ORB3FUP1 ; slc/CLA - Routine to support notification follow-up actions ; 4/8/08 9:32am ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,64,74,105,139,243**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 242 Q TYPE(ORBY,ORXQAID) ; return notif follow-up action type N NIEN S NIEN=$P($P(ORXQAID,";"),",",3) S ORBY=$G(^ORD(100.9,NIEN,3)) I ORBY="" S ORBY="INFO^" E S ORBY=$P(ORBY,U,2) Q GUI(ORBY,ORXQAID) ; Notification follow-up for GUI called via API: ORB FOLLOW-UP ; called by ORB FOLLOW-UP api: S ORENVIR="GUI" D PROCESS Q PROCESS ; main process for notification follow-up ;ORXQAID = OR,dfn,nien; ;XQADATA = placer num^placer id;filler num^filler id ;XQAKILL = value of parameter ORB DELETE MECHANISM for notif in 100.9 N ORPDIEN,ORN,ORDFN,ORSITE,ORFID,ORFIEN,ORKILL D GETACT^XQALERT(ORXQAID) ;return follow-up action info ;Q:'($D(XQADATA)) Q:'($D(XQAID)) ;Q:($P(XQAID,",")'="OR") ;call function rpc stored in xqarou with params from xqadata D @XQAROU K ORENVIR Q MSG ; display msg re: alert being processed for non-GUI follow-up actions I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .I $L($G(XQX)) W !!,"Processing alert: ",$P(XQX,U,3) H 1.5 Q DEL(ORBY,XQAID,ORKILL) ; delete an alert N ORN S ORN=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",3) I $G(ORKILL)=1!($G(ORKILL)=0) S XQAKILL=ORKILL I $G(XQAKILL)="" S XQAKILL=$$XQAKILL^ORB3F1(ORN) I $G(XQAKILL)="" S XQAKILL=1 S ORBY="FALSE" I $L($G(XQAID)) D DELETE^XQALERT S ORBY="TRUE" K XQAKILL Q CSORD ;co-sign order(s) follow-up K XQAKILL N ORPT,ORDG,ORBXQAID,ORY S ORBXQAID=XQAID S ORPT=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",2) ;get pt dfn from xqaid ;the FLG code for orders requiring CO-SIGNATURE in ORQ1 is 'to be determined when ASU is available' D DEL(.ORY,XQAID) ;until ASU is implemented, delete the alert and quit Q ;quit until ASU is implemented ;I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D LIST^ORQOR1(.ORBY,ORPT,"ALL",???,"","") ;I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D ;.D MSG ;.S ORDG=$$DG^ORQOR1("ALL") ;get Display Group ien ;.D EN^ORCB(ORPT,???,ORDG,???) ;.K ^TMP("ORR",$J) ;.D EN^ORQ1(ORPT_";DPT(",ORDG,???,"","","",0,0) ;.S X="",X=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,X)) Q:X="" I +$G(^TMP("ORR",$J,X,"TOT"))<1 D ;..D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) ;if no more orders req. co-sign, delete the alert ;.K ^TMP("ORR",$J) Q EXDNR ;expiring dnr follow-up K XQAKILL N ORPT,ORBXQAID,ORY S ORBXQAID=XQAID S ORPT=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",2) ;get pt dfn from xqaid N DNRORD,DNRY S DNRORD=$P(XQADATA,"@") I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D .S ORBY(1)=DNRY I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .D MSG .D EN1^ORCB(DNRORD,"RENEW") ;display order, allow renewing, then delete .D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) Q UNLINKED ;unlinked provider follow-up K XQAKILL N ORPT,ORBXQAID,ORY S ORBXQAID=XQAID S ORPT=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",2) ;get pt dfn from xqaid N ORNUM,ORUNY S ORNUM=$P(XQADATA,"@") I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D .S ORBY(1)=ORUNY I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .D