ORWDPS32 ; SLC/KCM - Pharmacy Calls for GUI Dialog ;08/04/96 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**10,85,94,190,195,237**;Dec 17, 1997 ; NXT() ; -- ret next available index in data array S ILST=ILST+1 Q ILST ; DLGSLCT(LST,PSTYPE) ; return def lists for dialog ; PSTYPE: pharmacy type (U=unit dose, F=IV fluids, O=outpt) N ILST S ILST=0 I PSTYPE="F" D Q ; IV Fluids . S LST($$NXT)="~ShortList" D SHORT . S LST($$NXT)="~Priorities" D PRIOR ; S LST($$NXT)="~ShortList" D SHORT ; Unit Dose & Outpt S LST($$NXT)="~Schedules" D SCHED S LST($$NXT)="~Priorities" D PRIOR I PSTYPE="O" D ; Outpt . S LST($$NXT)="~Pickup" D PICKUP . S LST($$NXT)="~SCStatus" D SCLIST Q SHORT ; from DLGSLCT, get short list of med quick orders ; !!! change this so that it uses the ORWDXQ call!!! N I,X,TMP I PSTYPE="U" S X="UD RX" I PSTYPE="F" S X="IV RX" I PSTYPE="O" S X="O RX" D GETQLST^ORWDXQ(.TMP,X,"iQ") S I=0 F S I=$O(TMP(I)) Q:'I S LST($$NXT)=TMP(I) Q SCHED ; from DLGSLCT, get all pharm admin scheds N X S X="" F S X=$O(^PS(51.1,"APPSJ",X)) Q:X="" S LST($$NXT)="i"_X Q SCHEDA ; (similar to SCHED, but also rtns admin times) N X,IEN,SCH S SCH="" F S SCH=$O(^PS(51.1,"APPSJ",SCH)) Q:SCH="" D . S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^PS(51.1,"APPSJ",SCH,IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D . . S X=^PS(51.1,IEN,0) S X=$S($L($P(X,U,2)):" ("_$P(X,U,2)_")",1:"") . . S LST($$NXT)="i"_IEN_U_SCH_X Q PRIOR ; from DLGSLCT, get list of allowed priorities N X,XREF S XREF=$S(PSTYPE="O":"S.PSO",1:"S.PSJ") S X="" F S X=$O(^ORD(101.42,XREF,X)) Q:'$L(X) D . S LST($$NXT)="i"_$O(^ORD(101.42,XREF,X,0))_U_X S LST($$NXT)="d"_$O(^ORD(101.42,"B","ROUTINE",0))_U_"ROUTINE" Q PICKUP ; from DLGSLCT, get prescription routing N X,EDITONLY F X="W^at Window","M^by Mail","C^in Clinic" S LST($$NXT)="i"_X S X=$$DEFPICK I $L(X) S LST($$NXT)="d"_X Q DEFPICK() ; ret def routing N X,DLG,PRMT S DLG=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AB","PSO OERR",0)),X="" S PRMT=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AB","OR GTX ROUTING",0)) I $D(^TMP("ORECALL",$J,+DLG,+PRMT,1)) S X=^(1) I X'="" S EDITONLY=1 Q X ; EDITONLY used by def action ; S X=$$GET^XPAR("ALL","ORWDPS ROUTING DEFAULT",1,"I") I X="C" S X="C^in Clinic" G XPICK I X="M" S X="M^by Mail" G XPICK I X="W" S X="W^at