[613] | 1 | ORU2 ; slc/dcm - More OE/RR Utilities ;1/21/92 16:08
| 2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**11**;Dec 17, 1997
| 3 | ;
| 4 | FORMAT(TEXT,LENGTH) ; Formats text field
| 5 | N ORI,ORX
| 6 | F ORI=1:1:$L(TEXT,"|") S $P(TEXT,"|",ORI)=$$STRIP($P(TEXT,"|",ORI))
| 7 | S ORX="" F ORI=1:1:$L(TEXT,"|") S:$P(TEXT,"|",ORI)]"" ORX=ORX_$S(ORI=1:"",1:" -")_$P(TEXT,"|",ORI)
| 8 | S TEXT=ORX
| 10 | Q TEXT
| 11 | STRIP(TEXT) ; Strips white space from text
| 12 | N ORI,ORX
| 13 | S ORX="" F ORI=1:1:$L(TEXT," ") S:$A($P(TEXT," ",ORI))>0 ORX=ORX_$S(ORI=1:"",1:" ")_$P(TEXT," ",ORI)
| 14 | S TEXT=ORX
| 15 | Q TEXT
| 16 | WRAP(TEXT,LENGTH) ; Breaks text string into substrings of length LENGTH
| 18 | S LINE=1,ORX(1)="",ORY=0
| 19 | F ORI=1:1:$L(TEXT," ") S:$L(ORX(LINE)_" "_$P(TEXT," ",ORI))>LENGTH LINE=LINE+1,ORY=0 S:'$D(ORX(LINE)) ORX(LINE)="" S ORX(LINE)=$G(ORX(LINE))_$S(ORY=0:"",1:" ")_$P(TEXT," ",ORI),ORY=1
| 20 | S TEXT="" F ORI=1:1:3 Q:$G(ORX(ORI))']"" S TEXT=TEXT_$S(ORI=1:"",1:"| ")_$G(ORX(ORI))
| 21 | Q TEXT
| 22 | PATHLP(X) ; Writes executable help for Patient lookup
| 23 | N I,J,XQH,Y
| 24 | I X?1.2"?" W !!,"Enter selection(s) by typing the name(s) or number(s) (separated by commas)."
| 25 | I X?2"?" D
| 26 | . W !!,"ALL items (except those numbered above 900) may be selected by typing 'ALL'."
| 27 | . W !!,"RANGES of numbers may be entered using dashes."
| 28 | . W !?5,"For example: 2-5,7-9"
| 29 | . W !!,"EXCEPTIONS may be entered by preceding them with an apostrophe."
| 30 | . W !?5,"For example: 1-10,'9 or 1-10,'BRANDX"
| 31 | . W !,"(These select items 1 thru 10 except for 9 or BRANDX, respectively.)"
| 32 | . I $E($G(^%ZOSF("OS")),1,3)'="DSM" W !!,"HELP for advanced look-up features may be obtained by entering '???'."
| 33 | I X?3"?",($E($G(^%ZOSF("OS")),1,3)'="DSM") S XQH="OR PATIENT LOOKUP" D EN^XQH
| 34 | Q ""
| 35 | PATHLP1(X) ; Writes executable help for Patient lookup
| 36 | N DIC,I,J,XQH,Y
| 37 | I X?1.2"?" S DIC=2,DIC(0)="M" D ^DIC
| 38 | I X?2"?",($E($G(^%ZOSF("OS")),1,3)'="DSM") D
| 39 | . W !!?1,"You may also enter User, Provider or Treating Specialty name to pick from",!?5,"corresponding patient lists."
| 40 | . W !!?1,"HELP for advanced look-up features may be obtained by entering '???'."
| 41 | I X?3"?",($E($G(^%ZOSF("OS")),1,3)'="DSM") S XQH="OR PATIENT LOOKUP" D EN^XQH
| 42 | Q ""