MHV7R2 ;WAS/GPM - HL7 RECEIVER FOR OMP^O09 ; [5/24/06 10:20am] ;;1.0;My HealtheVet;**1**;Aug 23, 2005 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; OMPO09 ;Process OMP^O09 messages from the MHV OMP^O09 Subscriber protocol ; ; This routine and subroutines assume that all VistA HL7 environment ; variables are properly initialized and will produce a fatal error ; if they are missing. ; ; The message will be checked to see if it is a valid OMP^O09 order ; message. If not, a negative acknowledgement will be sent. If the ; order message is real time or synchronous, the realtime request ; manager is called to handle it. ; ; Input: ; HL7 environment variables ; ; Output: ; Processed query or negative acknowledgement ; N MSGROOT,REQ,XMT,ERR S (REQ,XMT,ERR)="" S MSGROOT="^TMP(""MHV7"",$J)" D LOG^MHV7U("OMP-O09 RECEIVER","","S",1) ; D LOADMSG^MHV7U(MSGROOT) D LOG^MHV7U("LOAD",MSGROOT,"I",0) ; D PARSEMSG^MHV7U(MSGROOT,.HL) ;D LOG^MHV7U("PARSE",MSGROOT,"I",0) ; I '$$VALIDO09(MSGROOT,.REQ,.XMT,.ERR) D Q . D LOG^MHV7U("MSG CHECK","INVALID^"_ERR,"S",0) . D XMIT^MHV7T(.REQ,.XMT,ERR,"",.HL) D LOG^MHV7U("MSG CHECK","VALID","S",0) ; ; Immediate Mode ; Only real time synchronous calls are supported at this time. I REQ("PRI")="I" D REALTIME^MHVRQI(.REQ,.XMT,.HL) K ^TMP("MHV7LOG",$J) ; Q ; VALIDO09(MSGROOT,REQ,XMT,ERR) ;Parse and Validate message ; ; OMP^O09 messages must contain PID, ORC, and RXE segments ; The following sequences are required ; PID(3) - ICN/DFN ; ORC(2) - Placer Order Number ; RXE(1).4- Order Start Time ; RXE(15) - Prescription Number ; The following sequences are optional ; ; ERR = segment^sequence^field^code^ACK type^error text ; N MSH,PID,ORC,RXE,CNT,ICN,SSN,REQTYPE,DFN,PRI,REQTIEN,REQT0,TYPE,ID,I,ORDERCTL,PORDERN,ORDERQTY,GIVEID,GIVESYS,GIVEAMT,GIVEUNT,ORDERTM,RXNUM,FAMILY,GIVEN,MIDDLE,SUFFIX S ERR="" K REQ,XMT ; ;Set response control defaults S XMT("PROTOCOL")="MHV ORP-O10 Event Driver" ;Response protocol S XMT("BUILDER")="ORPO10^MHV7B2" ;Response builder S XMT("MODE")="D" ;Response mode I $G(HL("APAT"))="" S XMT("MODE")="I" ;Immediate mode S XMT("HLMTIENS")=HLMTIENS ;Message IEN S REQ("MID")="" ;Message ID ; ;Validate message is a well-formed OMP^O09 message ;Must have MSH first followed by PID, then one or more ORC/RXE pairs I $G(@MSGROOT@(1,0))="MSH" M MSH=@MSGROOT@(1) S REQ("MID")=$G(MSH(9)) E S ERR="MSH^1^^100^AE^Missing MSH segment" Q 0 I $G(@MSGROOT@(2,0))="PID" M PID=@MSGROOT@(2),REQ("PID")=PID E S ERR="PID^1^^100^AE^Missing PID segment" Q 0 S CNT=3 F Q:'$D(@MSGROOT@(CNT)) D Q:ERR'="" . I $G(@MSGROOT@(CNT,0))="ORC" M ORC(CNT\2)=@MSGROOT@(CNT) . E S ERR="ORC^1^^100^AE^Missing ORC segment" Q . I $G(@MSGROOT@(CNT+1,0))="RXE" M RXE(CNT\2)=@MSGROOT@(CNT+1) . E S ERR="RXE^1^^100^AE^Missing RXE segment" Q . S CNT=CNT+2 . Q Q:ERR'="" 0 I '$D(ORC) S ERR="ORC^1^^100^AE^Missing ORC segment" Q 0 I '$D(RXE) S ERR="RXE^1^^100^AE^Missing RXE segment" Q 0 ; ; ;Validate required fields and refill request parameters ; S ICN="",DFN="",SSN="" F I=1:1:3 Q:'$D(PID(3,I)) D Q:ERR'="" . S ID=$G(PID(3,I,1)) . S TYPE=$G(PID(3,I,5)) . I ID="" S ERR="PID^1^3^101^AE^Missing Patient ID" Q . I TYPE="" S ERR="PID^1^3^101^AE^Missing Patient ID Type" Q . I TYPE="NI" S ICN=ID . I TYPE="PI" S DFN=ID . I TYPE="SS" S SSN=ID . Q Q:ERR'="" 0 ; S FAMILY=$G(PID(5,1,1)) S GIVEN=$G(PID(5,1,2)) S MIDDLE=$G(PID(5,1,3)) S SUFFIX=$G(PID(5,1,4)) ; I '$$VALIDID(.ICN,.DFN,.SSN,.ERR) S ERR="PID^1^3^"_ERR Q 0 ; ; *** May need to add validation of name - compare against system ;I FAMILY="" S ERR="PID^1^5^101^AE^Missing Patient Family Name" Q 0 ;I GIVEN="" S ERR="PID^1^5^101^AE^Missing Patient Given Name" Q 0 ; F I=1:1 Q:'$D(ORC(I)) D Q:ERR'="" . S ORDERCTL=$G(ORC(I,1)) . S PORDERN=$G(ORC(I,2)) . I ORDERCTL="" S ERR="ORC^"_I_"^2^101^AE^Missing Order Control" Q . I PORDERN="" S ERR="ORC^"_I_"^2^101^AE^Missing Placer Order#" Q . ; . S ORDERQTY=$G(RXE(I,1,1,1)) . S ORDERTM=$G(RXE(I,1,1,4)) . S GIVEID=$G(RXE(I,2,1,1)) . S GIVESYS=$G(RXE(I,2,1,3)) . S GIVEAMT=$G(RXE(I,3)) . S GIVEUNT=$G(RXE(I,5)) . S RXNUM=$G(RXE(I,15)) . I ORDERQTY="" S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^1^101^AE^Missing Order Quantity" Q . I ORDERTM="" S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^1^101^AE^Missing Order Start Time" Q . I GIVEID="" S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^2^101^AE^Missign Give Code ID" Q . I GIVESYS="" S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^2^101^AE^Missing Give Code System" Q . I GIVEAMT="" S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^3^101^AE^Missing Give Amount" Q . I GIVEUNT="" S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^5^101^AE^Missing Give Units" Q . I RXNUM="" S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^15^101^AE^Missing Prescription#" Q . I RXNUM'?1N.N0.1A S ERR="RXE^"_I_"^15^102^AE^Invalid Prescription#" Q . S REQ("RX",I)=RXNUM_"^"_PORDERN_"^"_ORDERTM . Q Q:ERR'="" 0 ; S PRI=XMT("MODE") S REQTYPE="RxRefill" S REQTIEN=$O(^MHV(2275.3,"D",REQTYPE,0)) I 'REQTIEN S ERR="MSH^1^9^103^AE^Request Type Not Found" Q 0 S REQT0=$G(^MHV(2275.3,REQTIEN,0)) S REQTYPE=$P(REQT0,"^",2) ; S REQ("ICN")=ICN ;ICN S REQ("DFN")=DFN ;DFN S REQ("SSN")=SSN ;SSN S REQ("TYPE")=REQTYPE ;Request Data Type S REQ("PRI")=PRI ;Priority ; S REQ("BLOCKED")=$P(REQT0,"^",3) S REQ("REALTIME")=$P(REQT0,"^",4) S REQ("EXECUTE")=$TR($P(REQT0,"^",5),"~","^") ; Q 1 ; VALIDID(ICN,DFN,SSN,ERR) ;Validate patient identifiers ; Will accept ICN, SSN, or DFN, but must have at least one. ; Only validate one, in order of preference: ICN, SSN, DFN. ; ; Integration Agreements: ; 2701 : $$GETDFN^MPIF001, $$GETICN^MPIF001 ; 10035 : Direct reference of ^DPT(DFN,0);9 ; and reference of ^DPT("SSN") x-ref ; N XSSN,XDFN S ERR="" I ICN="",SSN="",DFN="" S ERR="101^AE^Missing Patient ID" Q 0 ;I ICN="" S ERR="101^AE^Missing ICN" Q 0 ; I ICN'="" D Q:ERR'="" 0 Q 1 . S ICN=$P(ICN,"V") . I ICN'?9.10N S ERR="102^AE^Invalid ICN" Q . S XDFN=$$GETDFN^MPIF001(ICN) . I XDFN<1 S ERR="204^AR^Patient Not Found" Q . S XSSN=$P($G(^DPT(XDFN,0)),"^",9) . I SSN'="" D Q:ERR'="" .. I SSN'?9N S ERR="102^AE^Invalid SSN" Q .. I SSN'=XSSN S ERR="204^AE^Patient SSN Mismatch" Q . I DFN'="",DFN'=XDFN S ERR="204^AE^Patient DFN Mismatch" Q . S DFN=XDFN,SSN=XSSN . Q ; I SSN'="" D Q:ERR'="" 0 Q 1 . I SSN'?9N S ERR="102^AE^Invalid SSN" Q . S XDFN=$O(^DPT("SSN",SSN,"")) . I XDFN<1 S ERR="204^AR^Patient Not Found" Q . S ICN=+$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) . I ICN<1 S ICN="" . I DFN'="",DFN'=XDFN S ERR="204^AE^Patient DFN Mismatch" Q . S DFN=XDFN . Q ; I DFN'="" D Q:ERR'="" 0 Q 1 . I DFN'?1N.N S ERR="102^AE^Invalid DFN" Q . I DFN<1 S ERR="102^AE^Invalid DFN" Q . I '$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) S ERR="204^AR^Patient Not Found" Q . S ICN=+$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) . I ICN<1 S ICN="" . S SSN=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^",9) . Q ; S ERR="101^AE^Missing Patient ID" Q 0 ;