ORWDBA7 ;;SLC/GSS Billing Awareness (CIDC-Clinical Indicators Data Capture) ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**195,215**;Dec 17, 1997 ; BDOEDIT ; Backdoor entered orders edit in CPRS - entry point ; Data Flow> Ancillary creates a back door order which is incomplete ; and thus edited in CPRS GUI. The ancillary needs to know ; what Dx and TF's are edited thus this tag calls three ; ancillary APIs, passing the Dx and TF data to them. ; ; Variable Description ; ANCILARY Acronym of ancillary/package relative to order ; DXN Diagnosis sequence number in ^OR file ; MSG Error message ; ORDX Array of diagnoses (1-n) with value from ICD file (#80) ; ORIFN Order internal reference number (defined in ORCSEND) ; ORITEM Package reference or ^OR(100,ORIFN,4) ; ORSCEI String of Treatment Factors in table SD008 order/format ; PTIEN Patient IEN ; TAGROU Tag^Routine of ancillary routine to store edited data ; TFO Treatment Factors in ^OR (GBL) order ; ; If CIDC master switch set, then no back door orders to store I $$BASTAT^ORWDBA1=0 Q ;CIDC (nee BA) not used ; If ORIFN not defined (God only knows why) then log error and quit I '$D(ORIFN) S MSG="ORIFN not defined" D VAR,EN^ORERR(MSG,"",.VAR) Q ; N ANCILARY,DXN,MSG,ORDX,ORITEM,ORSCEI,PTIEN,RT,SUCCESS,TAGROU,TFO,VAR ; S DXN=0,(RT,SUCCESS)="",PTIEN=+$P($G(^OR(100,ORIFN,0)),U,2) ; Package (ancillary) reference data S ORITEM=$G(^OR(100,ORIFN,4)) ; Create an array (ORDX) of diagnoses F S DXN=$O(^OR(100,ORIFN,5.1,DXN)) Q:'DXN D . S ORDX(DXN)=$G(^OR(100,ORIFN,5.1,DXN,0)) ; Treatment Factors - converted and reformatted S ORSCEI=$$TFGBLTBL($G(^OR(100,ORIFN,5.2))) ; Get the acronym of the package generating this order S ANCILARY=$P($G(^DIC(9.4,$P($G(^OR(100,ORIFN,0)),U,14),0)),U,2) ;D??? ; Send data to the appropriate ancillary API based on package D OUTPUT ; If ancillary routine or tag w/in the routine doesn't exist check I 'RT D . S MSG="NON-EXISTANT ROUTINE/TAG FOR "_ANCILARY . D VAR,EN^ORERR(MSG,"",.VAR) ; If we don't get back a thumbs-up from the ancillary re: the order data I 'SUCCESS,RT D . S MSG="ANCILLARY API RETURNED ERROR FOR CPRS EDITED BACK DOOR DATA" . D VAR,EN^ORERR(MSG,"",.VAR) Q ; OUTPUT ; Call ancillary's API to store data after checking for it's existence ; ; Laboratory I ANCILARY?1"LR".U D Q . S RT=$$CKROUTAG("UPDOR^LRBEBA4") Q:'RT . S SUCCESS=$$UPDOR^LRBEBA4(PTIEN,ORITEM,ORIFN,.ORDX,ORSCEI) ;IA 4775 ; ; Pharmacy I ANCILARY?1"PS".U D Q . S RT=$$CKROUTAG("EN^PSOHLNE3") Q:'RT . S SUCCESS=$$EN^PSOHLNE3(PTIEN,ORITEM,ORIFN,.ORDX,ORSCEI) ;IA 4666 ; ; Radiolgy I