ORQPT ; SLC/MKB - Patient Selection ; 4/18/07 7:20am ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**52,82,85,215,243**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 242 ; ; Ref. to ^UTILITY via IA 10061 ; SLC/PKS - 3/2000: Modified to deal with "Combinations." ; EN ; -- main entry point for OR PATIENT SELECTION I $G(ORVP),'($D(ORPNM)&$D(ORSSN)) K ORVP ; reset D EN^VALM("OR PATIENT SELECTION") Q ; HDR ; -- header code N X I '$G(ORVP) S X="** No patient selected **" E S X=$G(ORPNM)_" "_$G(ORSSN) S VALMHDR(1)="Current patient: "_X Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array ; Modifications for multiple "Combination" lists by PKS. ; ; PARAM herein might end up as: ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC WEDNESDAY ; (Param Name and current DOW) ; ORY might end up passed as: 5^5^C;1;T-360;T+60;A ; (#lines^#pts^source;serviceSection;startDate;stopDate;sort) ; N ORY,ORX,PARAM,ORYZB,ORYZE ; ;added by CLA 12/12/96 - gets SERVICE/SECTION of user: N ORSRV S ORSRV=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,5)) I +ORSRV>0 S ORSRV=$P(ORSRV,U) ; S ORY=$$GET^XPAR("USR^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV),"ORLP DEFAULT LIST SOURCE",1,"I") ; Gets default list source for this user. I $L(ORY) D S ORY=ORY_";"_ORX . ; PKS: Set "PARAM" var to parameter name in param def file: . S PARAM="ORLP DEFAULT "_$S(ORY="T":"TEAM",ORY="S":"SPECIALTY",ORY="P":"PROVIDER",ORY="W":"WARD",ORY="C":"CLINIC",ORY="M":"COMBINATION",1:"") . S:ORY="C" PARAM=PARAM_" "_$$UP^XLFSTR($$DOW^XLFDT(DT)) ; For clinics, add current DOW. . S ORX=$$GET^XPAR("USR^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV),PARAM,1,"I") ; Source param. . ; Next lines modified by PKS for "Combinations" and dates: . I (ORY="C")!(ORY="M") D . . S ORYZB=$$UP^XLFSTR($$GET^XPAR("USR^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV)_"^DIV^SYS^PKG","ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC START DATE",1,"I")) ; Gets clinic start date. . . I ORYZB="T+0" S ORYZB=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DT,ORYZB) . . S ORX=ORX_";"_ORYZB . . S ORYZE=$$UP^XLFSTR($$GET^XPAR("USR^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV)_"^DIV^SYS^PKG","ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC STOP DATE",1,"I")) ; Add ";" & stop date. . . I ORYZE="T+0" S ORYZE=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DT,ORYZE) . . S ORX=ORX_";"_ORYZE S $P(ORY,";",5)=$$GET^XPAR("USR^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV)_"^DIV^SYS^PKG","ORLP DEFAULT LIST ORDER",1,"I") ; Add default sort order. ; ; Call tag that builds the actual Patient Selection List: D BUILD(ORY) Q ; DEFAULT() ; -- Returns default action I '$P($G(^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS",0)),U,2) Q "Change View" I XQORM("B")="Quit" Q "Close" Q "Next Screen" ; MSG() ; -- Lmgr msg bar Q "Enter the number of the patient chart to be opened" ; HELP ; -- help code N X D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" W !!,"Enter the display number of the patient whose chart you wish to open" W !,"or enter a patient name, SSN, or initial/last 4 combination. To" W !,"change the list of patients displayed on this screen, enter CV. To" W !,"have the new list automatically displayed when selecting a new patient," W !,"enter SV. Enter FD to search by patient name or identifier." W !!,"Press to continue ..." R X:DTIME Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code K ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS"),XQORM("ALT") Q ; BUILD(LIST) ; -- build list in ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS") N ORI,ORX,ORY,LCNT,NUM,DFN,NAME,TYPE,PTR,BEG,END,SORT,DOB,RBED,%DT,X,Y,TITLE,PTID,SENS S TYPE=$E(LIST),PTR=+$P(LIST,";",2),SORT=$P(LIST,";",5) ; Next 5 lines added by PKS: I ((SORT="S")&(TYPE'="M")) S SORT="A" ; Reset invalid sorts. I TYPE="M" D ; Deal with combinations. .I ((SORT="P")!