[613] | 1 | YSDX3UA0 ;DALISC/LJA - Continuation of YSDX3UA0 code... ;8/17/94 08:22
| 2 | ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;;Dec 30, 1994
| 3 | ;;
| 4 | ;
| 5 | DXLS ;This subroutine looks up and displays the diagnosis for Length of Stay (DXLS)
| 6 | ;D RECORD^YSDX0001("DXLS^YSDX3UA0") ;Used for testing. Inactivated in YSDX0001...
| 7 | Q:'$D(^YSD(627.8,"AD",YSDFN)) ;->
| 8 | S J=$O(^YSD(627.8,"AD",YSDFN,0)) ; Inverse date
| 9 | S J1=$O(^YSD(627.8,"AD",YSDFN,J,0)) ; IEN
| 10 | QUIT:$P(^YSD(627.8,J1,1),U,4)["I" ;-> Condition
| 11 | S J2=$P(^YSD(627.8,J1,1),U) ; Diag variable pointer
| 12 | S Y=$P(^YSD(627.8,+J1,0),U,3) D DD^%DT S YSDXLSD=Y
| 13 | ;
| 14 | S J3=$P(J2,";",2)
| 15 | S J4=$P(J2,";")
| 16 | S J5="^"_J3_J4_","_0_")"
| 17 | S J50=@J5
| 18 | ;
| 19 | ; DSM?
| 20 | I J3["YSD" D
| 21 | . S YSDXLS=^YSD(627.7,+J4,"D") ; Code name
| 22 | . S YSDXLSN=$P(J50,U,2) ; Code#
| 23 | ;
| 24 | ; ICD9?
| 25 | I J3["ICD9(" D
| 26 | . S YSDXLS=$P(J50,U) ; Code #
| 27 | . S YSDXLSN=$P(J50,U,3) ; Code name
| 28 | ;
| 29 | I $D(YSDXLS) D
| 30 | . W !!,"The following diagnosis has been noted as the DXLS: "
| 31 | . W !!?3,YSDXLS_" "_$E(YSDXLSN,1,25)," dated ",YSDXLSD
| 32 | QUIT
| 33 | ;
| 34 | DXLSQ ;
| 35 | ;D RECORD^YSDX0001("DXLSQ^YSDX3UA0") ;Used for testing. Inactivated in YSDX0001...
| 36 | I C2["I" S YSDXLX="n" QUIT ;->
| 37 | W !!,"Is "_YSW_" "_$E(YSWN,1,45),!?5," the DXLS"
| 38 | S %=2
| 39 | D YN^DICN
| 40 | I %=-1!(%=2) S YSDXLX="n" QUIT ;->
| 41 | I %=0 D G DXLSQ ;->
| 42 | . W !!,"This is the diagnosis accounting the largest % of length of stay for this "
| 43 | . W !,"admission. There may only be ONE DXLS (DSM or ICD9) per admission."
| 44 | S YSDXLX="y"
| 45 | I $D(J1) D QUIT ;->
| 46 | . S DIE="^YSD(627.8,",DA=J1,DR="10///^S X=""c"""
| 47 | . L +^YSD(627.8,DA)
| 48 | . D ^DIE
| 49 | . L -^YSD(627.8,DA)
| 50 | QUIT
| 51 | ;
| 52 | EOR ;YSDX3UA0 - Continuation of YSDX3UA0 code... ;8/17/94