YTPCL ;ALB/ASF TEST-PTST CHECKLISTS ; 4/5/07 10:05am ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**66,85**;Dec 30, 1994;Build 49 ; ;Reference to ^DIR supported by IA #10026 ; SCOR ; S YSTY="W*",YSNOITEM="DONE^YTPCL" D ^YTREPT S X=^YTD(601.2,YSDFN,1,YSET,1,YSED,1) S (B,C,D)=0 F I=1:1:5 S Y=$E(X,I) S:(Y=3)!(Y=4)!(Y=5) B=B+1 F I=6:1:12 S Y=$E(X,I) S:(Y=3)!(Y=4)!(Y=5) C=C+1 F I=13:1:17 S Y=$E(X,I) S:(Y=3)!(Y=4)!(Y=5) D=D+1 ZZ W !!,"DSM-IV PTSD Criteria B ",$S(B>0:"IS met",1:"is NOT met") W !,"DSM-IV PTSD Criteria C ",$S(C>2:"IS met",1:"is NOT met") W !,"DSM-IV PTSD Criteria D ",$S(D>1:"IS met",1:"is NOT met") I (B>0)&(C>2)&(D>1) W !!,"*** PTSD Diagnosis IS SUGGESTED ***" W !! I IOST?1"C".E W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q:Y'=1 W !!!,"Items" F I=1:1:17 D . W !,I,". ",^YTT(601,YSET,"Q",I,"T",1,0) . I $D(^YTT(601,YSET,"Q",I,"T",2,0)) W:^(0)'=" " !?7,^(0) . I I=5 W !?7,^YTT(601,YSET,"Q",I,"T",3,0) . W " :",$E(^YTD(601.2,YSDFN,1,YSET,1,YSED,1),I) W !!,"1= Not at all 2= A little bit 3= Moderately 4= Quite a bit 5= Extremely" Q SPTSD ;SCREENING REPORT D DTA^YTREPT W !!,?7,"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Screen",!! S X=^YTD(601.2,YSDFN,1,YSET,1,YSED,1) W !,"Patient Reports "_$S($E(X,1)="Y":"HAVING",1:"NO")_" traumatic experiences.",! W:$E(X,2)="Y" !,"In the past month, the patient has been bothered by repeated, disturbing",!,"memories, thoughts, or images of one or more of the stressful events." W:$E(X,3)="Y" !,"In the past month, has felt distant or cut off from other people." W:$E(X,4)="Y" !,"Has been 'super alert' or watchful or on guard in the past month." W:$E(X,2,9)?.E1"Y".E !!,"Please refer to a mental health professional for further evaluation",!,"and treatment of probable PTSD" I IOST?1"C".E W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q:Y'=1 DONE QUIT