[613] | 1 | ONCTPC0 ;HIRMFO/GWB - PCE Study of Thyroid Cancer ;8/23/96
| 2 | ;;2.11;ONCOLOGY;**6,7,15**;Mar 07, 1995
| 3 | ;Check PCE eligibility
| 4 | ;Check if ACCESSION YEAR = 1996
| 5 | I $P(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,0),U,7)'=1996 S MSG="The Accession Year is not 1996." D ERRMSG G EXIT
| 6 | ;Check if microscopically confirmed
| 7 | S DC=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,2)),U,6) I (DC'=1)&(DC'=2)&(DC'=4) S MSG="The Diagnostic Confirmation code is not 1, 2 or 4." D ERRMSG G EXIT
| 8 | ;Check if Class of Case is either 1 or 2.
| 9 | S COC=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,0)),U,4) I (COC'=1)&(COC'=2) S MSG="The Class of Case code is not 1 or 2." D ERRMSG G EXIT
| 10 | ;Check if HISTOLOGY is eligible
| 11 | S HIST=$P($G(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,2)),U,3)
| 12 | I HIST="" S MSG="There is no HISTOLOGY for this primary." D ERRMSG G EXIT
| 13 | S HIST("80203")=""
| 14 | S HIST("80213")=""
| 15 | S HIST("80503")=""
| 16 | S HIST("82903")=""
| 17 | S HIST("83303")=""
| 18 | S HIST("83313")=""
| 19 | S HIST("83323")=""
| 20 | S HIST("83403")=""
| 21 | S HIST("85103")=""
| 22 | S HIST("85113")=""
| 23 | I '$D(HIST(HIST)) S MSG="The Histology of "_$E(HIST,1,4)_"/"_$E(HIST,5)_" is not eligible." D ERRMSG G EXIT
| 24 | MENU ;Thyroid PCE menu
| 25 | S $P(^ONCO(165.5,ONCONUM,7),U,15)="THY"
| 26 | S ^ONCO(165.5,"APCE","THY",ONCONUM)=""
| 27 | K DIR D HEAD
| 28 | S DIR(0)="SO^1:General Information;2:Initial Diagnosis;3:Extent of Disease and AJCC Stage;4:First Course of Treatment;5:First Recurrence and Subsequent Treatment;6:Status at Last Contact;7:All;8:Print Thyroid PCE"
| 29 | S DIR("A")="Select Table" D ^DIR
| 30 | G:$D(DIRUT)!($D(DIROUT)) EXIT
| 31 | I Y=7 S OUT="" D G MENU
| 32 | .D ^ONCTPC1 Q:$G(OUT)="Y"
| 33 | .D ^ONCTPC2 Q:$G(OUT)="Y"
| 34 | .D ^ONCTPC3 Q:$G(OUT)="Y"
| 35 | .D ^ONCTPC4 Q:$G(OUT)="Y"
| 36 | .D ^ONCTPC5 Q:$G(OUT)="Y"
| 37 | .D ^ONCTPC6 Q:$G(OUT)="Y"
| 38 | I Y=8 D ^ONCTPC8 G MENU
| 40 | ERRMSG ;Error message
| 41 | I ONCOANS=5 W !!,?10,"This primary does not satisfy the PCE eligibility criteria:",!,?10,MSG R Z:10
| 42 | K MSG Q
| 43 | HEAD ;Thyroid PCE header
| 45 | S HDL=$L("Patient Care Evaluation Study of Thyroid Cancer"),TAB=(80-HDL)\2,TAB=TAB-1
| 46 | W !,?TAB,"Patient Care Evaluation Study of Thyroid Cancer",!,DASHES
| 47 | Q
| 48 | EXIT ;Kill variables and exit
| 51 | Q