ORWDBA3 ; SLC/GSS Billing Awareness (CIDC) [8/20/03 9:19am] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**190,195,243**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 242 ; ORFMDAT(ORDFN) ; Return date in FM format regarding order for CSV/CTD/HIPAA ; Pass in Order IEN Q ($P($G(^OR(100,ORDFN,8,1,0)),"^",16)\1) ; DISPLAY ; Display of BA data from original copied order (ORIT = ORIEN) ; Displayed in window with all order info and user can accept/edit ; Note: TxF = Treatment Factor ; BA data (Dx,TxF's) not editable but in signature window, not in above ; ORIT defined in ORWDXM1, DISPLAY called from ORWDXM2 ; ; Input: ; ORIT, ILST, and LST() from ORWDXM* routines ; Output: ; ILST and LST() appropriately incremented/populated for order display ; Variables: ; CUN = TxF's in C, U, or N format ; I = counter ; ILST = line counter, initially from ORWDXM* routines ; LST() = array of lines to output, initially from ORWDXM* routines ; NTF = # of Treatment Factors ; ORITARY = ORIT array of 1 needed to access GETTFCI^ORWDBA4 ; SPCS = # of characters to space to left of ':' ; TF1 = first TxF output? (0/1) ; TFGBL = TxF's in Global stored order ; TFGUI = TxF's in GUI returned order ; TFV = TxF verbiage ; N CUN,I,NTF,ORITARY,SPCS,TF1,TFGBL,TFGUI,TFV,Y S NTF=8,SPCS=28,ORITARY(1)=+ORIT ; Get Y(+ORIT) string in ORIEN^CUUUCCN^Dx1^Desc1^Dx2^Desc2^... format D GETTFCI^ORWDBA4(.Y,.ORITARY) S CUN=$P($G(Y(1)),U,2) ;CUN = Treatment Factors in CUN syntax ; First output Diagnosis information - if any F I=3:2:9 I $P($G(Y(1)),U,I)'="" D . S ILST=ILST+1,LST(ILST)=$S(I=3:"Diagnoses",1:"") . S LST(ILST)=LST(ILST)_":"_$P(Y(1),U,I)_" - "_$P(Y(1),U,I+1) . D FRMTLST ; Get GUI and GBL Treatment Factor sequence strings D TFSTGS^ORWDBA1 ; Assumes SC will always be first in sequence! - not likely to change S ILST=ILST+1 S LST(ILST)="Service Connected:"_$S($E(CUN)="C":"YES",1:"NO") D FRMTLST S ILST=ILST+1,LST(ILST)="Treatment Factors:" ; If no TxF's (no 'C'hecked) {SC output above} then output '' I '$F($E(CUN,2,NTF),"C") S LST(ILST)=LST(ILST)_"" D FRMTLST Q S TF1=0 ;No TxF yet output ; Verbiage for TxF's S TFV("MST")="MILITARY SEXUAL TRAUMA",TFV("AO")="AGENT ORANGE" S TFV("IR")="IONIZING RADIATION",TFV("EC")="ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS" S TFV("HNC")="HEAD AND NECK CANCER",TFV("CV")="COMBAT VETERAN" S TFV("SHD")="SHIPBOARD HAZARD" ; Output Checked TxF's F I=2:1:NTF I $E(CUN,I)="C" D . I 'TF1 S LST(ILST)=LST(ILST)_TFV($P(TFGUI,U,I)),TF1=1 D FRMTLST Q . S ILST=ILST+1,LST(ILST)=":"_TFV($P(TFGUI,U,I)) D FRMTLST Q ; FRMTLST ; Format the variable LST(ILST) for DISPLAY tag S LST(ILST)=$J($P(LST(ILST),":"),SPCS)_": "_$P(LST(ILST),":",2) Q ; HINTS(Y) ; Return HINTS for ORBA Treatment Factors - used by Delphi ; The hints returned in the Y array will be used in the CPRS GUI and ; displayed