MSG .D EN1^ORCB(ORNUM,"REPLACE") ;display order, allow replace, then delete .D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) Q FLORD ;flagged order(s) follow-up K XQAKILL N ORPT,ORDG,X,ORBXQAID,ORY,ORBLMDEL S ORBXQAID=XQAID S ORPT=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",2) ;get pt dfn from xqaid ;the FLG code for "FLAGGED" in ORQ1 is '12' I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D LIST^ORQOR1(.ORBY,ORPT,"ALL",12,"","") I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .D MSG .S ORDG=$$DG^ORQOR1("ALL") ;get Display Group ien .D EN^ORCB(ORPT,12,ORDG,.ORBLMDEL) .K ^TMP("ORR",$J) .Q:$G(ORBLMDEL)=1 ;if EN^ORCB rtns ORBLMDEL=1, alert was removed in LM .D EN^ORQ1(ORPT_";DPT(",ORDG,12,"","","",0,0) .S X="",X=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,X)) Q:X="" I +$G(^TMP("ORR",$J,X,"TOT"))<1 D ..D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) ;if no more flagged orders found, delete alert .K ^TMP("ORR",$J) Q NEWORD ;new order(s) follow-up K XQAKILL N ORPT,ORDG,ORSDT,OREDT,ENT,X,ORBXQAID,ORY,ORBLMDEL S ORSDT="",OREDT="",ENT="USR",ORBXQAID=XQAID S ORPT=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",2) ;get pt dfn from xqaid ;the FLG code for NEW orders since last reviewed orders in ORQ1 is '6' I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D LIST^ORQOR1(.ORBY,ORPT,"ALL",6,"","") I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .D MSG .S ORDG=$$DG^ORQOR1("ALL") ;get Display Group ien .D EN^ORCB(ORPT,6,ORDG,.ORBLMDEL) .Q:$G(ORBLMDEL)=1 ;if EN^ORCB rtns ORBLMDEL=1, alert was removed in LM .D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) ;delete the alert Q DCORD ;DC order(s) follow-up K XQAKILL N ORPT,ORDG,ORSDT,OREDT,ENT,X,ORBXQAID,ORY,ORBLMDEL S ORSDT="",OREDT="",ENT="USR",ORBXQAID=XQAID S ORPT=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",2) ;get pt dfn from xqaid ;the FLG code for DC orders is '3' I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D LIST^ORQOR1(.ORBY,ORPT,"ALL",6,"","") I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .D MSG .S ORDG=$$DG^ORQOR1("ALL") ;get Display Group ien .D EN^ORCB(ORPT,6,ORDG,.ORBLMDEL) .Q:$G(ORBLMDEL)=1 ;if EN^ORCB rtns ORBLMDEL=1, alert was removed in LM .D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) ;delete the alert Q NUMORD ;detailed order display follow-up - return order number K XQAKILL N ORBXQAID,ORY S ORBXQAID=XQAID S ORNUM=$P(XQADATA,"@") I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D .Q I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .D MSG .D EN1^ORCB(+ORNUM,"NEW") ;display order, allow new order then delete .D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) Q ESORD ;order(s) requiring electronic signature follow-up K XQAKILL N ORPT,ORDG,ORBXQAID,ORY,ORX,ORZ,ORDERS,ORDNUM,ORQUIT,ORBLMDEL S ORBXQAID=XQAID,ORDERS=0,ORQUIT=0 S ORPT=$P($P(XQAID,";"),",",2) ;get pt dfn from xqaid ;the FLG code for UNSIGNED orders in ORQ1 is '11' I $G(ORENVIR)="GUI" D LIST^ORQOR1(.ORBY,ORPT,"ALL",11,"","") I $G(ORENVIR)'="GUI" D .D MSG .S ORDG=$$DG^ORQOR1("ALL") ;get Display Group ien .D EN^ORCB(ORPT,11,ORDG,.ORBLMDEL) .K ^TMP("ORR",$J) ;clean up array .Q:$G(ORBLMDEL)=1 ;if