[613] | 1 | ORX1 ; slc/dcm - OE/RR Nature of Order entry points ;12/26/96 09:49
| 2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**92,242**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 6
| 3 | ;
| 4 | NA(DEFAULT,REQUIRD,FB,DIRA,DC,LIST) ;Function to get Nature of order
| 5 | ;DEFAULT [not required] =Free text code or pointer to Nature of order (file 100.02).
| 6 | ; Used for default response.
| 7 | ;REQUIRD [not required] =1 to require a response from user,
| 8 | ; =0 (default) not to require response.
| 9 | ;FB [not required] =F for frontdoor,
| 10 | ; =B (default) for backdoor.
| 11 | ; Screens on Frontdoor/Backdoor types.
| 12 | ; Nature of order entries are setup to be available for
| 13 | ; frontdoor or backdoor processing.
| 14 | ;DIRA [not required] =prompt for DIR("A")
| 15 | ; default:"Reason for Order/Change"
| 16 | ;DC [not required] =1 if you want to include 'DC only' types,
| 17 | ; =0 (default) includes all other types except for 'DC only'.
| 18 | ;LIST [not required] =List of 'Nature of Order' codes (from file 100.02)
| 19 | ; allowed. If this is passed, then DC and FB params
| 20 | ; are ignored. Format: code1code2code3
| 21 | ;Example: S X=$$NA^ORX1(1,1,,,,"WVPIS")
| 22 | ;Returned value: ifn^name^code
| 24 | S DIR("?",1)="This order/change will be recorded in the patient's electronic record."
| 25 | S DIR("?",2)="Depending on the nature of this activity, a notification may be sent to the"
| 26 | S DIR("?",3)="requesting clinician to electronically sign this action, and a copy of this"
| 27 | S DIR("?",4)="action may be printed on the ward/clinic to be placed in the patient's chart."
| 28 | S DIR("?",5)=""
| 29 | S DIR("?",6)=" Enter '??' for more information."
| 30 | S DIR("?")=" "
| 31 | S DIR("A")=$S($L($G(DIRA)):DIRA,1:"Reason for Order/Change")
| 32 | I '$G(DEFAULT),$L($G(DEFAULT)),$O(^ORD(100.02,"C",DEFAULT,0)) S DEFAULT=$O(^(0))
| 33 | I $G(DEFAULT) S DIR("B")=$S($D(^ORD(100.02,+DEFAULT,0)):$S('$L($G(LIST)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:$S($L($G(LIST))&($G(LIST)[$P(^(0),"^",2)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:""),1:""),1:"") K:DIR("B")="" DIR("B")
| 34 | S DIR(0)="P^100.02:EMZ"
| 35 | S:'$D(FB) FB="B" S:FB="" FB="B" S:'$D(DC) DC=0
| 36 | I $L($G(LIST)) S DIR("S")="I '$P(^(0),""^"",4),'$P(^(0),""^"",3),LIST[$P(^(0),""^"",2)"
| 37 | I '$L($G(LIST)) S DIR("S")="I '$P(^(0),""^"",4),'$P(^(0),""^"",3),('$P(^(0),""^"",6)!(DC)),"_$S(FB="B":"""XB""[$P(^(0),""^"",5)",FB="F":"""XF""[$P(^(0),""^"",5)",1:0)
| 38 | S DIR("S")=DIR("S")_",'$$SCREEN^XTID(100.02,,Y_"","")" ;inactive VUID
| 39 | S DIR("??")="^D NA1^ORX1(DIR(""S""))"
| 40 | OT2 D ^DIR
| 41 | I 'Y,$G(REQUIRD)=1 W !,"A "_$S($L($G(DIRA)):DIRA,1:"NATURE OF ORDER/CHANGE")_" must be entered",$C(7),! G OT2
| 42 | I Y S $P(Y,"^",3)=$P(^ORD(100.02,+Y,0),"^",2)
| 43 | Q Y
| 44 | NA1(SCREEN) ;Executable help for Nature of order
| 45 | ;SCREEN=Mumps code that is used like DIC("S") to screen out entries
| 46 | N X,X1,Y
| 47 | W !?30," Require",?43," Print",?56,"Print on"
| 48 | W !?2,"Nature of Order Activity",?29,"E.Signature",?43,"Chart Copy",?56,"Summary"
| 49 | W !?2,"------------------------",?29,"-----------",?43,"----------",?56,"--------"
| 50 | S Y=0 F S Y=$O(^ORD(100.02,Y)) Q:Y<1 I $D(^(Y,0)) X:$D(SCREEN) SCREEN I $T S X=^ORD(100.02,Y,0),X1=$G(^(1)) W !,?2,$P(X,"^"),?34,$S($P(X1,"^",4)=2:"x",1:""),?47,$S($P(X1,"^",2):"x",1:""),?59,$S($P(X1,"^",3):"x",1:"")
| 51 | Q
| 52 | NA2(SCREEN) ;Get help for DC Reasons