on fly-over of the cursor over the TxF text in the window ; ; Input ; ; Output ; Y array of the hints for TxF's> Y(#)=TxFA ^ TxF line # ^ hint text ; where TxFA is Treatment Factor acronym, e.g., CV=Combat Veteran ; Variables ; CT = line number count, used in Y(#) where #=CT ; I = incrementor index # ; ORTFIEN = the IEN for the TxF in the Help Frame (^DIC(9.2)) file ; TF = TxF acronym ; TFLN = TxF text line number, e.g., ^DIC(9.2,ORTFIEN,1,TFLN,0) ; TFS = string of TxF acronyms ; TFV = TxF description/text ; N CT,I,ORTFIEN,TF,TFLN,TFS,TFV ; S TFS="SC^MST^AO^IR^EC^HNC^CV^SHD",CT=0 ; Get next TxF from TFS F I=1:1 S TF=$P(TFS,U,I) Q:TF="" D . S ORTFIEN=$O(^DIC(9.2,"B","ORBA-"_TF,"")),TFV="",TFLN=0 . ; Get next line of hint text . F S TFLN=$O(^DIC(9.2,ORTFIEN,1,TFLN)) Q:'TFLN D .. S CT=CT+1,Y(CT)=TF_U_TFLN_U_^DIC(9.2,ORTFIEN,1,TFLN,0) Q ; DG1(ORDFN,COUNTER,CTVALUE) ; Create DG1 segment(s) & make call for ZCL seg. ; ; Input ; ORDFN Internal Order ID# ; COUNTER Variable used as counter from calling routine ; CTVALUE Value of COUNTER when DG1 called ; Output ; DG1 & ZCL HL7 segments ; I $$BASTAT^ORWDBA1=0 Q ;BA not used N DG13,DXIEN,DXR,DXV,FROMFILE,ICD9,OCT,OREC,ORFMDAT ; zero order count variable S OCT=0 ; Get the date of order (for CSV/CTD usage) S ORFMDAT=$$ORFMDAT(ORDFN) ; Get the diagnoses for an order F S OCT=$O(^OR(100,ORDFN,5.1,OCT)) Q:OCT'?1N.N D . S OREC=^OR(100,ORDFN,5.1,OCT,0) . S DXIEN=$P(OREC,U) ; DXIEN=pointer to diagnosis (ICD9) file #80 . ; the DXIEN pointer should point to a valid diagnosis (after all is . ; was previously entered .. but just in case ...) . S (DXV,ICD9)="" . I DXIEN'="" D .. S DXR=$$ICDDX^ICDCODE(DXIEN,ORFMDAT) Q:+DXR=-1 .. ; Get diagnosis verbiage and ICD code .. S DXV=$P(DXR,U,4),ICD9=$P(DXR,U,2) . S FROMFILE=80 . S DG13=DXIEN_U_DXV_U_FROMFILE_U_ICD9_U_DXV_U_"ICD9" . S CTVALUE=CTVALUE+1 . S ORMSG(CTVALUE)="DG1"_"|"_OCT_"||"_DG13_"|||||||||||||" . D ZCL S @COUNTER=CTVALUE Q ; ZCL ;create all the ZCL segments (currently 8 TxF's) for order number OCT ; N I,J,TABLE,TF,TFGBL,TFGUI,TFTBL,TFIN,TFS,VALUE D TFSTGS^ORWDBA1 ;set string sequence of treatment factors ; TFS is TxF data in ^OR(100,ORIEN,5.2) order S TFS=$G(^OR(100,ORDFN,5.2)),TABLE="" ; conversion order from ^OR stored data and Table SD008 for HL7 msg ; convert so that the ZCL segments will be in Table SD008 order (1-8) F I=1:1:8 S TF=$P(TFTBL,U,I) F J=1:1:8 I $P(TFGBL,U,J)=TF S TABLE=TABLE_J Q F TFIN=1:1:8 D . ; ORMSG counter incremented . S CTVALUE=CTVALUE+1 . ; TF VALUE=0 for no or 1 for yes (only if not req. is it null) . S VALUE=$P(TFS,U,$E(TABLE,TFIN)) . I VALUE="?" S VALUE=0 ;temp fix if sending '?' to ancillary??? . ; for Table SD008: OCT=Set ID, SCIN=O/P Classif. Type, VALUE=Value . S ORMSG(CTVALUE)="ZCL|"_OCT_"|"_TFIN_"|"_VALUE Q ; BDOSTR ;Store backdoor order DG1 and ZCL