ORCDLR1 ;SLC/MKB,JFR - Utility fcns for LR dialogs cont ;8/29/02 14:45 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**4,29,49,61,79,141,143,243**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 242 ; EN ; -- Entry Action for LR OTHER LAB TESTS order dialog D GETIMES S ORMAX=0 S:$G(ORL) ORMAX=$$GET^XPAR("LOC.`"_+ORL,"LR MAX DAYS CONTINUOUS",1,"Q") Q ; EX ; -- Exit Action for order dialog K ORTIME,ORCOLLCT,ORMAX,ORTEST,ORDIV,ORIMTIME,ORSMAX,ORSTMS,ORSCH,ORCAT I $G(ORXL) S ORL=ORXL K ORXL Q ; GETIMES ; -- Set list of routine collections into ORTIME($H)=FMtime N I,X,CNT,ON K ORTIME I '$D(VALIDT) D . S I=$$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX START DATE/TIME"),X=$P(ORDIALOG(I,0),U,2) . S X="T::ETX",$P(ORDIALOG(I,0),U,2)=X ; reset lower bound S ORDIV=+$P($G(^SC(+$G(ORL),0)),U,4) S:'ORDIV ORDIV=+$G(DUZ(2)) I $G(OREVENT) S ORDIV=+$$DIV^OREVNTX(OREVENT),ORXL=$G(ORL),ORL=$$LOC^OREVNTX(OREVENT) D GETLST^XPAR(.ORTIME,ORDIV_";DIC(4,","LR PHLEBOTOMY COLLECTION","N") S (I,CNT)=0 F S I=$O(ORTIME(I)) Q:I'>0 S CNT=CNT+1,X=$P(ORTIME(I),U),ORTIME(I)=X,ORTIME("B",+("."_X))=I ; ORTIME($H time)=0000 FM time, ORTIME("B",.0000)=$H time of cut-off S ORTIME=CNT,I=$O(ORTIME(0)) S:I ORTIME("AM")=ORTIME(I) ; 1st collection S I=$O(ORTIME($P($H,",",2))) S:I ORTIME("NEXT")=ORTIME(I) ;NEXT coll S ON=$$ON^LR7OV4(ORDIV) D:ON SHOW^LR7OV4(ORDIV,.ORIMTIME) I 'ON,'$D(VALIDT) S I=$$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX COLLECTION TYPE"),X=$P(ORDIALOG(I,0),U,2),$P(ORDIALOG(I,0),U,2)=$P(X,";",1,3) ;Remove Immed if '$$ON Q ; DEFTIME() ; -- Returns default collection time I $L($G(LRFDATE)) S EDITONLY=1 Q LRFDATE I '$D(ORCOLLCT) Q "" N Y S Y="" I $D(^TMP("ORECALL",$J,ORDIALOG,PROMPT)) D Q:$L(Y) Y . S Y=$$RECALL^ORCD(PROMPT) . I '$S(ORCOLLCT="LC":$$LABCOLL(Y),ORCOLLCT="I":$$IMMCOLL(Y),1:$$CKDATE(Y)) S Y="" Q . S EDITONLY=1 ;I $G(ORTYPE)="Q" Q $S(ORCOLLCT="LC":"AM",1:"") D LIST^ORCD:ORCOLLCT="LC"&$G(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST")) D IMMTIMES:ORCOLLCT="I"&$O(ORIMTIME(0)) Q $S(ORCOLLCT="LC":"NEXT",ORCOLLCT="I":$$IMMDEF,ORCOLLCT="WC":"NOW",1:"TODAY") ; IMMDEF() ; -- Returns immediate collect default N X,Y S X=$$DEFTIME^LR7OV4(ORDIV) S Y=$S($P(X,U,3):"NOW+"_$P(X,U,3)_"'",1:$P(X,U)) Q Y ; COLLTIME ; -- Get list of common collection times I ORCOLLCT="I" D:'$D(ORIMTIME) SHOW^LR7OV4(ORDIV,.ORIMTIME) I ORCOLLCT'="LC" K ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST") Q Q:$G(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST")) Q:'$O(ORTIME(0)) N I,X,CNT,NEXT,DAY,NOW S NOW=$P($H,",",2) S NEXT=$O(ORTIME(NOW)),DAY=$$NEXTCOLL($S(NEXT:"T",1:"T+1")) Q:DAY="" S:'NEXT!