ORWDXA ; SLC/KCM/JLI - Utilites for Order Actions; 2/10/03 9:13Am [6/7/05 2:09pm] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**10,85,116,132,148,141,149,187,213,195,215**;Dec 17, 1997 ; VALID(VAL,ORID,ACTION,ORNP,ORWNAT) ; Return error message if not valid action for order N ORACT,ORVP,ORVER,ORIFN,PRTID S VAL="",PRTID=0 I +ORID=0 S VAL="This order has been deleted." Q I '$D(^OR(100,+ORID,0)) S VAL="This order has been deleted!" Q I ACTION="XFR",'$L($T(XFR^ORCACT01)) S ACTION="RW" ; for pre-POE N ORNSS S ORNSS=1 I (ACTION="RN") D VALSCH^ORWNSS(.ORNSS,ORID) I ORNSS=0 S VAL="This order contains an invalid administration schedule." Q S ORIFN=ORID,ORVP=$P(^OR(100,+ORID,0),U,2) ; ORCACT0 expects defined I (ACTION="RN") D Q:$L(VAL) ; ** There's got to be a better way! . N DLG S DLG=$P(^OR(100,+ORID,0),U,5) Q:DLG'[";ORD(101.41," . I $G(^ORD(101.41,+DLG,3))'["PROVIDER^ORCDPSIV" Q . D AUTH^ORWDPS32(.VAL,ORNP) . I VAL S VAL=$P(VAL,U,2) . E S VAL="" S ORVER=$S(ACTION="CR":"R",$D(^XUSEC("ORELSE",DUZ)):"N",$D(^XUSEC("OREMAS",DUZ)):"C",1:"^") I ACTION="CR" S ACTION="VR" I (ACTION="ES")!(ACTION="OC")!(ACTION="RS") S ORACT=ACTION ; why not defined??? I (ACTION="VR"),'($D(^XUSEC("ORELSE",DUZ))!$D(^XUSEC("OREMAS",DUZ))) D Q . S VAL="You are not authorized to verify these orders." I $L(VAL) Q N OIIEN,ISIV,IVOD S (ISIV,OIIEN,IVOD)=0 I (ACTION="RW")!(ACTION="XX")!(ACTION="XFR") D Q:$L(VAL) . S ISIV=$P(^OR(100,+ORID,0),U,11) . I ISIV,($P(^ORD(100.98,ISIV,0),U,3)="IV RX") S IVOD=1 . D:'IVOD GTORITM^ORWDXR(.OIIEN,+ORID) . D:OIIEN ISACTOI(.VAL,OIIEN) I $L(VAL)>0 Q . N DLG,FRM . S DLG=$P(^OR(100,+ORID,0),U,5),FRM=0 . I $P(DLG,";",2)'="ORD(101.41," S DLG=0 . I DLG D FORMID^ORWDXM(.FRM,+DLG) . I '(DLG&FRM) D . . S VAL="Copy & Change are not implemented for this order that predates CPRS." N OREBUILD ; sometimes left defined by $$VALID I $$VALID^ORCACT0(ORID,ACTION,.VAL,$G(ORWNAT)) S VAL="" ; VAL=error Q HOLD(REC,ORID,ORNP) ; Place an order on hold N ACTDA S ACTDA=$$ACTION^ORCSAVE("HD",+ORID,ORNP) D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,+ORID_";"_ACTDA) Q UNHOLD(REC,ORID,ORNP) ; Release an order from hold N ACTDA S ACTDA=$$ACTION^ORCSAVE("RL",+ORID,ORNP) D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,+ORID_";"_ACTDA) Q DC(REC,ORID,ORNP,ORL,REASON) ; Discontinue/Cancel/Delete an order N NATURE,CREATE,PRINT,STATUS,ACTDA,SIGSTS N X3,X8,CURRACT Q:'+ORID S CURRACT=0 S ORL(2)=ORL_";SC(",ORL=ORL(2),NATURE="" I REASON S