ORCMEDT1 ;SLC/MKB-QO,Set editor ;02/25/08 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**8,46,57,95,110,245,243**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 242 OI ; -- Enter/edit generic orderable items N X,Y,DA,DR,DIE,DIC,ID,DLAYGO,ORDG F S ORDG=$$DGRP Q:ORDG'>0 D W !! . F S D="S."_$P(ORDG,U,4) D Q:Y'>0 S DA=+Y,ID=DA_";99ORD",DR=".01"_$S($P(Y,U,3):";2///^S X=ID;5////"_+ORDG,1:"") D ^DIE W ! ;110 .. S DIC="^ORD(101.43,",DIC(0)="AEQL",DLAYGO=101.43,DIE=DIC D IX^DIC ;110 Q ; DGRP() ; -- Returns sub-display group of Nursing or Other for generic OI N X,Y,DIC,ORGRP,ORDG,ORI F ORI="NURS","OTHER" S ORDG=+$O(^ORD(100.98,"B",ORI,0)) D DG^ORCHANG1(ORDG,"BILD",.ORGRP) S DIC="^ORD(100.98,",DIC(0)="AEQ",DIC("S")="I $D(ORGRP(+Y))" S DIC("A")="Type of Orderable: " D ^DIC S:Y>0 Y=+Y_U_$G(^ORD(100.98,+Y,0)) Q Y ; QUICK ; -- Enter/edit quick order dialogs N ORQDLG,ORDG F S ORQDLG=$$DIALOG^ORCMEDT0("Q") Q:ORQDLG="^" D QCK0(ORQDLG) W ! Q QCK0(ORQDLG) ; -- edit quick order ORQDLG N ORDIALOG,DA,DR,DIE,DIDEL,ORQUIT,ORVP,ORL,ACTION,FIRST,ORTYPE,ORNAME,X,Y,BEFORCRC,AFTERCRC Q:'$G(ORQDLG) S DA=ORQDLG,(ORVP,ORL)=0,FIRST=1,ORTYPE="Z" S ORNAME=$$NAME^ORCMEDT4(ORQDLG) Q:(ORNAME="@")!(ORNAME="^") ;deleted,^ S BEFORCRC=$$RAWCRC^ORCMEDT8(ORQDLG) S DR=".01///^S X=ORNAME;2;8;20"_$S(DUZ(0)="@":";30",1:""),DIE="^ORD(101.41," D ^DIE G:$D(Y)!$D(DTOUT) QR D GETQDLG^ORCD(ORQDLG) G:'$G(ORDIALOG) QR I '$P($G(^ORD(101.41,ORQDLG,0)),U,7) S X=+$P($G(^ORD(101.41,+ORDIALOG,0)),U,7) S:X $P(^ORD(101.41,ORQDLG,0),U,7)=X,^ORD(101.41,"APKG",X,ORQDLG)="" W ! I $D(^ORD(101.41,+ORDIALOG,3.1)) X ^(3.1) G:$G(ORQUIT) QQ Q1 D DIALOG^ORCDLG G:$G(ORQUIT) QQ D DISPLAY^ORCDLG S ACTION=$$OK G:ACTION="^" QQ D:ACTION="P" SAVE^ORCMEDT0,AUTO(ORQDLG) I ACTION="E" S FIRST=0 G Q1 ;fall thru if "C" QQ X:$D(^ORD(101.41,+ORDIALOG,4)) ^(4) QR S AFTERCRC=$$RAWCRC^ORCMEDT8(ORQDLG) I BEFORCRC'=AFTERCRC D UPDQNAME^ORCMEDT8(ORQDLG) ; Rename personal quick order if modified Q ; OK() ; -- Ready to save? N X,Y,DIR S DIR(0)="SAM^P:PLACE;E:EDIT;C:CANCEL;",DIR("B")="PLACE" S DIR("A")="(P)lace, (E)dit, or (C)ancel this quick order? " S DIR("?")="Enter P to save this quick order, or E to change any of the displayed values; enter C to quit without saving these responses" D ^DIR S:$D(DTOUT) Y="^" Q Y ; SAVE G SAVE^ORCMEDT0 ; AUTO(DLG) ; -- set AutoAccept flag for GUI N X,Y,DIR I $$VALQO^ORWDXM3(+DLG)=0 S $P(^ORD(101.41,+DLG,5),U,8)="" Q S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Auto-accept this order? " S DIR("B")=$S($P($G(^ORD(101.41,+DLG,5)),U,8):"YES",1:"NO") S DIR("?")="Enter YES if this order can be placed simply by selecting it, or NO if the dialog should be presented to complete the order." D ^DIR S:Y=1!(Y=0) $P(^ORD(101.41,+DLG,5),U,8)=$S(Y:1,1:"") I $P($G(^ORD(101.41,+DLG,0)),"^",8)'=1&($P($G(^(0)),"^",9)=2)&(Y) D EXPLAIN S $P(^ORD(101.41,+DLG,5),"^",8)="" ;Reset auto-accept to no if explanation required. Q ; SET ; -- Order Sets N ORSET,ORDG F S ORSET=$$DIALOG^ORCMEDT0("O") Q:ORSET="^" D SET0(ORSET) W ! Q SET0(ORSET) ; -- edit order set ORSET N DA,DR,DIE,DIC,DIK,X,Y,SEQ,ITM,LCNT,QUIT,ORNAME Q:'$G(ORSET) S ORNAME=$$NAME^ORCMEDT4(ORSET) Q:(ORNAME="@")!