ORWDBA1 ;; SLC OIFO/DKK/GSS - Order Dialogs Billing Awareness;[10/21/03 3:16pm] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**190,195,229,215**;Dec 17, 1997 ; ; External References ; DBIA 406 CL^SDCO21 - call to determine Treatment Factors ; ;Ref to ^DIC(9.4 - DBIA ___ ;BA refers to Billing Awareness Project ;CIDC refers to Clinical Indicator Data Capture (same project 3/10/2004) ;Treatment Factors (TxF) refer to SC,AO,IR,EC,MST,HNC,CV ; GETORDX(Y,ORIEN) ; Retrieve Diagnoses for an order - RPC ; Input: ; ORIEN Order Internal ID# ; Output: ; Y Array of Diagnoses (Dx) - Y(#)=#^DxInt#^ICD9^DxDesc^TxF ; Variables used: ; CT Counter for # of Dx related to order ; DXIEN Dx internal ID ; DXN Internal (to ^OR(100)) sequence # for Dx storage ; DXREC Dx record from Order file ; DXV Dx description ; ICD9 External ICD9 # ; TXFACTRS Treatment Factors (TxF) ; N CT,DXIEN,DXN,DXREC,DXV,ICD9,ICDR,ORFMDAT,TXFACTRS S (CT,DXN)=0 I '$G(^OR(100,ORIEN,0)) S Y=-1 I '$D(^OR(100,ORIEN,5.1,1,0)) S Y=0 E D S Y=CT . ; Get order date for CSV/CTD/HIPAA usage . S ORFMDAT=$$ORFMDAT^ORWDBA3(ORIEN) . ; Go through all Dx's for an order . F S DXN=$O(^OR(100,ORIEN,5.1,DXN)) Q:DXN'?1N.N D .. ; Get diagnosis record and IEN .. S DXREC=$G(^OR(100,ORIEN,5.1,DXN,0)),DXIEN=$P(DXREC,U) .. S ICDR=$$ICDDX^ICDCODE($G(DXIEN),ORFMDAT) .. S DXV=$P(ICDR,U,4),ICD9=$P(ICDR,U,2) .. ; Convert internal to external Treatment Factors .. S TXFACTRS=$$TFGBLGUI(^OR(100,ORIEN,5.2)) .. S CT=CT+1,Y(CT)=DXN_U_$G(DXIEN)_U_ICD9_U_DXV_U_TXFACTRS Q ; SCLST(Y,DFN,ORLST) ; RPC for compiling appropriate TxF's ; RPC titled ORWDBA1 SCLST ; ; Y = Returned value ; DFN = Patient IEN ; ORLST = List of orders ; ; call for BA/TF N GMRCPROS,ORD,ORI,ORPKG D CPLSTBA(.Y,DFN,.ORLST) Q ; CPLSTBA(TEST,PTIFN,ORIFNS) ; set-up SC/TFs for BA ; ; TEST = Returned value ; PTIFN = Patient IEN ; ORIFNS = List of orders ; S ORI="" ; ; define array of packages for which BA data collected (SC/CIs) ; GMRC = Consult/Request Tracking (#128) - Prosthetics ; LR = Lab Services (#26) - Lab ; PSO = Outpt Pharmacy (#112) - Outpt Pharmacy (orig. Co-Pay) ; RA = Radiology/Nuclear Medicine (#31) - Radiology ; F I=1:1 S ORPKG=$P("GMRC;LR;PSO;RA",";",I) Q:ORPKG="" D . S ORPKG(+$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",ORPKG,0)))=1 ; ^DIC(9.4) is package file ; ; get Treatment Factors (TxF) for patient D SCPRE(.DR,DFN) ; ; set TxF's if order is for a package for which BA data is collected F S ORI=$O(ORLST(ORI)) Q:'ORI S ORD=+ORLST(ORI) D . I $G(^OR(100,ORD,0))="" Q . I $D(TEST(ORD))!'$D(ORPKG($P($G(^OR(100,ORD,0)),U,14))) Q . S TEST(ORD)=ORLST(ORI)_DR Q ; SCPRE(DR,DFN) ; Dialog validation, to ask BA questions ; ; DR = return value ; DFN = input patient IEN ; Q:$G(DFN)="" N CPNODE,CT,I,ORX,ORSDCARY,TF,X K ORSDCARY S (CPNODE,DR,ORX,TF)="",CT=0,X="T" ; Call API to acquire Treatment Factors in force D NOW^%DTC,CL^SDCO21(DFN,%,"",.ORSDCARY) ;DBIA 406 ; Retrved array order: AO,IR,SC,EC,MST,HNC,CV, e.g., ORSDCARY(3) for SC ; Convert to ^OR/CPRS