NATURE=$P(^ORD(100.02,$P(^ORD(100.03,REASON,0),U,7),0),U,2) S:NATURE="" NATURE="W" ; S:ORNP=DUZ NATURE="E" ;change the way create work to support forcing signature for all DC ;reasons S CREATE=1,PRINT=$$PRINT^ORCACT2(NATURE) ;S CREATE=$$CREATE^ORX1(NATURE) S X3=$G(^OR(100,+ORID,3)) S CURRACT=$P(X3,U,7) S:CURRACT<1 CURRACT=+$O(^OR(100,+ORID,8,"?"),-1) I '$D(^OR(100,+ORID,8,+$P(ORID,";",2),0)) D . S X8=$G(^OR(100,+ORID,8,CURRACT,0)) . S SIGSTS=$P(X8,U,4) . S $P(ORID,";",2)=CURRACT E D . S X8=^OR(100,+ORID,8,+$P(ORID,";",2),0) . S SIGSTS=$P(X8,U,4) I '$D(SIGSTS) S SIGSTS=1 S STATUS=$P($G(^OR(100,+ORID,8,+$P(ORID,";",2),0)),U,15) I (STATUS=10)!(STATUS=11) D Q ; delete/cancel unreleased order . N RPLORD . S RPLORD=$P($G(^OR(100,+ORID,3)),U,5) ; replaced order . D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,ORID) . I STATUS=10,($P(X8,U,4)'=2) D ; CANCEL signed, delayed, unreleased . . ; taken from CLRDLY^ORCACT2 . . I REASON D SET^ORCACT2(+ORID,NATURE,REASON) . . I 'REASON D SET^ORCACT2(+ORID,"M","","Delayed Order Cancelled") . . D STATUS^ORCSAVE2(+ORID,13) S $P(^OR(100,+ORID,8,1,0),U,15)=13 . E D ; DELETE unsigned, unreleased . . I $P(X8,U,2)="DC" K ^OR(100,+ORID,6) . . ; delete fwd ptr to order about to be deleted . . I RPLORD,$P(X8,U,2)="NW" S $P(^OR(100,RPLORD,3),U,6)="" . . ; delete ptr to order in Patient Event file #100.2 . . N EVT S EVT=$P($G(^OR(100,+ORID,0)),U,17) I EVT,EVT=+$O(^ORE(100.2,"AO",+ORID,0)) S $P(^ORE(100.2,EVT,0),U,4)="" K ^ORE(100.2,"AO",+ORID,EVT) . . D DELETE^ORCSAVE2(ORID) . I RPLORD,'(SIGSTS=1) S ORID=RPLORD ; for Renews & Changes, show replaced order . I '$D(^OR(100,+ORID)) D . . S $P(REC(1),U)="~0",REC(2)="tDELETED: "_$E(REC(2),2,245) . E D . . K REC . . D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,+ORID_";"_$P($G(^OR(100,+ORID,3)),U,7)) . S $P(REC(1),U,14)=2 ; DCType = deletion S ACTDA=$$ACTION^ORCSAVE("DC",+ORID,ORNP) D SET^ORCACT2(+ORID,NATURE,REASON) D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,+ORID_";"_ACTDA) S $P(REC(1),U,14)=$S(CREATE:1,1:3) ;DCType - 1=NewOrder, 3=NewStatus N PKG S PKG=$P($G(^OR(100,+ORID,0)),U,14) S PKG=$$NMSP^ORCD(PKG) I REASON=16&(PKG="PS") D . N XMB . S XMB="OR DRUG ORDER CANCELLED" . S XMB(1)=$P($G(REC(2)),"tDiscontinue",2),XMB(4)=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,0)),U) . S XMB(2)=+ORID . S XMB(3)=+$P($G(^OR(100,+ORID,0)),U,2) . S XMB(3)=$P($G(^DPT(XMB(3),0)),U) . D ^XMB Q DCREASON(LST) ; Return a list of DC reasons N IEN,ILST,X S