ANCILARY?1"RA".U D Q . S RT=$$CKROUTAG("CPRSUPD^RABWORD1") Q:'RT . S SUCCESS=$$CPRSUPD^RABWORD1(PTIEN,ORITEM,ORIFN,.ORDX,ORSCEI) ;IA 4771 Q ; CKROUTAG(TAGROU) ;Check if valid tag and routine ; Temporary check until all the ancillaries have their API's built Q $L($T(@TAGROU)) ; TFGBLTBL(GBL) ;Convert Tx Factors from Global to TBL (HL7) order & format ; Note: this does not set Tx Factors in ZCL segment format but rather ; AO^IR^SC^EC^MST^HNC^CV ('^' delimited string) format ; ; Input: GBL in 1^1^0^0^^^0 (global) format ; Output: TBL in 0^0^1^^1^^0 (TBL) format (also reordered) ; N J,NTF,TBL,TF,TFGBL,TFGUI,TFTBL S TBL="",NTF=7 ;NCI=# of TxF ; Get Treatment Factor sequence order strings D TFSTGS^ORWDBA1 ; Convert from GBL to TBL format and sequence F J=1:1:NTF S TF=$P(GBL,U,J) D . ;OK..just in case there is a '?' we'll return a null for a '?' . S TF($P(TFGBL,U,J))=$S(TF=1:1,TF=0:0,TF="?":"",1:"") F J=1:1:NTF S TBL=TBL_U_TF($P(TFTBL,U,J)) ; Remove the first '^' and pass TBL formatted TF's Q $E(TBL,2,99) ; VAR ;Create VAR array for tracking error in ^ORYX("ORERR",err#) S VAR("DFN")=PTIEN S VAR("ORITEM")=ORITEM S VAR("ORIFN")=ORIFN M VAR("ORDX")=ORDX S VAR("ORSCEI")=ORSCEI Q ; ISWITCH(Y,DFN) ;Return 0 if don't ask (no ins) or 1 to ask CIDC quest (yes ins) S Y=$$CIDC^IBBAPI(DFN) Q ; GETIEN9(Y,ICD9) ;Return IEN for an ICD9 code (RPC: ORWDBA7 GETIEN9) S Y=$P($$CODEN^ICDCODE(ICD9,80),"~") Q ; CONDTLD ;Consult Detailed Display Compile for CIDC/BA (called by GMRCSLM2) ; Input: ORIFN and GMRCCT defined in GMRCSLM2 ; Output: CIDCARY = array of CIDC display lines for GMRCSLM2 display N BGNRCCT,DXIEN,DXOF,DXV,EYE,ICD9,ICDR,LINE,OCT,ORFMDAT,TF S BGNRCCT=GMRCCT,OCT=0 ; Get the date of the order for CSV/CTD usage S ORFMDAT=$$ORFMDAT^ORWDBA3(ORIFN) ; $O through diagnoses for an order F S OCT=$O(^OR(100,ORIFN,5.1,OCT)) Q:OCT'?1N.N D . S DXOF=" " . ; DXIEN=Dx IEN . S DXIEN=+^OR(100,ORIFN,5.1,OCT,0) . ; Get Dx record for date ORFMDAT . S ICDR=$$ICDDX^ICDCODE(DXIEN,ORFMDAT) . ; Get Dx verbiage and ICD code . S DXV=$P(ICDR,U,4),ICD9=$P(ICDR,U,2) . I OCT=1 D .. S CIDCARY(GMRCCT,0)=" ",GMRCCT=GMRCCT+1 ;blank line .. S CIDCARY(GMRCCT,0)="Clinical Indicators",GMRCCT=GMRCCT+1 .. S DXOF="Diagnosis of: " . S LINE=DXOF_ICD9_" - "_DXV . S CIDCARY(GMRCCT,0)=LINE,GMRCCT=GMRCCT+1 I OCT'="" D ;if there are diagnoses then show Treatment Factors . S LINE="For conditions related to: " . F EYE=1:1:7 S TF=$P(^OR(100,ORIFN,5.2),U,EYE) I TF D .. S CIDCARY(GMRCCT,0)=LINE_$$SC^ORQ21(EYE) .. S X=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(" ",30),GMRCCT=GMRCCT+1 Q