(SORT="A")!(SORT="S")) Q ; P,A,S are acceptable. .S SORT="A" ; Default. S $P(LIST,";",5)=SORT ; Reset in case of change. S BEG=$P(LIST,";",3) I $L(BEG) S X=BEG,%DT="X" D ^%DT S BEG=Y S END=$P(LIST,";",4) I $L(END) S X=END,%DT="X" D ^%DT S END=Y I TYPE="T" D TEAMPTS^ORQPTQ1(.ORY,PTR) S TITLE="Team "_$P($G(^OR(100.21,+PTR,0)),U) I TYPE="P" D PROVPTS^ORQPTQ2(.ORY,PTR) S TITLE="Provider "_$P($G(^VA(200,+PTR,0)),U) I TYPE="S" D SPECPTS^ORQPTQ2(.ORY,PTR) S TITLE="Specialty "_$P($G(^DIC(45.7,+PTR,0)),U) I TYPE="W" D WARDPTS^ORQPTQ2(.ORY,PTR) S TITLE="Ward "_$P($G(^DIC(42,+PTR,0)),U) I TYPE="C" D CLINPTS^ORQPTQ2(.ORY,PTR,BEG,END) S TITLE="Clinic "_$P($G(^SC(+PTR,0)),U) ; Next line added by PKS for "Combinations:" I TYPE="M" N MSG D COMBPTS^ORQPTQ6(1,PTR,BEG,END) S TITLE="Combination List" ; Sets MSG,LCNT,NUM, and writes ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS"). ; Next section added by PKS for "Combinations:" I TYPE="M" D G BQ ; Check MSG var, then go to BQ tag. .I MSG'="" D ; Did call to COMBPTS assign an error message? ..S LCNT=1,NUM=0 ; Set defaults. ..S ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS",1,0)=" "_MSG ; Write error msg. D CLEAN^VALM10 S (LCNT,NUM)=0 ; All but "M" types reset, go on to B1. ; B1 S ORI=0 F S ORI=$O(ORY(ORI)) Q:ORI'>0 I ORY(ORI) D ; sort . S DFN=+ORY(ORI) . ;sort logic added by CLA 7/23/97: . S ORX="" . I SORT="P",(TYPE="C") S ORX=$P($G(ORY(ORI)),U,4) D .. S $P(ORX,".",2)=$E($P(ORX,".",2)_"000",1,4) ..S ORX=ORX_U_$P(ORY(ORI),U,2) . I SORT="R",(TYPE'="C") S ORX=$P($G(^DPT(+ORY(ORI),.101)),U)_U_$P(ORY(ORI),U,2) . I SORT="T" S ORX="" ; Need to add terminal digit sorting. . ; If no sort specified, default to alphabetic (plus app't if clinic type): . I ORX="" S ORX=$P(ORY(ORI),U,2)_U_$P($G(ORY(ORI)),U,4) . S ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS","B",ORX_DFN)=ORY(ORI) ; DFN ^ Name I '$D(^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS")) D G BQ . N MSG . S MSG="No patients found" . S LCNT=1,NUM=0 . I $D(ORY(1)) S MSG=$P(ORY(1),"^",2) ; error message from search . S ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS",1,0)=" "_MSG B2 S ORX="" F S ORX=$O(^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS","B",ORX)) Q:ORX="" S ORY=^(ORX) D . S DFN=+ORY,NAME=$P(ORY,U,2) . S DOB=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U,3)) . S:(TYPE'="C") RBED=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.101)),U) . I (TYPE="C") S RBED=$S(SORT="P":$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(ORX,U)),1:$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS","B",ORX),U,4))) . ;Q:RBED="" removed by CLA 7/23/97 to prevent blank lines . S LCNT=LCNT+1,NUM=NUM+1 . S ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS","IDX",NUM)=ORY ; DFN ^ NAME . ; Next lines modified/added by PKS on 1/24/2001: . ; Check for "sensitive" patients: . S PTID="" . S PTID=$$ID(DFN) . S SENS=$$SSN^DPTLK1(DFN) . I