ILST=1,LST(ILST)="~DCReason" S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^ORD(100.03,IEN)) Q:'IEN S X=^(IEN,0) D . I $P(X,U,4) Q ; inactive . I $P(X,U,5)'=+$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","OR",0)) Q ; not OR pkg . I $P(X,U,7)=+$O(^ORD(100.02,"C","A",0)) Q ; nature=auto . S ILST=ILST+1,LST(ILST)="i"_IEN_U_$P(X,U) S IEN=$O(^ORD(100.03,"C","ORREQ",0)) I IEN S ILST=ILST+1,LST(ILST)="d"_IEN_U_$P(^ORD(100.03,IEN,0),U) Q DCREQIEN(VAL) ; Return the IEN for Requesting Physician Cancelled reason S VAL=$O(^ORD(100.03,"S","REQ",0)) Q COMPLETE(REC,ORID,ESCODE) ; Complete an order (generic orders) ;N X S X=+$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12) ;D DATES^ORCSAVE2(+ORID,,X) ;D STATUS^ORCSAVE2(+ORID,2) ; validate ESCode D COMP^ORCSAVE2(ORID) D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,ORID) Q VERIFY(REC,ORID,ESCODE,ORVER) ; Verify an order ; validate ESCode S ORVER=$G(ORVER,$S($D(^XUSEC("ORELSE",DUZ)):"N",$D(^XUSEC("OREMAS",DUZ)):"C",1:U)) I ORVER'=U D . N ORIFN,ORES,ORI . ; to match 56, need to VERIFY any replaced orders: . S ORIFN=ORID,ORES(ORIFN)="" D REPLCD^ORCACT1 . S ORI="" F S ORI=$O(ORES(ORI)) Q:ORI="" D EN^ORCSEND(ORI,"VR","",""),UNLK1^ORX2(+ORI):ORI'=ORID ;ORID locked prior D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,ORID) Q ALERT(DUMMY,ORID,ORDUZ) ;send alert to user (ORDUZ) when order (ORID) resulted ;if no user passed from GUI, use ordering provider: I $G(ORDUZ)<1 S ORDUZ=+$$ORDERER^ORQOR2(+ORID) I $L($G(ORDUZ))<1 S ORDUZ=DUZ S DUMMY=1,$P(^OR(100,+ORID,3),U,10)=ORDUZ Q FLAG(REC,ORIFN,OREASON,ORNP) ; Flag an order N ORB,ORVP,DA,ORPS D BULLETIN S DA=$P(ORIFN,";",2),ORVP=+$P(^OR(100,+ORIFN,0),U,2) K ^OR(100,+ORIFN,8,DA,3) S ^(3)="1^"_$G(XMZ)_U_+$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12)_U_DUZ_U_OREASON D KILL^XM,MSG^ORCFLAG(ORIFN) S $P(^OR(100,+ORIFN,3),U)=$$NOW^XLFDT ; Last Activity I +$G(ORNP)<1 S ORNP=+$P($G(^OR(100,+ORIFN,8,DA,0)),U,3) S ORB=+ORVP_U_+ORIFN_U_ORNP_"^1" D EN^OCXOERR(ORB) ; notification D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,ORIFN) Q BULLETIN ; Send flagged order bulletin (USED BY FLAG) N OR0,OR3,ORDTXT,XMB,XMY,XMDUZ,ORENT,BULL,ORSRV,ORUSR S OR0=$G(^OR(100,+ORIFN,0)),OR3=$G(^(3)) ;CLA - 3/21/96: S ORUSR=+$P(OR0,U,4) S ORSRV=$G(^VA(200,ORUSR,5)) I +ORSRV>0 S ORSRV=$P(ORSRV,U) S ORENT="USR.`"_ORUSR_"^SRV.