[613] | 1 | MHV7BUS ;WAS/GPM - HL7 BUILDER UTILITIES - SEGMENTS ; 1/21/08 8:28pm
| 2 | ;;1.0;My HealtheVet;**2**;Aug 23, 2005;Build 22
| 3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | ; Segment builders common to multiple messages.
| 6 | ; Message builders with message specific segments will contain
| 7 | ; those message specific segment builders. Examples would be the
| 8 | ; RDF for RTB^K13 messages or the PID for the ADR^A19.
| 9 | ;
| 10 | Q
| 11 | ;
| 12 | MSA(MID,ERROR,HL) ;build MSA segment
| 13 | N MSA,ACK
| 14 | S ACK=$P(ERROR,"^",5)
| 15 | I ACK="" S ACK="AA"
| 16 | S MSA(0)="MSA"
| 17 | S MSA(1)=ACK ;ACK code
| 18 | S MSA(2)=MID ;message control ID
| 19 | S MSA(3)=$$ESCAPE^MHV7U($P(ERROR,"^",6),.HL) ;text message
| 20 | Q $$BLDSEG^MHV7U(.MSA,.HL)
| 21 | ;
| 22 | ERR(ERROR,HL) ;build ERR segment
| 23 | N ERR
| 24 | S ERR(0)="ERR"
| 25 | S ERR(1,1,1)=$P(ERROR,"^",1) ;segment
| 26 | S ERR(1,1,2)=$P(ERROR,"^",2) ;sequence
| 27 | S ERR(1,1,3)=$P(ERROR,"^",3) ;field
| 28 | S ERR(1,1,4,1)=$P(ERROR,"^",4) ;code
| 29 | S ERR(1,1,4,2)=$$ESCAPE^MHV7U($P(ERROR,"^",6),.HL) ;text
| 30 | Q $$BLDSEG^MHV7U(.ERR,.HL)
| 31 | ;
| 32 | QAK(QRY,ERROR,HIT,HL) ;build QAK segment
| 34 | S STATUS=$P(ERROR,"^",5)
| 35 | I STATUS="" S STATUS="OK"
| 37 | S QAK(0)="QAK"
| 38 | I $D(QRY("QPD")) D ;QBP style query
| 39 | . S QAK(1)=$G(QRY("QPD",2)) ;query tag
| 40 | . M QAK(3)=QRY("QPD",1) ;message query name
| 41 | . Q
| 42 | I $D(QRY("QRD")) D ;old style query
| 43 | . S QAK(1)=$G(QRY("QRD",4)) ;query tag
| 44 | . M QAK(3)=QRY("QRD",9) ;message query name
| 45 | . S QAK(3,1,2)=$G(QRY("QRD",10))
| 46 | . Q
| 47 | S QAK(2)=STATUS ;query response status
| 48 | S QAK(4)=$P(HIT,"^",1) ;hit count total
| 49 | S QAK(5)=$P(HIT,"^",2) ;hits this payload
| 50 | S QAK(6)=$P(HIT,"^",3) ;hits remaining
| 51 | Q $$BLDSEG^MHV7U(.QAK,.HL)
| 52 | ;
| 53 | QPD(QRY,EXTIME,HL) ;build QPD segment
| 54 | N QPD
| 55 | M QPD=QRY("QPD")
| 56 | S QPD(0)="QPD"
| 57 | S QPD(7)=$G(QRY("ICN")) ;ICN
| 58 | S QPD(8)=$G(QRY("DFN")) ;DFN
| 59 | S QPD(9)=$$FMTHL7^MHV7BU(EXTIME) ;Extract time
| 60 | Q $$BLDSEG^MHV7U(.QPD,.HL)
| 61 | ;
| 62 | QRD(QRY,EXTIME,HL) ; Build QRD segment
| 63 | N QRD
| 64 | M QRD=QRY("QRD")
| 65 | S QRD(0)="QRD"
| 66 | S QRD(1)=$$FMTHL7^MHV7BU(EXTIME) ;Extract time
| 67 | Q $$BLDSEG^MHV7U(.QRD,.HL)
| 68 | ;
| 69 | QRF(QRY,HL) ; Build QRF segment
| 70 | N QRF
| 71 | M QRF=QRY("QRF")
| 72 | S QRF(0)="QRF"
| 73 | Q $$BLDSEG^MHV7U(.QRF,.HL)
| 74 | ;
| 75 | PID(QRY,HL) ; Build basic PID segment
| 77 | S ICN=$G(QRY("ICN"))
| 78 | S DFN=$G(QRY("DFN"))
| 79 | S SSN=$G(QRY("SSN"))
| 80 | S PID(0)="PID"
| 81 | D PID3^MHV7BU(.PID,ICN,DFN,SSN) ;ID list
| 83 | M PID(5,1)=NAME
| 84 | Q $$BLDSEG^MHV7U(.PID,.HL)
| 85 | ;