YTQPXRM ; ALB/ASF - Build indexes for Mental Health MHA3 ; 3/13/07 1:43pm ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**85**;Dec 30, 1994;Build 49 ;DBIA 4113 supports PXRMSXRM entry points. ;DBIA ???? supports setting and killing ^PXRMINDX(601.84) ;=============================================================== INDEX ;Build the index for MENTAL HEALTH. N DAS,DAST,DATE,DFN,END,ENTRIES,GLOBAL,IND,INS,NE,NERROR N START,TENP,TEXT,IFN,COMP ;Dont leave any old stuff around. K ^PXRMINDX(601.84) S GLOBAL=$$GET1^DID(601.84,"","","GLOBAL NAME") S ENTRIES=$P(^YTT(601.84,0),U,4) S TENP=ENTRIES/10 S TENP=+$P(TENP,".",1) I TENP<1 S TENP=1 D BMES^XPDUTL("Building indexes for MHA3 DATA") S TEXT="There are "_ENTRIES_" entries to process." D MES^XPDUTL(TEXT) S START=$H S (IFN,DFN,IND,NE,NERROR)=0 F S IFN=$O(^YTT(601.84,IFN)) Q:IFN'>0 D . S IND=IND+1 . I IND#TENP=0 D .. S TEXT="Processing entry "_IND .. D MES^XPDUTL(TEXT) . I IND#10000=0 W "." . S COMP=$P($G(^YTT(601.84,IFN,0)),U,9) . Q:COMP'="Y" ;index only completed admins . S DFN=$P(^YTT(601.84,IFN,0),U,2) . S INS=$P(^YTT(601.84,IFN,0),U,3) . S DATE=$P(^YTT(601.84,IFN,0),U,4) ;date given . S DAS=IFN . S ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"IP",INS,DFN,DATE,DAS)="" . S ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"PI",DFN,INS,DATE,DAS)="" . S NE=NE+1 S END=$H S TEXT=NE_" MHA3 results indexed." D MES^XPDUTL(TEXT) D DETIME^PXRMSXRM(START,END) ;If there were errors send a message. I NERROR>0 D ERRMSG^PXRMSXRM(NERROR,GLOBAL) ;Send a MailMan message with the results. D COMMSG^PXRMSXRM(GLOBAL,START,END,NE,NERROR) S ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"GLOBAL NAME")=GLOBAL S ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"BUILT BY")=DUZ S ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"DATE BUILT")=$$NOW^XLFDT Q ; ;=============================================================== KMH(X,DA) ;Delete index for 601.84 MH ADMINISTRATIONS ;X(1)=Patient X(2)=Instrument X(3)=Date Given K ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"IP",X(2),X(1),X(3),DA) K ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"PI",X(1),X(2),X(3),DA) Q ; ;=============================================================== SMH(X,DA) ;Set index for 601.84 MH ADMINISTRATIONS ;X(1)=Patient X(2)=Instrument X(3)=Date Given S ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"IP",X(2),X(1),X(3),DA)="" S ^PXRMINDX(601.84,"PI",X(1),X(2),X(3),DA)="" Q ;