[613] | 1 | ORX2 ; slc/dcm - OE/RR Patient lock entry points ;4/21/04 09:46
| 2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**16,48,158,168,183,190,195**;Dec 17, 1997
| 3 | PT1 ;;Entry point to unlock patient when done adding orders - NO LONGER USED
| 4 | ;;Required variable ORVP.
| 5 | Q:'$D(ORVP) Q:'$L(ORVP) Q:ORVP'["DPT("
| 7 | Q
| 8 | LK ;;Entry point for locking patient when updating orders
| 9 | ;;Entry: X=VP to Patient "DFN;DPT(" Exit: Y=1 if lock succeeds
| 10 | Q:'$D(X) Q:'$L(X) Q:X'["DPT(" Q:'$D(@("^"_$P(X,";",2)_+X_",0)"))
| 11 | S Y=$$LOCK(+X) Q:Y
| 12 | W !!,$C(7),$P(Y,U,2) D READ
| 13 | S Y=0 K X
| 14 | Q
| 15 | ULK ;;Entry point to unlock patient
| 16 | ;;Required variable X=VP to patient.
| 17 | Q:'$D(X) Q:'$L(X) Q:X'["DPT(" Q:'$D(@("^"_$P(X,";",2)_+X_",0)"))
| 18 | D UNLOCK(+X)
| 19 | Q
| 20 | ;
| 21 | LOCK(DFN) ; -- Lock patient chart (silent)
| 22 | ; Returns 1 if successful, or 0^Message if could not get lock
| 23 | ;
| 24 | Q:'$G(DFN) "0^Invalid patient" N Y,ORLK,NOW,NOW1
| 25 | S ORLK=$G(^XTMP("ORPTLK-"_DFN,1)) Q:ORLK=(DUZ_U_$J) 1 ;locked
| 26 | L +^XTMP("ORPTLK-"_DFN):1 I '$T S Y="0^"_$S(+ORLK:$P($G(^VA(200,+ORLK,0)),U),1:"Another person")_" is editing orders for this patient." Q Y
| 28 | S ^XTMP("ORPTLK-"_DFN,0)=NOW1_U_NOW_"^CPRS Chart Lock",^(1)=DUZ_U_$J
| 29 | Q 1
| 30 | ;
| 31 | UNLOCK(DFN) ; -- Unlock patient chart (silent)
| 32 | L -^XTMP("ORPTLK-"_DFN)
| 33 | I $G(^XTMP("ORPTLK-"_DFN,1))=(DUZ_U_$J) K ^XTMP("ORPTLK-"_DFN)
| 34 | Q
| 35 | ;
| 36 | INC(IFN) ;Increment zero node on file 100.2
| 37 | N X,X3,X4
| 38 | Q:'$G(IFN) 1 Q:$D(^OR(100.2,IFN)) 1
| 39 | L +^OR(100.2,0):5 I '$T Q 0
| 40 | S:'$D(^OR(100.2,0)) ^(0)="OE/RR PATIENT^100.2P" S X=^(0)
| 41 | S X4=+$P(X,U,4)+1,X3=$S(IFN>$P(X,U,3):IFN,1:$P(X,U,3))
| 42 | S $P(^OR(100.2,0),U,3,4)=X3_U_X4
| 43 | L -^OR(100.2,0)
| 44 | Q 1
| 45 | ;
| 46 | LOCK1(ORDER) ; -- Lock ORDER in file #100
| 47 | ; Returns 1 if successful or 0^Message if could not get lock
| 48 | ;
| 49 | N X,Y,NOW,NOW1 I '$G(ORDER) Q "0^Invalid order number"
| 50 | ;DBIA #4001 Private DBIA w CMOP
| 51 | I $D(^XTMP("ORLK-"_ORDER,0)),(^(0)["CPRS/CMOP") Q "0^CMOP Transmission"
| 52 | L +^OR(100,+ORDER):1 I '$T S X=+$G(^XTMP("ORLK-"_+ORDER,1)),Y="0^"_$S(X:$P($G(^VA(200,X,0)),U),1:"Another person")_" is working on this order." Q Y
| 53 | I $P($G(^OR(100,+ORDER,0)),U,12)="I" S Y=+$P($G(^(3)),U,6) I Y,$P($G(^OR(100,Y,3)),U,3)=11 D Q Y
| 54 | . S X=$S($P(^OR(100,Y,3),U,11)=2:"renewal",1:"edit")
| 55 | . S Y="0^An unreleased "_X_" exists for this order." L -^OR(100,+ORDER)
| 57 | S ^XTMP("ORLK-"_+ORDER,0)=NOW1_U_NOW_"^CPRS Order Lock",^(1)=DUZ_U_$J
| 58 | Q 1
| 59 | ;
| 60 | UNLK1(ORDER) ; -- Unlock ORDER in file #100
| 61 | ;DBIA #4001 CMOP
| 63 | I $D(^XTMP("ORLK-"_ORDER,0)),(^(0)["CPRS/CMOP") D Q
| 64 | . I $J'=$P($G(^XTMP("ORLK-"_ORDER,1)),U,2) Q
| 65 | . L -^OR(100,ORDER) K ^XTMP("ORLK-"_ORDER)
| 66 | L +^OR(100,ORDER):1
| 67 | I '$T Q
| 68 | E L -^OR(100,ORDER)
| 69 | L -^OR(100,ORDER) K ^XTMP("ORLK-"_ORDER)
| 70 | Q
| 71 | ;
| 72 | READ ; -- instead of READ^ORUTL
| 73 | N X,Y,DIR
| 74 | S DIR(0)="EA",DIR("A")=" Press return to continue "
| 75 | D ^DIR
| 76 | Q
| 77 | ;
| 78 | LCKEVT(EVT) ;Function atttempts to lock event, added w/patch 194
| 79 | N J
| 80 | F J=1:1:5 L +^ORE(100.2,EVT,0):1 Q:$T H 1
| 81 | Q $T
| 82 | ;
| 83 | UNLEVT(EVT) ;Unlocks global, added w/patch 195
| 84 | L -^ORE(100.2,EVT,0)
| 85 | Q