Window" G XPICK I X="N" S X="" G XPICK I X="" S X=$S($D(^PSX(550,"C")):"M^by Mail",1:"W^at Window") XPICK Q X ; SCLIST ; from DLGSLCT, get options for service connected F X="0^No","1^Yes" S LST($$NXT)="i"_X Q ; OISLCT(LST,OI,PSTYPE,ORVP) ; rtn for defaults for pharm OI N ILST S ILST=0 K ^TMP("PSJINS",$J),^TMP("PSJMR",$J),^TMP("PSJNOUN",$J),^TMP("PSJSCH",$J) S LST($$NXT)="~Dispense" D DISPDRG S LST($$NXT)="~Instruct" D INSTRCT S LST($$NXT)="~Route" D ROUTE S LST($$NXT)="~Message" D MESSAGE I $L($G(^TMP("PSJSCH",$J))) S LST($$NXT)="~DefSched",LST($$NXT)="d"_^($J) K ^TMP("PSJINS",$J),^TMP("PSJMR",$J),^TMP("PSJNOUN",$J),^TMP("PSJSCH",$J) Q ; DISPDRUG(LST,OI) ; list dispense drugs for an OI N ILST,PSTYPE S ILST=0,PSTYPE="U" D DISPDRG Q ; DISPDRG ; from OISLCT, get disp drugs for this pharm OI N I,ORTMP,ORX S ORX=$T(ENDD^PSJORUTL),ORX=$L($P(ORX,";"),",") I ORX>3 D ENDD^PSJORUTL("^^^"_+$P($G(^ORD(101.43,OI,0)),"^",2),PSTYPE,.ORTMP,+ORVP) I ORX'>3 D ENDD^PSJORUTL("^^^"_+$P($G(^ORD(101.43,OI,0)),"^",2),PSTYPE,.ORTMP) S I="" F S I=$O(ORTMP(I)) Q:I="" D . I $P(ORTMP(I),U,4)="1" S $P(ORTMP(I),U,4)="NF" . S $P(ORTMP(I),U,3)="$"_$P(ORTMP(I),U,3)_" per "_$P(ORTMP(I),U,5) . S LST($$NXT)="i"_ORTMP(I) Q INSTRCT ; from OISLCT, get list of potential instructs (based on drug form) N INOUN,NOUN,IINS,INS,VERB,INSREC D START^PSSJORDF(+$P(^ORD(101.43,OI,0),U,2)) I PSTYPE="U" Q ; don't use the instructions list for inpatients S IINS=0 F S IINS=$O(^TMP("PSJINS",$J,IINS)) Q:'IINS D . S INSREC=$G(^TMP("PSJINS",$J,IINS)) . I '$D(VERB) S VERB=$P(INSREC,U) . I $L($P(INSREC,U,2)) S LST($$NXT)="i"_$P(INSREC,U,2) S LST($$NXT)="~Nouns" S INOUN=0 F S INOUN=$O(^TMP("PSJNOUN",$J,INOUN)) Q:'INOUN D . S LST($$NXT)="i"_$P(^TMP("PSJNOUN",$J,INOUN),U) I $D(VERB) S LST($$NXT)="~Verb",LST($$NXT)="d"_VERB ; Q MIXED(X) ; Return mixed case Q X ;$E(X)_$TR($E(X,2,$L(X)),"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") ; ROUTE ; from OISLCT, get list of routes for the drug form ; ** NEED BOTH ABBREVIATION & NAME IN LIST BOX N I,CNT,ABBR,IEN,ROUT,X S I="" F S I=$O(^TMP("PSJMR",$J,I)) Q:I="" D . S ROUT=$P(^TMP("PSJMR",$J,I),U),ABBR=$P(^(I),U,2),IEN=$P(^(I),U,3) . S LST($$NXT)="i"_IEN_U_ROUT_U_ABBR . I I=1,IEN S LST($$NXT)="d"_IEN_U_ROUT ;_U_ABBR ; assume first always default S I="" F S I=$O(^TMP("PSJMR",$J,I)) Q:I="" D . S ROUT=$P(^TMP("PSJMR",$J,I),U),ABBR=$P(^(I),U,2),IEN=$P(^(I),U,3) . I $L(ABBR),(ABBR'=ROUT) S LST($$NXT)="i"_IEN_U_ABBR_" ("_ROUT_")"_U_ABBR Q MESSAGE ; message S I=0 F S I=$O(^ORD(101.43,OI,8,I)) Q:I'>0 S LST($$NXT)="t"_^(I,0) Q ALLROUTE(LST) ; returns a list of all available med routes N I,X,ILST S ILST=0 S I=0 F S I=$O(^PS(51.2,I)) Q:'I S X=^(I,0) D . I $P(X,U,4) S LST($$NXT)=I_U_$P(X,U)_U_$P(X,U,3) Q VALROUTE(REC,X) ; validates route name & returns IEN + abbreviation N ORLST,ABBR D FIND^DIC(51.2,"",1,"MO",X,1,,"I $P(^(0),U,4)=1",,"ORLST") I 'ORLST("DILIST",0) S REC=0 Q S X=$$UPPER(X),ABBR=ORLST("DILIST","ID",1,1) I '$L(ABBR) S ABBR=ORLST("DILIST",1,1) I ($$UPPER(ORLST("DILIST",1,1))'=X),($$UPPER(ABBR)'=X) S REC=0 Q S REC=ORLST("DILIST",2,1)_U_ABBR Q AUTH(VAL,PRV) ; For inpatient meds, check restrictions N NAME,AUTH,INACT,X S VAL=0 S NAME=$P($G(^VA(200,PRV,20)),U,2) S:'$L(NAME) NAME=$P(^(0),U) S X=$G(^VA(200,PRV,"PS")),AUTH=$P(X,U),INACT=$P(X,U,4) I 'AUTH!(INACT&(DT>INACT)) D Q . S VAL="1^"_NAME_" is not authorized to write medication orders." I $D(^XUSEC("OREMAS",DUZ)),'$$GET^XPAR("ALL","OR OREMAS MED ORDERS") D Q . S VAL="1^OREMAS key holders may not enter medication orders." Q AUTHNVA(VAL,PRV) ; For Non-VA meds, check restrictions N NAME,AUTH,INACT,X S VAL=0 I $D(^XUSEC("OREMAS",DUZ)),$$GET^XPAR("ALL","OR OREMAS NON-VA MED ORDERS")=2 Q I $D(^XUSEC("OREMAS",DUZ)),'$$GET^XPAR("ALL","OR OREMAS NON-VA MED ORDERS") D Q . S VAL="1^OREMAS key holders may not enter non-VA medication orders." S NAME=$P($G(^VA(200,PRV,20)),U,2) S:'$L(NAME) NAME=$P(^(0),U) S X=$G(^VA(200,PRV,"PS")),AUTH=$P(X,U),INACT=$P(X,U,4) I 'AUTH!(INACT&(DT>INACT)) D Q . S VAL="1^"_NAME_" is not authorized to write medication orders." Q DRUGMSG(VAL,IEN) ; return any message associated with a dispense drug N X S X=$$ENDCM^PSJORUTL(IEN) S VAL=$P(X,U,2)_U_$P(X,U,4) Q MEDISIV(VAL,IEN) ; return true if orderable item is IV medication S VAL=0 I $P($G(^ORD(101.43,IEN,"PS")),U)=2 S VAL=1 Q ISSPLY(VAL,IEN) ; return true if orderable item is a supply S VAL=0 I $P($G(^ORD(101.43,IEN,"PS")),U,5)=1 S VAL=1 Q IVAMT(VAL,OI,ORWTYP) ; return UNITS^AMOUNT |^AMOUNT^AMOUNT...