(DAY["+") NEXT=$O(ORTIME(0)) S CNT=1,ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST",1)="NEXT^NEXT Lab collection ("_DAY_"@"_$$TIME(ORTIME(NEXT))_")",ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST","B","NEXT LAB COLLECTION")="NEXT" S ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST","B","AM LAB COLLECTION")="AM" G:ORTIME'>1 CTMQ ; only NEXT S I=NEXT F S I=$O(ORTIME(I)) Q:I'>0 S X=DAY_"@"_$$TIME(ORTIME(I)),CNT=CNT+1,ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST",CNT)=X_"^Routine Lab collection ("_X_")",ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST","B","ROUTINE LAB COLLECTION")=X I NEXT>$O(ORTIME(0)) D ;add morning times before NEXT to T+1 . S DAY="T+"_(+$P(DAY,"+",2)+1),DAY=$$NEXTCOLL(DAY),I=$O(ORTIME(0)) . S X=DAY_"@"_$$TIME(ORTIME("AM")),CNT=CNT+1,ORDIALOG(PROMPT,"LIST",CNT)="AM^AM Lab collection ("_X_")" . F S I=$O(ORTIME(I)) Q:(I'>0)!(I'0 K X Q . I $G(ORL),$$GET^XPAR("ALL^LOC.`"_+ORL,"LR EXCEPTED LOCATIONS") Q . S PARAM="LR COLLECT "_$$UP^XLFSTR($$DOW^XLFDT(Y)) . I '$$GET^XPAR("ALL",PARAM) K X Q . I '$$GET^XPAR("ALL","LR IGNORE HOLIDAYS"),$D(^HOLIDAY($P(Y,"."))) K X Q S Y=$S($D(X):X,1:"") Q Y ; TIME(X) ; -- Returns 00:00AM from 0000 FileMan time N HOUR,MIN,XM,Y S HOUR=$E(X,1,2),MIN=$E(X,3,4),XM="AM" I HOUR'<12 S XM="PM" S:HOUR>12 HOUR=HOUR-12 S:$E(HOUR)="0" HOUR=$E(HOUR,2) ; strip leading 0 S Y=HOUR_":"_MIN_XM Q Y ; LISTCOLL ; -- Lists the routine collection times for ??-help I '$O(ORTIME(0)) W !,"No routine lab collection times defined." Q N I,X S I=0,X="" F S I=$O(ORTIME(I)) Q:I'>0 S X=X_$S($L(X):", ",1:"")_$$TIME(ORTIME(I)) W !,"Routine collection times are "_X_"." W !,"You may also enter AM for the morning collection, or NEXT for the next",!,"routine collection time." Q ; IMMTIMES ; -- Show the valid date/times for immediate collect N I S I=0 F S I=$O(ORIMTIME(I)) Q:I'>0 W !,ORIMTIME(I) Q ; CKDATE(X) ; -- Valid coll time for SP or WC? S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X) I ("NOW"[X)!("TODAY"[X) Q 1 I X?1"T+"1.3N,+$P(X,"+",2)'>370 Q 1 N Y,%DT,D I X'?7N.1".".6N S %DT="TX" D ^%DT S:Y>0 X=Y I Y'>0 Q "0^Invalid date/time" S D=$P(X,".") I D
$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,370) Q "0^Cannot order more than 370 days in advance" Q 1 ; IMMCOLL(X) ; -- Valid immediate collection date/time? I X?1"NOW+"1.N1"'" Q 1 I X'?7N.1".".6N N Y,%DT S %DT="T" D ^%DT S:Y>0 X=Y I Y'>0 Q "0^Invalid date/time" Q $$VALID^LR7OV4(ORDIV,X) ; LABCOLL(ORXTIM) ; -- Valid lab collection date/time? ; Returns valid flag of 1 or 0^message N I,X,Y,%DT,ORD,ORT,PARAM,ORDY I '$O(ORTIME(0)) Q "0^There are no lab collection times defined!" I (ORXTIM="AM")!(ORXTIM="NEXT") Q 1 I ORXTIM'?7N.1".".6N S %DT="T",X=ORXTIM D ^%DT S:Y>0 ORXTIM=Y I Y'>0 Q "0^Invalid date/time" ;I ORXTIM?1"V".E S T="."_$P(ORXTIM,"@",2) G D1 ; Visit - ignore day (D ^%DT ??) S ORD=$P(ORXTIM,"."),ORT="."_$P(ORXTIM,".",2) S:ORT="." ORT=+("."_$G(ORTIME("AM"))) I '$D(ORTIME("B",ORT)) Q "0^Invalid lab collection time" LC1 ; -- check date I ORD
