[613] | 1 | ORLPL ; slc/CLA - Display/Edit Patient Lists; 8/8/91
| 2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;;Dec 17, 1997
| 3 | GETDEF ;called by SETUP, ASKLIST^ORLP, INQ^ORLP1 - get a default list from ^TMP or user's primary list
| 4 | N LST
| 5 | I $D(^TMP("ORLP",$J,"TLIST")) S DIC("B")=^TMP("ORLP",$J,"TLIST") Q
| 6 | ;if user has a primary list defined, its type is team, users are defined and the current user is on the list, use the primary list as the default
| 7 | S LST=$$GET^XPAR("USR.`"_DUZ,"ORLP DEFAULT TEAM",1,"I") I +$G(LST)>0,$D(^OR(100.21,LST,0)) S DIC("B")=$P(^(0),U)
| 8 | Q
| 9 | SETUP ;called by DELUSER, DELPT - setup list for display and editing
| 10 | S LIST=Y,^TMP("ORLP",$J,"TLIST")=+Y
| 11 | K DIC,^XUTL("OR",$J),Y
| 12 | Q
| 13 | DELUSER ;called by option ORLP DELETE TEAM USERS - removes provider/users from a list
| 14 | S ET="U",DIC="^OR(100.21,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)'=""P""",DIC("A")="Select TEAM PATIENT list: "
| 15 | D ^DIC I Y<1 D END Q
| 16 | D SETUP
| 17 | ;if no users on list goto NOENTRY
| 18 | I '$D(^OR(100.21,+LIST,1,0)) G NOENTRY
| 19 | I $P(^OR(100.21,+LIST,1,0),"^",4)=""!($P(^(0),"^",4)=0) G NOENTRY
| 20 | S ORUS="^OR(100.21,+LIST,1,",ORUS(0)="40MN",ORUS("T")="W @IOF,?34,""OWNER LIST"",!",ORUS("A")="Enter Provider/user(s) to REMOVE from list: "
| 21 | D ^ORUS
| 22 | I ($D(Y)<10) G END
| 23 | S I=0 W ! F S I=$O(Y(I)) Q:I<1 S DA(1)=+LIST,DA=+Y(I),DIK="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",1," D
| 24 | . N Y D ^DIK
| 25 | W !,"Provider/user(s) removed from list."
| 26 | D END
| 27 | Q
| 28 | DELPT ;called by option ORLP DELETE TEAM PATIENTS - removes patients from a list
| 29 | S ET="P",DIC="^OR(100.21,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)[""M""",DIC("A")="Select TEAM PATIENT list: "
| 30 | D ^DIC I Y<1 D END Q
| 31 | D SETUP
| 32 | ;if no patients on list goto NOENTRY
| 33 | I '$O(^OR(100.21,+LIST,10,0)) G NOENTRY
| 34 | I $P(^OR(100.21,+LIST,0),U,2)="TA" D D END Q
| 35 | . S A(1)="",A(2)="This 'TEAM PATIENT' list is an AUTOLINK list."
| 36 | . S A(3)="In order to remove patients from this TEAM PATIENT list you must remove the"
| 37 | . S A(4)="AUTOLINK(s).",A(5)="" D EN^DDIOL(.A) K A
| 38 | . S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Do you want to remove Autolinks",DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIROUT) I Y=1 D ASKLINK^ORLP2(+LIST)
| 39 | S ORUS="^OR(100.21,+LIST,10,",ORUS(0)="40MN",ORUS("T")="W @IOF,?32,""PATIENT LIST"",!",ORUS("A")="Enter patient(s) to REMOVE from list: "
| 40 | D ^ORUS
| 41 | I ($D(Y)<10) G END
| 42 | S I=0 W ! F S I=$O(Y(I)) Q:I<1 S DA(1)=+LIST,DA=+Y(I),DIK="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",10," D
| 43 | . N Y D ^DIK
| 44 | W !,"Patient(s) removed from list."
| 45 | D END
| 46 | Q
| 47 | NOENTRY ;called by DELUSER, DELPT - indicate no entries in file/record/field
| 48 | W !!,"There are no ",$S(ET="U":"provider/user ",ET="P":"patient ",1:""),"entries in this list to edit!"
| 50 | Q