messages from HL7 ;Processes one order per entry into BDOSTR, e.g., ROUT(1) ;Depends upon ORM* routines to set-up a number of variables including ; ORMSG array and ORIFN. ;ORM* routines calling BDOSTR: ORMGMRC, ORMLR, ORMPS, & ORMRA ; ; Input: HL7 messages and related data ; Output: ROUT array in Delphi GUI format, i.e. ; OrderIEN;11CNNNCNN^exDx1^exDx2^exDx3^exDx4 ; ; Variables Used ; DG1 = sequential numbered array with a value of DXIEN ; I,J = counters ; GUITF = GUI order treatment factors (TxF) ; NDX = number of diagnoses being passed ; NTF = number of TxF ; OBX = @ORMSG Dx array element # (max of 4 diagnoses stored) ; REC = set to sequential HL7 messages, contains HL7 message data ; ROUT = record sent for storage processing to RCVORCI ; TF = individual TxF values ; TFGBL = TxF acronyms in ^ delimited string in ^OR sequence ; TFGUI = TxF acronyms in ^ delimited string in from GUI sequence ; TFTBL = TxF acronyms in ^ delimited string in Table SD008 sequence ; VAL = individual TxF values ; ZCL = TxF in Table SD008 format and sequence ; ; See if CIDC master switch set, if not then no DG1/ZCL seg, to store I $$BASTAT^ORWDBA1=0 Q ;CIDC (nee BA) not used ; N CPNODE,CT,DG1,I,J,GUITF,NDX,NTF,OBX,REC,ROUT,ORSDCARY,SDCARYA N TF,TFGBL,TFGUI,TFTBL,VAL,X,ZCL ; K ORSDCARY,SDCARYA D TFSTGS^ORWDBA1 ;set string sequence of treatment factors S (CT,NDX,OBX)=0,NTF=8,(CPNODE,GUITF,TF,Y,ZCL)="",X="T" ; Call API to acquire Treatment Factors in force D NOW^%DTC,CL^SDCO21(DFN,%,"",.ORSDCARY) ;DBIA 406 ; Retrved array order: AO,IR,SC,EC,MST,HNC,CV,SHD, e.g., ORSDCARY(3) for SC ; Convert to character array, e.g., SDCARYA("SC")="" F I=1:1:NTF S:$D(ORSDCARY(I)) SDCARYA($P("AO^IR^SC^EC^MST^HNC^CV^SHD",U,I))="" ; Process only four DG1 segments and first set of ZCL segments F S OBX=$O(@ORMSG@(OBX)) Q:OBX'>0 S J=$E(@ORMSG@(OBX),1,3) I J="DG1"!(J="ZCL"&($P(@ORMSG@(OBX),"|",2)=1)) D . S REC=@ORMSG@(OBX) . ; Setting DG1(#)=DXIEN where # is Dx sequence # (1=primary) . I J="DG1"&(NDX<4) S DG1($P(REC,"|",2))=$P(REC,U,4),NDX=NDX+1 Q . ; Create ZCL string of TxFs, e.g., 1101011 . I J="ZCL" D .. S:$P(REC,"|",4)="" $P(REC,"|",4)=" " .. S $E(ZCL,$P(REC,"|",3))=$P(REC,"|",4) ; convert order and format from Table SD008 to GUI F I=1:1:NTF S TF=$P(TFGUI,U,I) F J=1:1:NTF I $P(TFTBL,U,J)=TF D . ; If patient does not have that Tx Factor (TF) then ghost in GUI ("N") . I '$D(SDCARYA(TF)) S GUITF=GUITF_"N" Q . ; If patient has TF then format for GUI (C=ck'd, U=unck'd, ?=not ans) . S VAL=$E(ZCL,J),GUITF=GUITF_$S(VAL=1:"C",VAL=0:"U",1:"?") ; Create output string in a format that can be stored by RCVORCI^ORWDBA1 S ROUT(1)=ORIFN_";11"_GUITF_U_$G(DG1(1))_U_$G(DG1(2))_U_$G(DG1(3))_U_$G(DG1(4)) ; Store diagnoses and treatment factors D RCVORCI^ORWDBA1(Y,.ROUT) Q ; ERRMSG(VISIT) ; Error handling and message ; to be determined Q