[613] | 1 | YSD40042 ;DALISC/LJA - YSD40040 - continuation ; [ 04/08/94 11:53 AM ]
| 2 | ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;;Dec 30, 1994
| 3 | ;;
| 4 | ;
| 5 | CONVNTRY ; Make Conversion file entry
| 6 | ;
| 7 | ; Default to 0; not made...
| 9 | ;
| 10 | ; Exit if no "actual" data...
| 12 | ;
| 13 | ; Set roots, B xref, etc
| 14 | S YSD4CIEN=0,YSD40="",YSD4REF=+YSD4IEN_";YSD(627.8,"
| 15 | S YSD4CIEN=$O(^YSD(627.99,"B",YSD4REF,0)),YSD4OK=0
| 16 | ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
| 17 | ; Following check: Was the IEN returned in YSD4CIEN???
| 18 | ; If so, some portion of the conversion has "hit" this record.
| 19 | ; Therefore, the Status is either...
| 20 | ; Null, <S>tarted, <R>ecorded, <C>onverted, or <E>rrored...
| 22 | . S YSD4OK=1 ; Assume all is OK...
| 23 | . S YSD40=$G(^YSD(627.99,+YSD4CIEN,0))
| 24 | .
| 25 | . ; -------- No 0 node error...
| 26 | . I YSD40']"" D QUIT ;->
| 27 | . . S YSD4OK=0
| 28 | . . D NOW^%DTC
| 29 | . . D PED^YSD4E010(%,"Null 0 node",627.8,"",+YSD4IEN,"",+$P($G(^YSD(627.8,+YSD4IEN,0)),U,2))
| 30 | . . S $P(^YSD(627.99,+YSD4CIEN,0),U,2)="E",YSD4EREP=1
| 31 | .
| 32 | . ; -------- Null status error...
| 33 | . I $P(YSD40,U,2)']"" D QUIT ;->
| 34 | . . S YSD4OK=0
| 35 | . . D NOW^%DTC
| 36 | . . D PED^YSD4E010(%,"Can't convert 'null status' entries",627.8,"",+YSD4IEN,"",+$P($G(^YSD(627.8,+YSD4IEN,0)),U,2))
| 37 | . . S $P(^YSD(627.99,+YSD4CIEN,0),U,2)="E",YSD4EREP=1
| 38 | .
| 39 | . ; -------- If status=<E>rror, error has already been recorded...
| 40 | . ; Don't try to convert again...
| 41 | . I $P(YSD40,U,2)["E" S YSD4OK=0 QUIT ;->
| 42 | .
| 43 | . ; -------- If status=<C>onverted, do not reconvert!!!
| 44 | . I $P(YSD40,U,2)["C" S YSD4OK=0 QUIT ;->
| 45 | .
| 46 | . ; -------- If status=<R>ecorded, report an error...
| 47 | . ; (... conversion has started, and progressed to
| 48 | . ; an unknown state.)
| 49 | . I $P(YSD40,U,2)["R" D QUIT ;->
| 50 | . . S YSD4OK=0
| 51 | . . D NOW^%DTC
| 52 | . . D PED^YSD4E010(%,"Can't convert 'Recorded' entries",627.8,"",+YSD4IEN,"",+$P($G(^YSD(627.8,+YSD4IEN,0)),U,2))
| 53 | . . S $P(^YSD(627.99,+YSD4CIEN,0),U,2)="E",YSD4EREP=1
| 54 | .
| 55 | . ; -------- So, by elimination, the Status is <S>tarted...
| 56 | . ; Therefore, it can be restarted from the beginning...
| 57 | . K ^YSD(627.99,+YSD4CIEN)
| 58 | . K ^YSD(627.99,"AS","DR LAST STARTED")
| 59 | . S ^YSD(627.99,+YSD4CIEN,0)=YSD4REF_U_"S"
| 60 | . S ^YSD(627.99,"AS","DR LAST STARTED")=+YSD4IEN_U_$H
| 61 | .
| 62 | . ; Record as OK in YSD4OK...
| 63 | . S YSD4OK=1
| 64 | ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
| 65 | ; If entry does not already exist, make new entry
| 67 | . S X=^YSD(627.99,0),YSD4CIEN=+$P(X,U,3)+1,$P(X,U,3)=YSD4CIEN,$P(X,U,4)=$P(X,U,4)+1 S ^YSD(627.99,0)=X
| 68 | . S ^YSD(627.99,"B",YSD4REF,+YSD4CIEN)=""
| 69 | . S ^YSD(627.99,+YSD4CIEN,0)=YSD4REF_U_"S"
| 70 | . S ^YSD(627.99,"AS","DR LAST STARTED")=+YSD4IEN_U_$H
| 71 | . S YSD4OK=1
| 72 | QUIT
| 73 | ;
| 74 | HASDATA ; Check performed in REPOINT^YSD40040
| 75 | S YSD4OK=1
| 76 | QUIT
| 77 | ;
| 78 | STARTNO ;
| 79 | I $G(^YSD(627.99,"AS","DR CONVERSION COMPLETED"))]"" D QUIT ;->
| 80 | . S YSD4IEN="Done"
| 81 | . W:$X>1 ! W "Conversion of Diagnostic Results - Mental Health data already completed ...",!
| 82 | S YSD4IEN=+$G(^YSD(627.99,"AS","DR LAST STARTED"))
| 83 | I YSD4IEN>0 S YSD4IEN=YSD4IEN-1 ; Reevaluate last entry
| 84 | QUIT
| 85 | ;
| 86 | EOR ;YSD40042 - YSD40040 - continuation ; 4/6/94 15:24