GUI order: SC,MST,AO,IR,EC,HNC,CV F I=3,5,1,2,4,6,7 S TF=0,CT=CT+1 S:$D(ORSDCARY(I)) TF=1 S $P(CPNODE,U,CT)=TF ; S X=$S($P(CPNODE,U)=1:"SC",1:""),DR=$S($L(X):DR_U_X,1:DR) S X=$S($P(CPNODE,U,2)=1:"MST",1:""),DR=$S($L(X):DR_U_X,1:DR) S X=$S($P(CPNODE,U,3)=1:"AO",1:""),DR=$S($L(X):DR_U_X,1:DR) S X=$S($P(CPNODE,U,4)=1:"IR",1:""),DR=$S($L(X):DR_U_X,1:DR) S X=$S($P(CPNODE,U,5)=1:"EC",1:""),DR=$S($L(X):DR_U_X,1:DR) S X=$S($P(CPNODE,U,6)=1:"HNC",1:""),DR=$S($L(X):DR_U_X,1:DR) S X=$S($P(CPNODE,U,7)=1:"CV",1:""),DR=$S($L(X):DR_U_X,1:DR) ; ; TxF's for patient (TxF's include SC,AO,IR,EC,MST,HNC,CV) where ; SC = Service Connected ; AO = Agent Orange ; IR = Ionizing Radiation ; EC = Environmental Contaminants ; MST = Military Sexual Trauma ; HNC = Head and Neck Cancer ; CV = Combat Veteran F I="SC","AO","IR","EC","MST","HNC","CV" D . I $D(ORX(I)) S DR=DR_U_I_$S($L(ORX(I)):";"_ORX(I),1:"") Q ; ORPKGTYP(Y,ORLST) ; Build BA supported packages array ; GMRC=Prosthetics, LR=Lab, PSO=Pharmacy, RA=Radiology N OIREC,OIV,OIVN F I=1:1 S ORPKG=$P("GMRC;LR;PSO;RA",";",I) Q:ORPKG="" D . S ORPKG(+$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",ORPKG,0)))=ORPKG ; ^DIC(9.4) is package file S GMRCPROS=+$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","GMRC",0)) ; see if order is for a package which BA supports D ORPKG1(.Y,.ORLST) Q ; ORPKG1(TEST,ORIFNS) ; Order for package BA supports? TEST(ORI)=1 is YES S U="^",ORI="" F I=1:1:5 S OIV(I)=$P("PROSTHETICS REQUEST^EYEGLASS REQUEST^CONTACT LENS REQUEST^HOME OXYGEN REQUEST^AMPUTEE/PROSTHETICS CLINIC",U,I) F S ORI=$O(ORIFNS(ORI)) Q:'ORI S ORD=+ORIFNS(ORI),TEST(ORI)=0 D . I ORD=0 Q ;document/note not an order . ;I ORD="CONSULT_DX" S TEST(ORI)=1 Q ;consult dx prev entered . I '$D(^OR(100,ORD,0)) Q ;invalid order # . I $P(^OR(100,ORD,0),U,14)'?1N.N Q ;invalid order # or entry . I $E($P(ORIFNS(ORI),";",2))>1 Q ;canceled order (2) & ? (3) . I $D(^OR(100,ORD,5.1,1,0)) S TEST(ORI)=1 Q ; . I '$D(ORPKG($P(^OR(100,ORD,0),U,14))) Q ;pkg not supported . ; IPt OPt (ask BA questions?) . ; Pros Y Y GMRC . ; Rad Y Y RA . ; Lab N Y LR . ; Phrm Y Y PSO . ; Pt Class = 'I' or 'O' in ^OR . I $P(^OR(100,ORD,0),U,12)="I"&(ORPKG($P(^OR(100,ORD,0),U,14))="LR") Q . I $P(^OR(100,ORD,0),U,14)=GMRCPROS D Q ;check for Pros consult order .. S OIREC=$G(^ORD(101.43,$G(^OR(100,ORD,4.5,1,1)),0)),OIVN="" .. F S OIVN=$O(OIV(OIVN)) Q:OIVN="" I OIV(OIVN)=$E($P(OIREC,U),1,$L(OIV(OIVN))) S TEST(ORI)=1 Q . S TEST(ORI)=1 ;order is for a supported pkg (also note Pros ck above) Q ; BASTATUS(Y) ;RPC to retrieve the status of the Billing Awareness software ; Y = Returned Value (1=BA usable, 0=BA not-usable) ; Check for installation of CIDC ancillary build S Y=$D(^XPD(9.7,"B","PX CLINICAL INDICATOR DATA CAPTURE 1.0")) Q:'Y ; Check if system parameter switch set S Y=$$CHKPS1^ORWDBA5 Q ; BASTAT() ; Internal version of BASTATUS ; Returns 0 if disabled or 1 if enabled Q $$CHKPS1^ORWDBA5 ; RCVORCI(Y,DIAG) ;Receive order related Clinical Indicators & Diagnoses from