[613] | 1 | ORLPTU ; SLC/PKS OE/RR - Terminated users, pointer removal. ; [3/13/00 1:04pm]
| 2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**44**;Dec 17, 1997
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ; OE/RR - Remove pointers from team lists file.
| 5 | ; The records to be edited are pointers to file #200, NEW PERSON.
| 6 | ; Routine is triggered by Kernel's XU USER TERMINATE event.
| 7 | ;
| 8 | ; This routine also removes the complete team list record from
| 9 | ; team file ^OR(100.21 if the Team List involved is a Personal
| 10 | ; type list and the terminated user is the only user on the list.
| 11 | ;
| 12 | ; Entries are removed from the following files::
| 13 | ;
| 14 | ; File Name File#,Field# Field Name
| 15 | ; -------------------------------------------------------------
| 16 | ; OE/RR LIST 100.21,2 USER
| 17 | ; OE/RR LIST 100.21,3 AUTOLINK
| 18 | ;
| 19 | ; The first example is a subfile multiple pointer and DINUM field.
| 20 | ; The second example is a subfile multiple variable pointer.
| 21 | ; Variable "USER" is DUZ of user for whom entries will be removed;
| 22 | ; it's value must be available to the routine from Kernel.
| 23 | ;
| 24 | ; =============================================================
| 25 | ;
| 26 | ; EXAMPLES of file entries with pointers being removed:
| 27 | ; (Where "777" is the USER) -
| 28 | ;
| 29 | ; ^OR(100.21,140,1,777,0) = 777
| 30 | ; ^OR(100,21,140,2,1,0) = 777;VA(200,^B
| 31 | ;
| 32 | ; =============================================================
| 33 | ;
| 34 | ; Variables used:
| 35 | ;
| 36 | ; USER = DUZ of terminated user.
| 37 | ; DIK,DA = Used by call to ^DIK.
| 38 | ; RFILE = Root file.
| 39 | ; IEN = Record IEN.
| 40 | ; SIEN = Subfile IEN.
| 41 | ; TEAM = IEN of team to kill if terminated user is only user.
| 42 | ; ORYDAT = File data holder.
| 43 | ;
| 44 | ; -------------------------------------------------------------
| 45 | ;
| 46 | Q
| 47 | ;
| 48 | PASS(TU) ; TU (Terminated User = USER variable) sent in call at this tag.
| 49 | ;
| 50 | N USER
| 51 | S USER=TU ; Assign USER variable.
| 52 | I USER="" Q ; Punt right away if there's a problem.
| 53 | D MAIN ; Skip next tag, go to main processing.
| 54 | Q
| 55 | ;
| 56 | KUSER ; Get USER from kernel - called by option: OR TERMINATE CLEANUP.
| 57 | ;
| 58 | N USER
| 59 | S USER=$GET(XUIFN) ; Assign USER variable.
| 60 | I USER="" Q ; Punt here if there's a problem.
| 61 | ;
| 62 | MAIN ; Processing portion of routine.
| 63 | ;
| 65 | ;
| 66 | ; Order through the file for each team:
| 67 | S RFILE="^OR(100.21," ; Assign root file string.
| 68 | S IEN=0 ; Initialize.
| 69 | ;
| 70 | F S IEN=$ORDER(^OR(100.21,IEN)) Q:+IEN=0 D ; Each team.
| 71 | .S TEAM=""
| 72 | .S CNT=0
| 73 | .S SIEN=0
| 74 | .;
| 75 | .; Check and remove user from teams as applicable:
| 76 | .F CNT=0:1 S SIEN=$ORDER(^OR(100.21,IEN,1,SIEN)) Q:+SIEN=0 D
| 77 | ..I SIEN=USER D ; If user is on team, set FM vars and call DIK.
| 78 | ...N DA
| 79 | ...S DA=SIEN,DA(1)=IEN,DIK=RFILE_DA(1)_",1,"
| 80 | ...D ^DIK
| 81 | ...;
| 82 | ...; Set up for possible team kill if team type is "P" (Personal):
| 83 | ...I $P(^OR(100.21,IEN,0),"^",2)="P" S TEAM=IEN
| 84 | .;
| 85 | .; Check and remove user for AUTOLINKS if found:
| 86 | .S SIEN=0 ; Initialize again.
| 87 | .F S SIEN=$O(^OR(100.21,IEN,2,SIEN)) Q:+SIEN=0 D
| 88 | ..I +(^OR(100.21,IEN,2,SIEN,0))=USER D
| 89 | ...;
| 90 | ...; Check for correct type of AUTOLINK:
| 91 | ...S ORYDAT="^OR(100.21,"_IEN_",2,"_SIEN_",0)"
| 92 | ...I $G(@ORYDAT)'["VA" Q ; Not a ^VA(200 file pointer.
| 93 | ...;
| 94 | ...N DA
| 95 | ...S DA=SIEN,DA(1)=IEN,DIK=RFILE_DA(1)_",2,"
| 96 | ...D ^DIK
| 97 | .;
| 98 | .; Remove team entry altogether if terminated user is only user:
| 99 | .I CNT=1&'(TEAM="") D ; Set FM vars, call DIK, kill team entry.
| 100 | ..N DA
| 102 | ..D ^DIK
| 103 | ..;
| 104 | ..; Call tag/routine to clean up pointers to the list in file 123.5:
| 106 | ;
| 107 | Q
| 108 | ;