| 53 | ;SCREEN=Mumps code that is used like DIC("S") to screen out entries
| 54 | N X,X1,I
| 55 | W !?30," Require",?43," Print",?56,"Print on"
| 56 | W !,"Order Reason",?29,"E.Signature",?43,"Chart Copy",?56,"Summary"
| 57 | W !,"------------",?29,"-----------",?43,"----------",?56,"--------"
| 58 | S I=0 F S I=$O(^ORD(100.03,I)) Q:I<1 I $D(^(I,0)) X:$D(SCREEN) SCREEN I $T S X=^(0) I $P(X,"^",7),$D(^ORD(100.02,$P(X,"^",7),0)) W !,$P(X,"^") S X=^(0),X1=$G(^(1)) D
| 59 | . W ?34,$S($P(X1,"^",4)=2:"x",1:""),?47,$S($P(X1,"^",2):"x",1:""),?59,$S($P(X1,"^",3):"x",1:"")
| 60 | Q
| 61 | ;
| 62 | CREATE(X) ; -- Returns 1 or 0, if action should be created or not
| 63 | N Y Q:'$L($G(X)) 0
| 64 | I 'X S X=+$O(^ORD(100.02,"C",X,0))
| 65 | S Y=+$P($G(^ORD(100.02,+X,1)),U)
| 66 | Q Y
| 67 | ;
| 68 | SIGSTS(X) ; -- Returns default signature status for nature X
| 69 | N Y S Y="" G:'$L($G(X)) SIGQ
| 70 | I 'X S X=+$O(^ORD(100.02,"C",X,0)) G:'X SIGQ
| 71 | S Y=$P($G(^ORD(100.02,+X,1)),U,4)
| 72 | SIGQ Q Y
| 73 | ;
| 74 | CHART(X) ; -- Returns 1 or 0, print chart copy for nature X
| 75 | N Y S Y="" G:'$L($G(X)) CHQ
| 76 | I 'X S X=+$O(^ORD(100.02,"C",X,0)) G:'X CHQ
| 77 | S Y=$P($G(^ORD(100.02,+X,1)),U,2)
| 78 | CHQ Q Y
| 79 | ;
| 80 | ACTV(X) ; -- Returns 1 or 0, include action in Active Orders
| 81 | N Y S Y="" G:'$L($G(X)) ACTQ
| 82 | I 'X S X=+$O(^ORD(100.02,"C",X,0)) G:'X ACTQ
| 83 | S Y=$P($G(^ORD(100.02,+X,1)),U,6)
| 84 | ACTQ Q Y
| 85 | ;
| 86 | DC(DEFAULT,REQ,PKG,DIRA) ;Function to get a DC Reason
| 87 | ;DEFAULT=ifn of default reason
| 88 | ;REQ=1 to require a response
| 89 | ;PKG=ptr to file 9.4 to only get reasons for a specific package
| 90 | ;DIRA=Default prompt to be used instead of DIR("A")
| 92 | S DIR("?",1)="This order/change will be recorded in the patient's electronic record."
| 93 | S DIR("?",2)="Depending of the nature of this activity, a notification may be sent to the"
| 94 | S DIR("?",3)="requesting clinician to electronically sign this action, and a copy of this"
| 95 | S DIR("?",4)="action may be printed on the ward/clinic to be placed in the patient's chart."
| 96 | S DIR("?",5)=""
| 97 | S DIR("?")=" "
| 98 | S DIR("A")="Reason" I $L($G(DIRA)) S DIR("A")=DIRA
| 99 | I $G(DEFAULT) S DIR("B")=$S($G(DEFAULT):$S($D(^ORD(100.03,+DEFAULT,0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:""),1:"")
| 100 | S DIR(0)="P^100.03:EMZ"
| 101 | S DIR("S")="I '$P(^(0),""^"",4)"_$S($G(PKG):",$P(^(0),""^"",5)=PKG",1:"")
| 102 | S DIR("??")="^D NA2^ORX1(DIR(""S""))"
| 103 | OT1 D ^DIR
| 104 | I 'Y,$G(REQ)=1 W !,"A REASON FOR DC must be entered",$C(7),! G OT1
| 105 | Q $S(Y:+Y_"^"_$G(Y(0)),1:Y)
| 106 | ;
| 107 | EDITDCR ; -- Edit DC Reason
| 109 | EDC1 S DIC=100.03,DIC(0)="AELNQM",DIC("A")="Select DC REASON: ",DLAYGO=100.03
| 110 | S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,5)="_+$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","OR",0)),D="B^S"
| 111 | S DIC("DR")=".05////"_+$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","OR",0)) D MIX^DIC1 Q:Y'>0
| 112 | S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC,DR=".01;.03;.04;.07" D ^DIE
| 113 | W ! G EDC1
| 114 | Q
| 115 | ;
| 116 | EDITNAT ; -- Edit allowable Nature of Order fields
| 117 | N X,Y,DA,DR,DIE,DIC W !
| 118 | EDN S DIC="^ORD(100.02,",DIC(0)="AEQM",DIC("A")="Select NATURE OF ORDER: "
| 119 | S DIC("S")="I '$P(^(0),""^"",4),'$$SCREEN^XTID(100.02,,Y_"","")" ;inactive VUID
| 120 | D ^DIC Q:Y<1
| 121 | S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC,DR=".12;.13;.15;.16" D ^DIE
| 122 | W ! G EDN
| 123 | Q