GUI ; Store data in ^OR(100,ODN,5.1) & ^OR(100,0DN,5.2) ; N DXIEN,ODN,ORIEN,SCI,OCDXCT,OCT S ODN="",OCDXCT=0,Y="" F S ODN=$O(DIAG(ODN)) Q:ODN="" D . S ORIEN=$P(DIAG(ODN),";",1) ;Order IEN . I ORIEN'?1N.N S Y=0 Q . K ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.1) ;Clear currently stored diagnosis for rewrite . ; Data from Delphi format: ORIEN;11CNNNCNN^exDx1^exDx2^exDx3^exDx4 . ; Convert 7 Tx Factors . S SCI=$$TFGUIGBL($RE($E($RE($P(DIAG(ODN),U)),1,7))) . S ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.2)=SCI ;Store TFs (SC,MST,AO,IR,EC..) . ; Get order date for CSV/CTD/HIPAA . S ORFMDAT=$$ORFMDAT^ORWDBA3(ORIEN) . ; Go through the diagnoses entered . F OCT=2:1 Q:$P(DIAG(ODN),U,OCT)="" D .. S DXIEN=$P($$ICDDX^ICDCODE($P(DIAG(ODN),U,OCT),ORFMDAT),U,1) ;Dx IEN .. I DXIEN=-1!(DXIEN="") Q ;No or invalid code passed in .. S OCDXCT=OCDXCT+1 .. S ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.1,0)="^100.051PA^"_OCDXCT_U_OCDXCT ;Set 5.1 zero node .. S ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.1,OCDXCT,0)=DXIEN ;Store a diagnosis for order .. S ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.1,"B",DXIEN,OCDXCT)="" ;Index diagnosis for order S:Y="" Y=1 Q ; TFSTGS ; Set Treatment Factor strings sequence order ; TFGBL is order of TxFs in ^OR(100,ORIEN,5) & ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.2) ; TFGUI is order of TxFs to/from GUI ; TFTBL is order of TxFs for table SD008 (used in ZCL segment) ; NOTE: change examples in TFGUIGBL and TFGBLGUI if order changed S TFGBL="SC^MST^AO^IR^EC^HNC^CV" S TFGUI="SC^AO^IR^EC^MST^HNC^CV" S TFTBL="AO^IR^SC^EC^MST^HNC^CV" Q ; TFGUIGBL(GUI) ;Convert Treatment Factors from GUI to Global order & format ; ; Input: GUI in CNU?NCU: C=checked, N=not checked, U=unchecked ; Output: GBL in 1^^^0^?^1^0 (global) format (reordered for storage) ; N GBL,J,NTF,TF,TFGBL,TFGUI,TFTBL S GBL="",NTF=7 ;NTF=# of Treatment Factors (TxF) ;I $L(GUI)'=NTF Q -1 ;invalid # of TxF ; Get Treatment Factor sequence order strings D TFSTGS ; Convert from GBL to GUI format and sequence F J=1:1:NTF S TF=$E(GUI,J) D . S TF($P(TFGUI,U,J))=$S(TF="C":1,TF="U":0,TF="?":"?",1:"") F J=1:1:NTF S GBL=GBL_U_TF($P(TFGBL,U,J)) Q $P(GBL,U,2,NTF+1) ; TFGBLGUI(GBL) ;Convert Treatment Factors from Global to GUI order & format ; ; Input: GBL in 1^0^1^1^^0^? (global) format ; Output: GUI in CCCNUU? (GUI) format (also reordered) ; N GUI,J,NTF,TF,TFGBL,TFGUI,TFTBL S GUI="",NTF=7 ;NCI=# of TxF ; Get Treatment Factor sequence order strings D TFSTGS ; Convert from GUI to GBL format and sequence F J=1:1:NTF S TF=$P(GBL,U,J) D . S TF($P(TFGBL,U,J))=$S(TF=1:"C",TF=0:"U",TF="?":"?",1:"N") F J=1:1:NTF S GUI=GUI_TF($P(TFGUI,U,J)) Q GUI ; PRVKEY(X) ;Check for active & provider key - to be deleted in CPRS v26 N PTD Q:'+$G(X) 0 Q:$G(^VA(200,X,0))="" 0 S PTD=+$P(^VA(200,X,0),"^",11) I $$DT^XLFDT'0 Q 0 Q:$D(^XUSEC("PROVIDER",X)) 1 Q 0 ; ORESKEY(X) ;Does 'X' hold ORES key, returns: 1=true, 0=false Q:'+$G(X) 0 Q:$D(^XUSEC("ORES",X)) 1 Q 0