| for IV soln N I,PSOI,ORWY,AMT S PSOI=+$P($G(^ORD(101.43,OI,0)),U,2)_ORWTYP,VAL="" D ENVOL^PSJORUT2(PSOI,.ORWY) I ORWTYP="B" D . S I=0 F S I=$O(ORWY(I)) Q:I'>0 S AMT(+ORWY(I))="" . S AMT=0,VAL="ML" F S AMT=$O(AMT(AMT)) Q:AMT'>0 S VAL=VAL_U_AMT I ORWTYP="A" D . S I=+$O(ORWY(0)) S VAL=$P($G(ORWY(I)),U,2) . I '$L(VAL) S VAL="ML^LITER^MCG^MG^GM^UNITS^IU^MEQ^MM^MU^THOUU^MG-PE^NANOGRAM" Q VALRATE(VAL,X) ; return "1" (true) if IV rate text is valid I $E($RE($$UPPER(X)),1,5)="RH/LM" S X=$E(X,1,$L(X)-5) S X=$$TRIM(X) D ORINF^PSIVSP S VAL=$G(X) ;S OK=$S($D(X):1,1:0) Q UPPER(X) ; return uppercase Q $TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") ; TRIM(X) ; trim leading and trailing spaces S X=$RE(X) F S:$E(X)=" " X=$E(X,2,999) Q:$E(X)'=" " Q:'$L(X) ;trail S X=$RE(X) F S:$E(X)=" " X=$E(X,2,999) Q:$E(X)'=" " Q:'$L(X) ;lead Q X SCSTS(VAL,ORVP,ORDRUG) ; return service connected eligibility for patient N ORWP94 S ORWP94=$O(^ORD(101.41,"AB","PS MEDS",0))>0 I $L($T(SC^PSOCP)),$$SC^PSOCP(+ORVP,+$G(ORDRUG)) S VAL=0 G XSCSTS I 'ORWP94,(+$$RXST^IBARXEU(+ORVP)>0) S VAL=0 G XSCSTS S VAL=1 XSCSTS Q FORMALT(ORLST,IEN,PSTYPE) ; return a list of formulary alternatives D ENRFA^PSJORUTL(IEN,PSTYPE,.ORLST) S I=0 F S I=$O(ORLST(I)) Q:'I D . S OI=+$O(^ORD(101.43,"ID",+$P(ORLST(I),U,4)_";99PSP",0)) . S $P(ORLST(I),U,4)=OI I OI S $P(ORLST(I),U,5)=$P(^ORD(101.43,OI,0),U) Q VALSCH(OK,X,PSTYPE) ; validate a schedule, return 1 if valid, 0 if not I '$L($T(EN^PSSGSGUI)) S OK=-1 Q I $E($T(EN^PSSGSGUI),1,4)="EN(X" D . N ORX S ORX=$G(X) D EN^PSSGSGUI(.ORX,$G(PSTYPE,"I")) . K X S:$D(ORX) X=ORX E D . D EN^PSSGSGUI S OK=$S($D(X):1,1:0) Q VALQTY(OK,X) ; validate a quantity, return 1 if valid, 0 if not ; to be compatible with LM, make sure X is integer from 1 to 240 ; this is based on the input transform from 52,7 K:(+X'>0)!(+X>99999999)!(X'?.8N.1".".2N)!($L(X)>12) X S OK=$S($D(X):1,1:0) Q DOSES(LST,OI) ; return doses for an orderable item - TEST ONLY N ORTMP,ORI,ORJ,ILST,NDF,VAPN,X,PSTYPE S PSTYPE="O" D ENDD^PSJORUTL("^^^"_+$P($G(^ORD(101.43,OI,0)),"^",2),PSTYPE,.ORTMP) S ORI=0 F S ORI=$O(ORTMP(ORI)) Q:'ORI S ORWDRG=+ORTMP(ORI) D . S NDF=$G(^PSDRUG(+ORWDRG,"ND")),VAPN=$P(NDF,U,3),NDF=+NDF . S X=$$DFSU^PSNAPIS(NDF,VAPN) . S LSTA($P(X,U,4),$P(X,U,6))="" . I +$P(X,U,4)=$P(X,U,4) S LSTA($P(X,U,4)*2,$P(X,U,6))="" S ORI="",ILST=0 F S ORI=$O(LSTA(ORI)) Q:ORI="" D . S ORJ="" F S ORJ=$O(LSTA(ORI,ORJ)) Q:ORJ="" D . . S ILST=ILST+1,LST(ILST)=ORI_" "_ORJ Q