ORTIME("B",ORT) Q "0^The cut-off time for this collection has passed" S ORDY=7 I $D(^XTV(8989.51,"B","LR LAB COLLECT FUTURE")),$G(ORL) S ORDY=+$$GET^XPAR("ALL^DIV.`"_ORDIV_"^LOC.`"_+ORL,"LR LAB COLLECT FUTURE",1,"I") I ORXTIM>$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,ORDY) Q "0^Cannot order a lab collection more than "_ORDY_" days in advance" I $G(ORL),$$GET^XPAR("ALL^LOC.`"_+ORL,"LR EXCEPTED LOCATIONS") Q 1 S PARAM="LR COLLECT "_$$UP^XLFSTR($$DOW^XLFDT(ORD)) I $G(ORTYPE)'="Z",'$$GET^XPAR("ALL",PARAM) Q "0^There are no lab collections that day" I $G(ORTYPE)'="Z",'$$GET^XPAR("ALL","LR IGNORE HOLIDAYS"),$D(^HOLIDAY(ORD)) Q "0^There are no lab collections on holidays" Q 1 ; LABSAMP() ; -- Lab Collect sample? N X,Y S X=+$$VAL^ORCD("COLLECTION SAMPLE"),Y=$P($G(^LAB(62,X,0)),U,7) Q Y ; COLLTYPE() ; -- Returns default collection type N Y I $G(ORTYPE)="Z" S Y="" G CTQ I $L($G(LRFZX)) S Y=LRFZX,EDITONLY=1 G CTQ I $D(^TMP("ORECALL",$J,+ORDIALOG,PROMPT)) D G CTQ . S Y=$$RECALL^ORCD(PROMPT),EDITONLY=1 S:$G(ORL) Y=$$GET^XPAR("ALL^"_ORL,"LR DEFAULT TYPE QUICK") I '$L($G(Y)) S Y=$S('$$INPT^ORCD:"SP",$G(ORTYPE)="Q":"LC",1:"WC") CTQ I Y="I",'$O(ORIMTIME(0))!('$G(ORTEST("Lab CollSamp"))) S Y="WC" I Y="LC",'$O(ORTIME(0))!('$G(ORTEST("Lab CollSamp"))) S Y="WC" ;S:$G(ORTYPE)="Q" EDITONLY=1 I '(FIRST&EDITONLY) D HELPTYPE Q Y ; CKTYPE ; -- Valid type for time, sample? I Y="LC",'$O(ORTIME(0)) W $C(7),!,"There are no lab collection times defined!" K DONE Q I Y="I",'$O(ORIMTIME(0)) W $C(7),!,"There are no immediate collection times defined!" K DONE Q I (Y="LC"!(Y="I")),'$G(ORTEST("Lab CollSamp")) W $C(7),!,"There is no lab collection sample defined for this test!",! K DONE Q I $D(ORESET),ORESET'=Y,("ILC"[ORESET)!("ILC"[Y) D CHANGED^ORCDLR("TYPE") K ORDIALOG($$PTR^ORCD("OR GTX LAB URGENCY"),"LIST") Q ; HELPTYPE ; -- Xecutable help for Coll Type W !!,"SEND TO LAB - Means the patient is ambulatory and will be sent to the",!,"Laboratory draw room to have blood drawn." W !,"WARD COLLECT - Means that either the physician or a nurse will be collecting",!,"the sample on the ward." W !,"LAB BLOOD TEAM - Means the phlebotomist from Lab will draw the blood on the",!,"ward. This method is limited to laboratory defined collection times." W:$$ON^LR7OV4(ORDIV) !,"IMMEDIATE COLLECT BY BLOOD TEAM - Means the phlebotomist from Lab is on",!,"call to draw blood on the ward. This method is available during times",!,"defined by Laboratory." W ! N DOMAIN S DOMAIN=$P(ORDIALOG(PROMPT,0),U,2) D SETLST1^ORCD Q VALID(ORDER) ;check collection time on release N VALIDT,OREVENT,COLLTYPE,COLLDT,OK,ORDIV,ORTXT,ORPTLK,ORTIME,ORIMTIME,ORACT S VALIDT="" D GETIMES S COLLDT=$$VALUE^ORCSAVE2(ORDER,"START") S COLLTYPE=$$VALUE^ORCSAVE2(ORDER,"COLLECT") I $L($P(^OR(100,+ORIFN,0),U,17)) S OREVENT=$P(^(0),U,17) I "NOWAMNEXT"[COLLDT D:'$G(OREVENT) MULT Q 1 ;OK S OK=$S(COLLTYPE="LC":$$LABCOLL(COLLDT),COLLTYPE="I":$$IMMCOLL(COLLDT),1:$$CKDATE(COLLDT)) I OK D:'$G(OREVENT) MULT Q 1 ;COLLDT passed checks W !!,$C(7),$P(OK,U,2) D TEXT^ORQ12(.ORTXT,ORDER) W !,$G(ORTXT(1)) K ORTXT W !,"must be edited before signing/release." K VALIDT D . N ORDIV,ORIMTIME,ORTIME,ORNP . S ORNP=$P(^OR(100,ORDER,0),U,4) . S ORACT="XX" D XX^ORCACT4 ;edit order I $$VALUE^ORCSAVE2(ORDER,"START")'=COLLDT D:'$G(OREVENT) MULT Q 1 ;OK Q 0 ; MULT ; -- ck child orders N CHGD S CHGD=$$MULT^ORCDLR(ORDER,COLLTYPE,COLLDT) Q:'CHGD W !!,$P(CHGD,U,2) H 2 Q