the subject contains "REPORT" send a report of the currently registered patients to the Clozapine group on Forum ;I YSCLSUB["REBUILD" G REBUILD I YSCLSUB["RESEND" G RESEND I YSCLSUB["UPDATE" G UPDATE ;I YSCLSUB["CHECKSUM" G CSUM^YSCLSRV1 I YSCLSUB["DATESET" G DSET I YSCLSUB["DEBUG" G DEBUG I YSCLSUB["PATIENT" G ^YSCLSRV3 I YSCLSUB["LOCKOUT" G LOCK^YSCLSRV3 I YSCLSUB="DEMOG RESET" G DEMOG^YSCLSRV3 I YSCLSUB["AUTHORIZE" G AUTH^YSCLSRV3 I YSCLSUB="OVERRIDE" G OVRRID^YSCLSRV2 I YSCLSUB="CLAPI" G CLAPI^YSCLSRV2 I YSCLSUB="CL1API" G CL1API^YSCLSRV2 I YSCLSUB["DISCON" G DCON^YSCLSRV2 F X XMREC Q:XMER<0 S XMRG=$TR(XMRG,"- ","") D . ;Verify that + of site number matches local site number . I XMRG'?2U5N1","9N1","1U S YSCLER=" is in error and was not added at " D OUT Q . I $P(XMRG,",")'?2U5N S YSCLER=" is not a valid Clozapine number " D OUT Q . I $P(XMRG,",",2)'?9N S YSCLER=" An SSN must be 9 numbers " D OUT Q . I $P(XMRG,",",3)'="B",$P(XMRG,",",3)'="W",$P(XMRG,",",3)'="M" S YSCLER=" You must specify Weekly, Biweekly, or Monthly " D OUT Q . ;Validate the format of the data in the message and report the error. . S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="X",D="SSN",X=$P(XMRG,",",2) I '$D(^DPT("SSN",X)) S YSCLER=" SSN does not exist at " D OUT Q . ;Do not add data for records where the SSN sent is not in the local database . I $D(^YSCL(603.01,"B",$P(XMRG,","))) S YSCLX=$O(^YSCL(603.01,"B",$P(XMRG,","),"")) S:YSCLX]"" YSCLX=$P(^YSCL(603.01,YSCLX,0),"^",2),YSCLER=" Clozapine # is in use by "_$P($G(^DPT(YSCLX,0)),"^")_" at " D OUT Q . D MIX^DIC1 S YSCLPT=+Y I Y=-1 S YSCLER=" could not be added at " D OUT Q . ;Add the data and report any errors to the Roll-Up group at Forum. . K DD S DIC="^YSCL(603.01,",X=$P(XMRG,","),DIC("DR")="1////"_YSCLPT_";2////"_$P(XMRG,",",3) K DO D FILE^DICN . S YSCLX=$O(^YSCL(603.01,"B",$P(XMRG,","),"")) S:YSCLX]"" YSCLX=$P(^YSCL(603.01,YSCLX,0),"^",2),YSCLER=" assigned to "_$P($G(^DPT(YSCLX,0)),"^")_" at " D OUT EXIT ;If all went well, report that too. S YSDEBUG=$P(^YSCL(603.03,1,0),"^",3) S %H=$H D YMD^%DTC S XMDUN="NCCC LOGGER",XMDUZ=".5",XMSUB=$S(YSDEBUG:"DEBUG ",YSCLSUB["DEBUG":"DEBUG ",1:"")_YSCLST_" NCCC ENROLLER ("_X_%_")",XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""YSCLDATA""," K XMY S XMY("G.CLOZAPINE ROLL-UP@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" I YSDEBUG!(YSCLSUB["DEBUG") S XMY("G.CLOZAPINE DEBUG@FO-DALLAS.MED.VA.GOV")="" D ^XMD ;Mail the errors and successes back to the Roll-Up group at Forum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llow the NCCC users to delete clozapine registration at the individual sites S YSCLLNT=1 F X XMREC Q:XMER<0 S XMRG=$TR(XMRG,"- ","") D . I XMRG="**++**DELETEALL**++**" D DELALL Q . I '$D(^YSCL(603.01,"B",$P(XMRG,","))) S YSCLER=" "_$P(XMRG,",")_" is not registered at " D OUT Q . S YSCLDFN=$O(^DPT("SSN",$P(XMRG,",",2),"")) I YSCLDFN="" S YSCLER=" "_$P(XMRG,",")_" is not a valid SSN at " D OUT Q . I '$D(^YSCL(603.01,"C",YSCLDFN)) S YSCLER=" "_$P(XMRG,",",2)_" is not registered at " D OUT Q . S YSCLA=$O(^YSCL(603.01,"B",$P(XMRG,","),"")) I YSCLA="" S YSCLER=" "_$P(XMRG,",")_" is not a valid entry at " D OUT Q . K ^YSCL(603.01,YSCLA),^YSCL(603.01,"B",$P(XMRG,","),YSCLA),^YSCL(603.01,"C",YSCLDFN,YSCLA) . S YSCLER=" removed at " D OUT . ;I $D(^YSCL(603.01,"C",+Y)) K ^YSCL(603.01,YSCLA),^YSCL(603.01,"B",$P(XMRG,","),YSCLA),^YSCL(603.01,"C",YSCLDFN,YSCLA) S