SENS["*" S PTID="" . S DOB=$$DOB^DPTLK1(DFN) . S ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS",LCNT,0)=$$LJ^XLFSTR(NUM,5)_$$LJ^XLFSTR(NAME,31)_$$LJ^XLFSTR(PTID,10)_$$LJ^XLFSTR(DOB,15)_$G(RBED) . D CNTRL^VALM10(LCNT,1,5,IOINHI,IOINORM) BQ S ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS",0)=LCNT_U_NUM_U_$G(LIST) ; #lines^#pts^context S ^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS","#")=$O(^ORD(101,"B","ORQPT SELECT PATIENT",0))_"^1:"_NUM S RBED=$S(TYPE="C":"Appointment Date",TYPE="M":"Source Other",1:"Room-Bed") D CHGCAP^VALM("ROOM-BED",RBED) K VALMHDR S VALMCNT=LCNT,VALMBG=1,VALMBCK="R" S:$L($G(TITLE)) VALM("TITLE")=TITLE Q ; ID(DFN) ; -- Returns short ID for patient ID N ID S ID=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.36)),U,4) ; short ID I '$L(ID) S ID=$E($P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U,9),6,9) ; last 4 of SSN Q "("_$E(NAME)_ID_")" ; APPT(DFN,CLINIC,FROM,TO) ; -- Return [next?] clinic appointment ; returns date/time next appt or "", returns "^error message" on error N ERR,ERRMSG,VASD,VAERR K ^UTILITY("VASD",$J) ;IA 10061 S VASD("F")=FROM,VASD("T")=TO,VASD("C",CLINIC)="" D SDA^ORQRY01(.ERR,.ERRMSG) I ERR K ^UTILITY("VASD",$J) Q ERRMSG S NEXT=+$O(^UTILITY("VASD",$J,0)),NEXT=$P($G(^(NEXT,"I")),U) K ^UTILITY("VASD",$J) Q NEXT ; ALT ; -- XQORM("ALT") code to search File 2 for patient X N DIC,DFN,Y,ORX S ORX=X D FULL^VALM1 S DIC=2,DIC(0)="EQM",X=$S($D(XQORMRCL):" ",1:ORX) D ^DIC I Y'>0 S VALMBCK="R" Q ;S XQORMERR=1 Q S ORX=+$G(^DPT(+Y,.35)) I ORX,'$$OK(ORX) S VALMBCK="R" Q S DFN=+Y G:DFN'=+$G(ORVP) SLCT1 ; set patient variables Q ; FIND ; -- find patient in ^DPT N X,Y,DIC,ORX,DFN S DIC=2,DIC(0)="AEQM" D FULL^VALM1 D ^DIC I Y'>0 S VALMBCK="R" Q S ORX=+$G(^DPT(+Y,.35)) I ORX,'$$OK(ORX) S VALMBCK="R" Q S DFN=+Y G:DFN'=+$G(ORVP) SLCT1 ; set patient variables Q ; SELECT ; -- select patient from list N NMBR,X,Y,Z,DIC,DFN,ORX S NMBR=+$P(XQORNOD(0),"=",2) S Y=$G(^TMP("OR",$J,"PATIENTS","IDX",NMBR)),DFN=+Y I 'DFN W $C(7),!!,NMBR_" is not a valid selection.",! S VALMBCK="" H 1 Q ;W " "_$P(Y,U,2) S ^DISV(DUZ,"^DPT(")=DFN D FULL^VALM1 S DIC=2,DIC(0)="EQM",X="`"_DFN D ^DIC I Y<0 S VALMBCK="R" Q S ORX=+$G(^DPT(+Y,.35)) I ORX,'$$OK(ORX) S VALMBCK="R" Q SLCT1 ; -- may enter here with DFN from FIND N VADM,VAEL,VAIN,VA,VAERR,LOC,ORCNV D OERR^VADPT,ELIG^VADPT S LOC=+$G(^DIC(42,+VAIN(4),44))_";SC(" I 'LOC,'$D(XQAID) D . I $G(NMBR) N X S X=$$CONTEXT^ORQPT1 I $E(X)="C" S LOC=$P(X,";",2)_";SC(" Q:LOC ; use clinic if selected from list, else ask . S LOC="" ;,X=$$LOCATION^ORCMENU1(1) S:X LOC=X S ORL=LOC,ORL(0)=$P($G(^SC(+ORL,0)),U),ORL(1)=VAIN(5) S ORVP=DFN_";DPT(",ORPNM=VADM(1),ORSSN=$P(VADM(2),U,2) S ORDOB=$P(VADM(3),U,2),ORAGE=VADM(4),ORSEX=$P(VADM(5),U) S ORTS=+VAIN(3),ORWARD=VAIN(4),ORATTEND=+VAIN(11),ORSC=$G(VAEL(3)) I $P($G(^DGSL(38.1,+ORVP,0)),"^",2),($G(^DPT(+ORVP,.1))]""!$D(^XUSEC("DG SENSITIVITY",DUZ))) D . ; if senstive patient and (patient inpatient or user holds key) . ; prevents sensitive patient warning from scrolling off screen . N X . W !!,"Press to continue ..." . R X:DTIME SLCT2 ; -- convert patient's orders, if not already done Q ; OK(DATE) ; -- Patient is deceased; ok to continue? N X,Y,DIR S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")="Do you wish to continue? " W $C(7),!!,"This patient died "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(DATE)_"!" D ^DIR Q +Y