`"_$G(ORSRV)_"^DIV^SYS^PKG" S BULL=$$GET^XPAR(ORENT,"ORB FLAGGED ORDERS BULLETIN",1,"Q") Q:$G(BULL)'="Y" ;quit if parameter value is not 'Y'es ; S XMB="OR FLAGGED ORDER",XMDUZ=DUZ,XMY(+$P(OR0,U,4))="" S XMB(1)=$P(^DPT(+$P(OR0,U,2),0),U),XMB(2)=$P(^(0),U,9),XMB(3)="" ;sb AGE S XMB(4)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(OR0,U,7)) D TEXT^ORQ12(.ORDTXT,+ORIFN,80) S XMB(5)=$G(ORDTXT(1)),XMB(6)=$G(ORDTXT(2)),XMB(7)=$G(ORDTXT(3)) S XMB(8)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(OR0,U,8)),XMB(9)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(OR0,U,9)),XMB(10)=OREASON S XMB(11)=$P($G(^ORD(100.01,+$P(OR3,U,3),0)),U) D EN^XMB Q UNFLAG(REC,ORIFN,OREASON) ; Unflag an order N DA,ORB,ORNP,ORVP,ORPS S DA=$P(ORIFN,";",2),ORVP=+$P(^OR(100,+ORIFN,0),U,2) S $P(^OR(100,+ORIFN,8,DA,3),U)=0,$P(^(3),U,6,8)=+$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12)_U_DUZ_U_OREASON D MSG^ORCFLAG(ORIFN) S $P(^OR(100,+ORIFN,3),U)=$$NOW^XLFDT ; Last Activity S ORNP=+$P($G(^OR(100,+ORIFN,8,DA,0)),U,3) S ORB=+ORVP_U_+ORIFN_U_ORNP_"^0" D EN^OCXOERR(ORB) ; notification D GETBYIFN^ORWORR(.REC,ORIFN) Q FLAGTXT(LST,ORID) ; Return flag reason N FLAG S FLAG=$G(^OR(100,+ORID,8,$P(ORID,";",2),3)) S LST(1)="FLAGGED: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(FLAG,U,3))_" by "_$P($G(^VA(200,+$P(FLAG,U,4),0)),U) S LST(2)=$P(FLAG,U,5) ; reason Q WCGET(LST,ORID) ; Return ward comments N I,ORIFN,ACT S ORIFN=+ORID,ACT=+$P(ORID,";",2) S I=0 F S I=$O(^OR(100,ORIFN,8,ACT,5,I)) Q:'I S LST(I)=$G(^(I,0)) Q WCPUT(ERR,ORID,WCLST) ; Set ward comments for order N DIERR,ERRLST,ORIFN,ACT S ORIFN=+ORID,ACT=+$P(ORID,";",2) D WP^DIE(100.008,ACT_","_ORIFN_",",50,"","WCLST","ERRLST") S ERR="" I $D(DIERR) S ERR="An error occurred while saving comments." Q OFCPLX(ORY,ORID,PRTORDER) ;Check if ORID is an child of the PRTORDER N NUMCHDS,NOWID,NOWVAL,X3,ORDA,ISNOW Q:'$D(^OR(100,+ORID,0)) S ISNOW=0 D ISNOW^ORWDXR(.ISNOW,+ORID) Q:ISNOW N PKG S PKG=$P($G(^OR(100,+ORID,0)),U,14) S PKG=$$NMSP^ORCD(PKG) I PKG'="PS" Q I $L($G(^OR(100,+ORID,3))),('$L($P(^(3),U,9))) Q S (NUMCHDS,NOWID,NOWVAL,X3,ORDA)=0 S PRTORDER=+$P(^(3),U,9) S X3=$G(^OR(100,PRTORDER,3)),ORDA=$P(X3,U,7) S PRTORDER=PRTORDER_";"_ORDA S NUMCHDS=$P($G(^OR(100,+PRTORDER,2,0)),U,4) I NUMCHDS>2 S ORY="COMPLEX-PSI"_U_PRTORDER S:$D(^OR(100,+PRTORDER,4.5,"ID","NOW")) NOWID=$O(^("NOW",0)) S:NOWID NOWVAL=$G(^OR(100,+PRTORDER,4.5,NOWID,1)) I NOWVAL=1 Q E S ORY="COMPLEX-PSI"_U_PRTORDER Q ISACTOI(ORY,OI) ;If it's an active orderable item I $G(^ORD(101.43,+OI,.1)),^(.1)'>$$NOW^XLFDT D . S ORY=$P($G(^ORD(101.43,OI,0)),U)_" has been inactivated and may not be ordered anymore." Q