YSCLER=" removed at " D OUT Q ;RLM 9-29-99 ADDED QUIT G EXIT DELALL ;Delete all patients in file 603.01 S YSCLA=0 F S YSCLA=$O(^YSCL(603.01,YSCLA)) Q:YSCLA="" D . I YSCLA S YSCLER=$P(^YSCL(603.01,YSCLA,0),"^",1)_", "_$P(^DPT($P(^YSCL(603.01,YSCLA,0),"^",2),0),"^",9)_", ("_$P(^YSCL(603.01,YSCLA,0),"^",3)_") gdeleted at " D OUT . K ^YSCL(603.01,YSCLA) Q REPORT ;send report of current registrations to the Clozapine group on Forum D REPORT^YSCLSRV2 G EXIT OUT S YSCLLNT=$G(YSCLLNT)+1,^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA",YSCLLNT)=XMRG_YSCLER_YSCLST Q ;Build the text for the return message here. REBUILD ; D REBUILD^YSCLSRV2 G EXIT UPDATE ;Update record with Monthly, Weekly or Bi-weekly status F X XMREC Q:XMER<0 S XMRG=$TR(XMRG,"- ","") D . I XMRG'?2U5N1","9N1","1U S YSCLER=" is in error and was not added at " D OUT Q . I $P(XMRG,",")'?2U5N S YSCLER=" is not a valid Clozapine number format " D OUT Q . I $P(XMRG,",",2)'?9N S YSCLER=" An SSN must be 9 numbers " D OUT Q . I $P(XMRG,",",3)'="B",$P(XMRG,",",3)'="W",$P(XMRG,",",3)'="M" S YSCLER=" You must specify Monthly, Weekly or Biweekly " D OUT Q ;RLM 06/15/05 . S YSCLNM=$P(XMRG,","),YSCLSSN=$P(XMRG,",",2),YSCLWB=$P(XMRG,",",3) . I '$D(^YSCL(603.01,"B",YSCLNM)) S YSCLER=" does not exist at " D OUT Q . S YSCLDA=$O(^DPT("SSN",YSCLSSN,0)) . I YSCLDA="" S YSCLER=" SSN does not exist at " D OUT Q . I $O(^YSCL(603.01,"B",YSCLNM,0))="" S YSCLER=" SSN not in Clozapine file " D OUT Q . I $O(^DPT("SSN",YSCLSSN,YSCLDA)) S YSCLER=" SSN has more than one owner " D OUT Q . I $O(^YSCL(603.01,"B",YSCLNM,0))'=$O(^YSCL(603.01,"C",YSCLDA,0)) S YSCLER=" SSN ("_YSCLSSN_","_$P(^DPT(YSCLDA,0),"^")_") has multiple Clozapine Numbers at " D OUT . I $O(^YSCL(603.01,"B",YSCLNM,0))=$O(^YSCL(603.01,"C",YSCLDA,0)) D . . S YSCLDA1=$O(^YSCL(603.01,"B",YSCLNM,0)) S $P(^YSCL(603.01,YSCLDA1,0),"^",3)=YSCLWB . . S YSCLER=" "_YSCLNM_" ("_$P(^DPT(YSCLDA,0),"^")_") updated to "_$S(YSCLWB="M":"Monthly",YSCLWB="W":"Weekly",YSCLWB="B":"Bi-weekly",1:"Unknown")_" at " D OUT ;06/15/05 G EXIT RESEND ;Trigger retransmission of Clozapine data X XMREC K %DT S X=XMRG,%DT="P" D ^%DT I Y=-1 S YSCLER=" is an invalid date, RESEND not triggered at " D OUT G EXIT S YSCLED=Y,(YSCLSDT,X)=Y D H^%DTC I %H#7'=5 S YSCLER=" is not a Tuesday, RESEND not triggered at " D OUT G EXIT D SERV^YSCLTST2 S Y=YSCLSDT X ^DD("DD") S YSCLER=" - Resend triggered (local task #"_$G(ZTSK)_") by "_XMFROM_" for "_Y_" at " D OUT G EXIT DSET ;Set the day of the week for the roll-up to run. X XMREC Q:XMER<0 S X=$TR(XMRG,"- ","") S YSOFF=$S(X="SUNDAY":0,X="MONDAY":1,X="TUESDAY":2,X="WEDNESDAY":3,X="THURSDAY":4,X="FRIDAY":5,X="SATURDAY":6,1:7) I YSOFF>6 S YSCLLNT=$G(YSCLLNT)+1,^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA",YSCLLNT)=X_" isn't a valid day of the week." G EXIT S $P(^YSCL(603.03,1,0),"^",2)=X S YSCLLNT=$G(YSCLLNT)+1,^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA",YSCLLNT)="Run day set to "_X G EXIT Q DEBUG ;Turn debug mode on and off. I YSCLSUB["DEBUG ON" D . S YSCLLNT=$G(YSCLLNT)+1,^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA",YSCLLNT)="Debug Mode is "_$S(YSDEBUG:"already",1:"now")_" ON at "_YSCLSTN . S $P(^YSCL(603.03,1,0),"^",3)=1 I YSCLSUB["DEBUG OFF" D . S YSCLLNT=$G(YSCLLNT)+1,^TMP($J,"YSCLDATA",YSCLLNT)="Debug Mode is "_$S('YSDEBUG:"already",1:"now")_" OFF at "_YSCLSTN . S $P(^YSCL(603.03,1,0),"^",3)=0 G EXIT ZEOR ;YSCLSERV