EN^ORCB rtns ORBLMDEL=1, alert was removed in LM .I $L($G(XQAID)) D ;EN^ORCB may kill XQAID in its follow-up ..; ..;get unsigned orders - if none exist, delete alert then quit: ..D EN^ORQ1(ORPT_";DPT(",ORDG,11,"","","",0,0) ..S ORX="",ORX=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,ORX)) Q:ORX="" I +$G(^TMP("ORR",$J,ORX,"TOT"))<1 D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) K ^TMP("ORR",$J) Q ..; ..;user does not have ORES key, delete user's alert: ..I '$D(^XUSEC("ORES",DUZ)) S XQAKILL=1 D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) K ^TMP("ORR",$J) Q ..; ..;if prov is NOT linked to pt via attending, primary, teams or PCMM: ..I $$PPLINK^ORQPTQ1(DUZ,ORPT)=0 D ...S ORX="" F S ORX=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,ORX)) Q:ORX=""!(ORDERS=1) D ....S ORZ="" F S ORZ=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,ORX,ORZ)) Q:ORZ=""!(ORDERS=1) D .....S ORDNUM=^TMP("ORR",$J,ORX,ORZ) .....;quit if this unsigned order's last action was made by the user .....I DUZ=+$$UNSIGNOR^ORQOR2(ORDNUM) S ORDERS=1 ...I ORDERS'=1 D ;provider has no outstanding unsiged orders for pt ....S XQAKILL=1 D DEL(.ORY,ORBXQAID) ;delete alert for this user ..K ^TMP("ORR",$J) Q UNFLAG(ORPT) ;order unflagged - delete alert if no more flagged orders N ORDG,ORDOIT,ORQUIT,X,XQAID,XQAKILL,XQAUSER S ORDOIT=1,ORQUIT=0 S ORDG=$$DG^ORQOR1("ALL") ;get Display Group ien K ^TMP("ORR",$J) D EN^ORQ1(ORPT_";DPT(",ORDG,12,"","","",0,0) ;========DELETE ALERT (FOR ALL USERS) IF NO FLAGGED ORDERS AT ALL===== S X="",X=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,X)) Q:X="" I +$G(^TMP("ORR",$J,X,"TOT"))<1 D .;if no more flagged orders found, delete alert: .S XQAKILL=$$XQAKILL^ORB3F1(6) .I $G(XQAKILL)="" S XQAKILL=1 .S XQAID="OR,"_ORPT_",6" D DELETEA^XQALERT K XQAID,XQAKILL S ORQUIT=1 Q:ORQUIT ;========DELETE ALERT IF NO FLAGGED ORDERS LEFT RELATED TO THE USER THAT IS UNFLAGGING===== S X="",X=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,X)) Q:X="" D .N Y S Y="" F S Y=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,X,Y)) Q:'Y D ..N ORDER S ORDER=$G(^TMP("ORR",$J,X,Y)) ..I $$FLAGRULE^ORWORR1(+ORDER)=0 S ORDOIT=0 ; FOUND A FLAGGED ORDER THAT THE USER SHOULD GET I ORDOIT D .;if no more flagged orders found for this user, delete alert only for this user: .S XQAKILL=1 .S XQAID="OR,"_ORPT_",6" D DELETEA^XQALERT K XQAID,XQAKILL ;========DELETE ALERT IF NO FLAGGED ORDERS LEFT RELATED TO THE USER THAT WAS THE ALERTED PROVIDER OF THE CURRENT ORDER===== S ORDOIT=1 ;get the alerted provider I $G(ORIFN) D .N ORD,ORACT S ORD=+$G(ORIFN),ORACT=$P($G(ORIFN),";",2) .N ORUSR S ORUSR=$P($G(^OR(100,ORD,8,ORACT,3)),U,9) .I ORUSR D ..S X="",X=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,X)) Q:X="" D ...N Y S Y="" F S Y=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,X,Y)) Q:'Y D ....N ORDER S ORDER=$G(^TMP("ORR",$J,X,Y)) ....I $$FLAGRULE^ORWORR1(+ORDER,ORUSR)=0 S ORDOIT=0 ; FOUND A FLAGGED ORDER THAT THE USER SHOULD GET ..I ORDOIT D ...;if no more flagged orders found for this user, delete alert only for this user: ...S XQAKILL=1,XQAUSER=ORUSR ...S XQAID="OR,"_ORPT_",6" D DELETEA^XQALERT K XQAID,XQAKILL,XQAUSER K ^TMP("ORR",$J) Q