(ORNAME="^") ;deleted,^ S DR=".01///^S X=ORNAME;2;20"_$S(DUZ(0)="@":";30;40",1:""),DA=ORSET S DIE="^ORD(101.41," D ^DIE Q:$D(Y) Q:'$G(DA) S1 I $O(^ORD(101.41,+ORSET,10,0)) D Q:QUIT ;Show existing components . W !,"ORDER SET COMPONENTS:" S (SEQ,LCNT,QUIT)=0 . S DIK="^ORD(101.41,"_+ORSET_",10,",DA(1)=+ORSET ;just in case . F S SEQ=$O(^ORD(101.41,+ORSET,10,"B",SEQ)) Q:SEQ'>0 D . . S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^ORD(101.41,+ORSET,10,"B",SEQ,DA)) Q:DA'>0 D . . . S ITM=$P($G(^ORD(101.41,+ORSET,10,DA,0)),U,2) I ITM'>0 D ^DIK Q . . . S LCNT=LCNT+1 I LCNT>(IOSL-3) R !,"Press to continue ...",X:DTIME S LCNT=0 I X["^" S QUIT=1 Q . . . W !?3,SEQ,?10,$P(^ORD(101.41,ITM,0),U) S2 S QUIT=0 F D Q:QUIT W ! ;Enter/edit components . S DIC="^ORD(101.41,"_+ORSET_",10,",DIC(0)="AEQLM",D="B^D" . S DIC("A")="Select COMPONENT SEQUENCE#: ",DIC("P")=$P(^DD(101.41,10,0),U,2) . K DA S DA(1)=+ORSET D MIX^DIC1 I Y'>0 S QUIT=1 Q . S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC,DR=".01;2R" D ^DIE Q:'$G(DA) . I $D(^ORD(101.41,+ORSET,10,DA,0)),'$P(^(0),U,2) S DIK=DIE D ^DIK Q ; PROTOCOL ; -- Convert additional protocols to dialogs N X,Y,DIC,ORERR F S DIC="^ORD(101,",DIC(0)="AEQM" D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 D W ! . S ORP=+Y,ORM=$$MENU Q:ORM="^" ; What about "^^"-jumping? (ORWARD) . W !,"Converting ..." D ONE(ORP,ORM,.ORERR) I '$G(ORERR) W " done." Q . W " unable to convert.",!,">> "_$P(ORERR,U,2) K ORERR Q ONE(PITEM,ORADD,ERROR) ; -- Convert single item protocol, add to menu(s) N PMENU,DMENU,NAME,ORPOS,POS,XUTL,DA,DIK I $D(^ORD(100.99,1,101.41,PITEM,0)) S DA=PITEM,DA(1)=1,DIK="^ORD(100.99,1,101.41," D ^DIK ; delete error entry S NAME=$P($G(^ORD(101,PITEM,0)),U),DITEM=$$ITEM^ORCONVRT(PITEM) I 'DITEM!$D(^ORD(100.99,1,101.41,PITEM,0)) S ERROR=$G(^(0)) Q Q:'$G(ORADD) ;to add, may enter here with PITEM & DITEM defined ADD S PMENU=0 F S PMENU=$O(^ORD(101,"AD",PITEM,PMENU)) Q:PMENU'>0 D W "." . S DMENU=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AB",$P(^ORD(101,PMENU,0),U),0)) Q:'DMENU . S ORPOS=$$FINDXUTL(PMENU,PITEM) Q:'ORPOS . S XUTL=$G(^XUTL("XQORM",PMENU_";ORD(101,",ORPOS,0)) . S DA=$O(^ORD(101.41,DMENU,10,"B",ORPOS,0)) I DA Q:$P(^ORD(101.41,DMENU,10,DA,0),U,2)=DITEM S POS=$O(^ORD(101.41,DMENU,10,"B",""),-1),ORPOS=($P(POS,".")+1)_".1",DA="" ; move to end, if collision . S DA=$$NEXT^ORCONVRT(DMENU) . S ^ORD(101.41,DMENU,10,DA,0)=ORPOS_U_DITEM_U_$P(XUTL,U,4)_U_$S($P(XUTL,U,3)'=$P(^ORD(101.41,DITEM,0),U,2):$P(XUTL,U,3),1:"") . S ^ORD(101.41,DMENU,10,"B",ORPOS,DA)="",^ORD(101.41,DMENU,10,"D",DITEM,DA)="" . S ^ORD(101.41,"AD",DITEM,DMENU,DA)="",^ORD(101.41,DMENU,99)=$H Q ; FINDXUTL(MENU,ITEM) ; -- Returns position of ITEM in MENU N XQORM,POS S XQORM=MENU_";ORD(101," D XREF^XQORM S POS=0 F S POS=$O(^XUTL("XQORM",XQORM,POS)) Q:POS'>0 I $P(^(POS,0),U,2)=ITEM Q Q POS ; MENU() ; -- Add converted item to menus? N X,Y,DIR S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Add this item to the same menus again? ",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter YES to have this item placed on the same menus in the Order Dialog file as it was in the Protocol file" D ^DIR S:$D(DTOUT) Y="^" Q Y EXPLAIN ;Give reason why user can't set auto-accept to yes W !!,"The combination of VERIFY set to NO and ASK FOR ANOTHER ORDER set to",!,"YES, DON'T ASK and AUTO-ACCEPT set to YES is not allowed." W !!,"This combination of settings could cause CPRS to enter into an infinite loop",!,"creating the same order over and over. If you wish to have" W !,"AUTO-ACCEPT set to YES you must change one of the other two fields",!,"to a different value.",!!,"AUTO-ACCEPT is being set to NO for you." Q